Best cycle cholesterol support supplement?

If red yeast rice contains its active ingredient Monacolin K (apparently not anymore in the US) the you basically take a statin. Monacolin K = lovastatin.

Why wouldn't you then just take a modern statin like rosuvastatin instead? At least you know what you get. Dunno about American prices but in Europe it's cheaper than red yeast rice.
I made this switch, taking crestor once a week now...
Red rice yeast is still available in the US . Just enhanced versions are not allowed. And the amount of active ingredient varies a lot it seems.
Yeah. 3 weeks on it and LDL dropped by 70%. Together with the 5mg rosuvastatin and 10mg ezetimibe my LDL has gone from 155 to 22 while i'm on a considerable amount of gear,
My ldl as a natural (no gear) was always around 160, 230 total. My last lipid panel ldl was 33, hdl 32, total 79 on a heavy cycle and 10mg rosuvastatin 5mg ezetimibe. ApoB went from 110 to 56
My doctor tried to give me that but my insurance denied it and had some crazy stipulations to qualify for it so he just prescribed rosuvastatin
Same here. They have to hop through tons of hoops to be able to prescribe it which is why I pay out of pocket.

Did taking them together cause you any kidney problems: dark urine, messed up bloodwork?
Nothing like that and no side effects so far either.
Same here. They have to hop through tons of hoops to be able to prescribe it which is why I pay out of pocket..

Sucks to pay out of pocket from what I saw its pretty pricey. For whats it worth I’m getting similar results as you but just on rosuvastatin and ezetimibe but I do eat very low fat diet as well