Tomorrow, new batches of oral products will arrive.

We will make a video report on how they are preparing for action! :D

See you tomorrow, gentlemen, have a good night !


Since the orals ran out so quickly, we had to contact the headquarters and call for reinforcements!

P.S. ...have a good day, gentlemen!;)
Order received from dryad. Impeccable packaging. 8 days to reach Western Europe. Soon I will draw blood, I plan to do a trt with testo undecanato and I will also use oxandrolone pre-workout 30mg. thank you dryad


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Order received from dryad. Impeccable packaging. 8 days to reach Western Europe. Soon I will draw blood, I plan to do a trt with testo undecanato and I will also use oxandrolone pre-workout 30mg. thank you dryad

Hello and thank you very much for your feedback and photos!

We are waiting for your blood tests and feedback on a cycle with interest and... enjoy your use, sir! :)
Do you offer site credit for blood tests or only gear testing?

Hello, sir!

Thank you for your question!

Unfortunately, officially we can only finance the blind testing, as written in our intro.
In a regular medical lab, you won't be able to test for anything in our assortment other than testosterone and growth hormone, probably.

People are too different, as is the rate of release of substances into the blood. The difference in concentration in the blood from person to person varies several times. For example, pay attention to research called ''Effects of different doses of testosterone on gonadotropins, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, and blood lipids in healthy men'' - DOI:10.2147/SAR.S71285 .

On the chart below you can see variations of testosterone concentration in blood to administer the same dose of the drug to different people. You can see that response to 500 mg of medical-grade testosterone displayed from 30 to 120 nmol\l. Up to 4 times.


People differ from each other and injection sites and a huge number of other factors, such as, for example, the activity of immunity at a given time

Therefore, in order not to test the particular human, we test only products itself.

However, we will be happy to reward you for your activity and public feedback- posting it in this thread. After the blood test we will help you to read results in a proper way. If you may need a recommendation on how to get correct results from bloodwork feel free to contact DM or ask here, sir!

Also. You know what would be wonderful? If you offered Stenbolone acetate - just saying

And why do you need such an exotic drug exactly?
...if there are good reasons and demand, we will seriously consider this proposal, as we do our best to respond to the wishes of customers!
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And why do you need such an exotic drug exactly?
Looks like fun?

Seriously, it may be a good performance enhancer for sports where strength to weight ratio is important. IE where increased performance without weight gain matters. Winstrol is the obvious compound for this but the effect it has on collagen deposition is concerning if the sport in question (climbing) relies on tendon strength.

One way to find out eh?
hey guys, since you added HGH.. do you have plans on adding other peptides such as cjc dac, ghrp 2,6.. etc etc ?
hey guys, since you added HGH.. do you have plans on adding other peptides such as cjc dac, ghrp 2,6.. etc etc ?


Thanks for the good question!

I assure you, peptides are on their way. and their arrival will be no less epic than our latest oral product line on a video above!

Follow our thread and soon we will present excellent peptides at a good price!

Have a good evening,sir!

Thanks for the good question!

I assure you, peptides are on their way. and their arrival will be no less epic than our latest oral product line on a video above!

Follow our thread and soon we will present excellent peptides at a good price!

Have a good evening,sir!
If you’re adding peptides, here is something to keep in mind: CJC-1295 at higher doses. The clinical trials show efficacy at around 4.5mg per weekly dose. But it’s usually only available in 2mg vials which works out very expensive if you need to use 2 vials per administration.
So are you still out of pills or just what's out of stock on the website?

Hello, sir!

Do you need something specific? I will make a check for you!

Yes, Our laboratory working on new batch of orals, i used to make a post about it with a cool video, so i would recommend to check our shop in regular manner, sir;)

But im sure that warehouse was replenished few days ago.

P.S. Post with a video below, enjoy )


Since the orals ran out so quickly, we had to contact the headquarters and call for reinforcements!

P.S. ...have a good day, gentlemen!;)
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Ordering 3 boxes clen now for start of cutttt

Hello ,sir!

Thank you for your support and trust.

I'm sure you already know, however the advice I give to all clen users is :

If you will take clen with pauses(one week on, one week off, for example), desensitization of adrenaline receptors will be delayed, also in this case, you can get by with a lower dosage and avoid some of the side effects

If you need some additional advice, I will be happy to share )))

Have a good evening and a cutting cycle, sir!
Hello ,sir!

Thank you for your support and trust.

I'm sure you already know, however the advice I give to all clen users is :

If you will take clen with pauses(one week on, one week off, for example), desensitization of adrenaline receptors will be delayed, also in this case, you can get by with a lower dosage and avoid some of the side effects

If you need some additional advice, I will be happy to share )))

Have a good evening and a cutting cycle, sir!
Yes i do little runs 12 days even and i have ketotifen as well.
Site customer support worked well! I await my package patiently.
Thanks for the link to research by the way. Will be reading the paper with interest

Hello ,sir!

Im glad that you like it, we will do our best to share most useful information here, at MESO!

In my free time I am writing an article about trebolone, it will be a long read, and I hope you will enjoy it !

Stay tuned and have a nice evening ,sir!