Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020


Pro fighter in real life


I googled you, you’re record is literally 0 wins and 4 losses

I am trembling
I know who’s record that is tho he is a freind of mine his initials are P.B and trust me he could literally fuck you in the ass If he wanted to and there’s nothing you could do about it. And all those fights went the distance he lost on points didn’t even get dropped lol if you were in there it would be maybe 5 seconds
Lost At the highest level InThe world but he’s a bitch hahahhahahahah your such a fuckin tool box man hahahaha

Enlighten me, aren’t performing enhancing drugs banned in pro fighting? Surely you guys aren’t allowed to do tren and shit like that

so not only are you a rat bitch who hides behind multiple handles, but you also have to cheat to wi… I mean.. lose?

Fucking embarassing

why don’t you just stop while your ahead, if you can call it that
Enlighten me, aren’t performing enhancing drugs banned in pro fighting? Surely you guys aren’t allowed to do tren and shit like that

so not only are you a rat bitch who hides behind multiple handles, but you also have to cheat to wi… I mean.. lose?

Fucking embarassing

why don’t you just stop while your ahead, if you can call it that
Wheres my info I thought u we’re gonna put up still waiting
Lol you told me a bunch of shit hahahaha
It was pretty funny actually once I called your bluff and you figured out your little fantasies about putting me in the ER and and all this other fantasy stuff u were talking was absolutley not a possibility you go into informant mode. That’s what rats do your a straight up goof buddy. Your the one who jumped on here talking shit me being a man pmed you cus anyone can type whatever they want lol after a bunch of nonsense fantasy things u said you were
Gonna do to me I sent you a link to a clip proving your an idiot and I would gladly show you wtf is up any day any time you went full taureau on me and snitched! I hope no reps deal with you directly man the second you were in trouble for anything you would be throwing anyone you can under the bus! YOURE A FUCKIN RAT! You didn’t outsmart anyone I’m just not a goof like you so I assumed you had some honour and weren’t a fuckin rat.
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Hello meso,

all opinions expressed by said individual are solely their current opinions and do not reflect the opinions of Pareto or it's clients.

Hey Alexa, play "Why can't we be friends" by WAR
Hello meso,

all opinions expressed by said individual are solely their current opinions and do not reflect the opinions of Pareto or it's clients.

Hey Alexa, play "Why can't we be friends" by WAR

There's such a thing as being too nice. If you don't draw the line in the sand between customer and anonymous drug buying friend, you'll inevitably get fanbois that can't control themselves and shit up your thread with nonsense.

No. Creating Pareto thread #3 is not a viable solution, so don't get any ideas. :D
There's such a thing as being too nice. If you don't draw the line in the sand between customer and anonymous drug buying friend, you'll inevitably get fanbois that can't control themselves and shit up your thread with nonsense.

No. Creating Pareto thread #3 is not a viable solution, so don't get any ideas. :D
Oh, don't let my piss poor attempt at humor fool you. I do not condone behvaiour like that with any of my clients. I can assure you that I do not do business with that individual, and I do not appreciate threats of violence towards members on any online forum. I promise I won't make pareto thread #3, unless of course one day I can make a merger deal with MSG labs :)
Oh, don't let my piss poor attempt at humor fool you. I do not condone behvaiour like that with any of my clients. I can assure you that I do not do business with that individual, and I do not appreciate threats of violence towards members on any online forum. I promise I won't make pareto thread #3, unless of course one day I can make a merger deal with MSG labs :)

MSG labs 4 life
You cant match their qaulity bro.