Steroid Profile Dianabol

Anyone have experience with solely preworkout dbol? Or more specifically injectable dbol? Like an hour before leg day every 5 days or so, would that even do enough as a preworkout oral or is it a waste to not let it build up levels in your bloodstream by dosing consistently?
Not exactly pre workout experience, but I wrote my experience with injectable dbol and compared it with oral:

Post #100
i also checked the scratch code on the hilma website and its legit.

Wait ... you are telling me a company sold you a steroid and made sure to have matching series numbers on their website to ensure when you verify it you are not suspicious of anything ???

Its just not that great.

Ohhhhhh .......

Maybe you should have gone with ...

"Panda, panda (git) panda, panda, panda, panda, panda (git, git, git)"
Did you feel any better pumps or hard to say? My bp’s been pretty good and bloodwork came back great so i’m thinking of experimenting with it a little lol just trying to decide between dbol and anadrol

I think so, and I don't think it's only active the day you take it. Like, I remember getting good arm pumps even on days I didn't take it (I was taking it 2-3x/wk). Worth a try imo
Pinned 30mg before legs today.. triple dropset leg extensions, 2 straight failure sets on leg press followed by widow maker into my 2 straight failure RDL sets. Felt fun to train like that and be able to recover between sets but a little over the top in terms of what I need for progression right now lol. The neural drive I seemed to get was fun but feels like more of an “every once in a while” kind of drug for those days when I’m just really dragging