BuyDeus - Official Distributors of Deus Medical (AAS, Peptides, SARMs, PCT) - EU Domestic & Global

I already have those codes...
Will u guys do a promo soon?
Hello :)

Yes, we do.

We have a new promo for Valentine, 10% off on all orders:




We hope you guys are actually doing something on Valentine ;)

Also, we are changing our site design :) So make sure to check it out.

Since you guys are advertising peptides, are they ever coming out?
Yes. It has been delayed heavily because of COVID19. We will start with HCG and HGH. I still can't give you an exact date, but it is planned for the next months.

Is HCG available yet?
Not yet, but you can find it at our second site, GetPCT:

Hopefully, we will also have HCG soon in our UK warehouse as well :)

Your website is confusing. All I can see is sarms and no steroids?

Also, how can I find out what products you ship direct within the UK? Have you got Deus available in the UK warehouse?
Your website is confusing. All I can see is sarms and no steroids?

Also, how can I find out what products you ship direct within the UK? Have you got Deus available in the UK warehouse?
Hey, simply search "buydeus" on google and you will see the steroids page.

Here it is:

If you use the search bar you can also find AAS products.

Hey guys… What the hell is going on with your website? I wanted to place an order today, but your shitty website is down all day…

And, why is it so difficult for you to add the Injectable category to your website? Why do I need to go to Google and search: buydeus steroids?????
What happened to your websites?
Hello :)

Someone made a false complaint to our domain registrar.

in the meanwhile, you can use our temporary domain:

the buydeus domain will be back soon. we will soon explain exactly what happend.

Hey guys… What the hell is going on with your website? I wanted to place an order today, but your shitty website is down all day…

And, why is it so difficult for you to add the Injectable category to your website? Why do I need to go to Google and search: buydeus steroids?????
We already addressed this in another post :)

Can you please tell me what products you have available for purchase from the UK warehouse/UK reseller?

I'm asking coz I'm in UK.
Right now , we only have PCT and sexual health products in the UK. we will update soon once other site is live again as well.

what about your getpct website? Do you have a temporary for that?
GetPCT will be active in a week or so. it will take a bit longer to bring it back.

Buydeus com is not working again:

We will have a promo in a few hours.
Have you got HCG and/or HMG in UK at the moment?
Not at the moment. HCG is really hard to get right now in Europe.

It will take a while too for getpct to be back online.

If anyone is interested knowing what happened, you can read more here:

TLDR: AIPCTSHOP is behind the attacks on us, whether or not they have complained about Express, we don't know.

The good news is that our domain is back, you can use the coupon code:


for a 12% off discount.

The coupon will be valid for 10 days :)
