Differences between IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1 DES (mention to PEG-MGF)


New Member
Hi everyone.

Since I started in the world of enhancing compounds, something that has always caught my attention above the rest are peptides, especially those that promote the increase of growth hormone and its derivatives.

To a greater or lesser extent I have learned a lot about these peptides and their types: MK-677, GHRP, GHRH, HGH Fragment... but no matter how much I research, I lack a lot of updated information (or experiences) about what are supposed to be the most potent: IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1 DES, in addition to PEG-MGF.

Basically what I come to ask is what you can share whatever you know about these two peptides and their applications, some interesting information to know:

- What are their mechanical differences (at the level of operation)?

- What protocol is usually used?

- For what purpose are they usually used?
(I have seen growing people using IGF-1 LR3 to grow taller, is osteogenesis possible with these compounds?)

- What side effects can occur and with what severity or reversibility?

- How is PEG-MGF related to these IGF-1 variants? Is it really necessary in the first cycle?

I think that's all, any information is valuable for anyone who also has doubts.

Hi everyone.

Since I started in the world of enhancing compounds, something that has always caught my attention above the rest are peptides, especially those that promote the increase of growth hormone and its derivatives.

To a greater or lesser extent I have learned a lot about these peptides and their types: MK-677, GHRP, GHRH, HGH Fragment... but no matter how much I research, I lack a lot of updated information (or experiences) about what are supposed to be the most potent: IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1 DES, in addition to PEG-MGF.

Basically what I come to ask is what you can share whatever you know about these two peptides and their applications, some interesting information to know:

- What are their mechanical differences (at the level of operation)?

- What protocol is usually used?

- For what purpose are they usually used?
(I have seen growing people using IGF-1 LR3 to grow taller, is osteogenesis possible with these compounds?)

- What side effects can occur and with what severity or reversibility?

- How is PEG-MGF related to these IGF-1 variants? Is it really necessary in the first cycle?

I think that's all, any information is valuable for anyone who also has doubts.

This information is valuable, that's why anybody who can answer them properly gets paid to apply it.
Hey Type-IIx lonng time lurker I love your articles! I have seen some concerning reviews for generic IGF-lr3 I tried compounding pharmacy LR3 and it was mind blowing at the time. Do you recommend a certain source for your clients? I see QSC and others stock it
This information is valuable, that's why anybody who can answer them properly gets paid to apply it.
Super bro-science but LR3 might act more systemically whereas DES is more local to injection site. I know of no actual evidence supporting this.

I like LR3 in general. Haven't tried DES but if I did, might consider site-specific injections into lagging muscles or the muscles I'm training that day.

DES injections are thus theoretically bilateral & daily (maybe twice a day), so factor that into your daily injection burden considerations.