)] this motherfucker is the biggest scammer online. he has been called out on multiple other forums for ripping people off of gear and fake weed, what a fucking tool! Google his user name and you can read all about the scams. The best part is he and his 5 friends post 500 times a day and everyone thinks he runs shit. HEY MILLARD DIDN'T YOU CHASTISE ANOTHER MEMBER FOR THREATENING FELLOW MEMBERS! maybe you should look at the gay sadomasochist dribble this mouth breather is posting. Because Meso is a transparent board right lol[
)] You chickens kill me
Hey fellas. I've been away for 24hrs or so. Another fan....pardon me, the same internet stalker I've had since 2005, Hard to tell who he is sometimes cuz his name is always changing. That says a lot. Changing up handles all the time. Scammers do that so they can hide. See, I have nothing to hide.
I;ve been online since 1998 or so and I;ve onlu ever used this handle and biggerben692000. You can google that one too. Wow never thought anyone might do that? Shit. Got me. See, you can't have everyone love you online...so the ones that have their cyber advances refused get all butt hurt,
All the scammers I;ve exposed and cut the cash flow off to them. You better believe I have enemies. I handle that shit on line like I do in real life. In the world, at my place, we sleep with the front door unlocked. We encourage confrontation, don't give a fuck.
Online, there are only a couple reasons to change your handle. One reason is for security. If someone is trying to stay anonymous online(someone not sourcing anything)and for some reason his anonymity is compromised, by all means, change your handle. Any legit reason that has nothing to do with owing people money, change it up,
A source that has closed shop while owing customers money and then wants to start up again, regardless of the reason, if the hurt customer is not made whole is a scamming LOP.
I've got nothing to hide. Nothing. There are a couple of other guys over the years that have used my handle. However, the guy in the posts this handjob is referring to is me. Do a little research. Can you find anything or anyone to back up any of the accusations? I've looked. There isn't.
This half a fag didn't even read the posts through? The post about mail order marijuana(MOM) wasn;t about bb69 selling weed good or bad, scam or legit.
Check it out. There are many guys in the community that not only know my ID but I;m a part of their day to day lives.
I belong to probably 15 bb'ing boards. I am a regular poster and daily active member on 4. The board owners at 3 of them know my real ID. They know guys that are respected and have status that would go to the mat for me as I would do for them. The owner here at Meso, Millard Baker, as far as I know, doesn't know my real name. Just like he doesn't know most of yours. There hasn't been a reason for him to seek it out. All he;d have to do if he wanted to know it or he NEEDED to know it is ask guys here. Millard is friendly with mugsy. Mugsy owns 2 of the 3 other boards I frequent. If I was a danger or a thief u think he and regular wouldn't serve me up? Regular lives about an hr from me. He knows me out there.
Anybody know this piece of garbage talking shit. Oh wait. It's gearusing in disguise. Oh wait. I know his real name address and the name of his aunt. She the closest thing to a gf this lame has. Anything else?