Deus Medical infection , septicemie!

Sancho Solis

New Member
Hello !

I used sustanon from Deus medical and second day the muscle where i made the injection in was very inflamated . The next day started to make black , I went to emergency hospital and they keept me one week , I’m lucky that I did not die the doctor said. I sufered a lot all the days they get out liquid from my muscle(fesier muscle) the place where I injected . Inside the ampule they puted non sterile product! I also maked complain to the police they search this company. I don’t want eny body to have this very bad nightmare like I experienced. I also put the fotos here where I was infected , I have to documents from the police , who want to contact me for more info they can contact on the email. This is my real name , my facebook is the same , even naw I have problems and scars from this big problem , be careful with what companies you use!


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Hola !

Usé Sustanon de Deus medical y el segundo día el músculo donde hice la inyección estaba muy inflamado. Al dia siguiente empezo a poner negro, fui al hospital de emergencia y me mantuvieron una semana, tengo suerte que no me murio dijo el medico. Sufrí mucho todos los días que me salían líquido del músculo (músculo más feo) del lugar donde me inyecté. ¡Dentro de la ampolla ponen un producto no estéril! También hice la denuncia a la policía para que registren esta empresa. No quiero que nadie tenga esta pesadilla tan mala como la que yo experimenté. También puse las fotos aquí donde me infecté, tengo documentos de la policía, que quieran contactarme para obtener más información, pueden comunicarse en el correo electrónico. Este es mi nombre real, mi facebook es el mismo, aun ahora tengo problemas y cicatrices de este gran problema, ¡cuidado con las compañías que usas!


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I'm surprised how fast this get infected and evolved that quick. In 2 days to look that bad.
Gladly you got out of this.
Openly admitting your name and Facebook profile while saying you have been to the police to report on an underground drug manufacturing organisation….. ☠️
Openly admitting your name and Facebook profile while saying you have been to the police to report on an underground drug manufacturing organisation….. ☠️
Nothing will happen to him. UGL and the dealer I would say otherwise.
If people can get hurt or they were hurt police it would look for them.
That's why you don't see guys who sells benzos on this forum but they sell antibiotics. If a guy took benzos to kill himself and ended in a hospital and said I got those online from x source then that source should look over their shoulder because police will knock on their door.
Is not like police can't take down every ugl that's on this forum if they want but they don't do that as steroids don't kill people like heroin does so it's not a priority to do that. But if a ugl put a guy in a hospital police will make a priority to look for that ugl as someone got hurt.
With all the security measures a ugl or a customer take police can track you down easily if they want.
If you still have access to the vial, please look for a lot or batch number and share it here. That way, the vendor and other users can look what they have and decide whether or not to throw it away.

Do you know which organism caused the infection? Did you provide your doctors the vial to test for the pathogen?

Some spore-forming organisms can hitch a ride in oil-based gear, but it’s usually a bad environment for bacteria, so it’s less expected than water-based gear as a source. Still, it is very important to know whether the bug came from the vial or the environment, because other people may be at risk.

I’m really glad you made it through this, it’s a very scary situation.
If you still have access to the vial, please look for a lot or batch number and share it here. That way, the vendor and other users can look what they have and decide whether or not to throw it away.

Do you know which organism caused the infection? Did you provide your doctors the vial to test for the pathogen?

Some spore-forming organisms can hitch a ride in oil-based gear, but it’s usually a bad environment for bacteria, so it’s less expected than water-based gear as a source. Still, it is very important to know whether the bug came from the vial or the environment, because other people may be at risk.
I did not have the vials I gaved to the police they investigate it, also the doctor confirmed that the serum was infected
1 ml normal dose , thank you!
Thanks for answering

When trying a new batch i always start with a small volune, like 0.05 ml in by glutes to see how I react

Don’t know if it is correct but i think it should limit the severity of the infection if the gear is bad
Thanks for answering

When trying a new batch i always start with a small volune, like 0.05 ml in by glutes to see how I react

Don’t know if it is correct but i think it should limit the severity of the infection if the gear is bad

Try onli farmaceutical companies , this underground I don t recomind beleve me ! If you will have this problem you will don’t want to try nothing ,even orals . The doctors take out from my ass almost 1 liter of white liquid , also they taked out some infected part of my muscle . Soon I will send new fotos