hey guys, since you added HGH.. do you have plans on adding other peptides such as cjc dac, ghrp 2,6.. etc etc ?

Greetings, sir!

Yes, we are planning to make a full range of peptides in our stock, now our laboratory is working on it and we will make an effort to make the best product.

Updates coming soon, and we will inform you as soon as possible! ;)

Have a good evening ,sir!
If you have tested and well priced Tesamorelin (10mg vials are ideal) I'd be interested. If you ever offer this please post up about it.
If you’re adding peptides, here is something to keep in mind: CJC-1295 at higher doses. The clinical trials show efficacy at around 4.5mg per weekly dose. But it’s usually only available in 2mg vials which works out very expensive if you need to use 2 vials per administration.

Looks like fun?

Seriously, it may be a good performance enhancer for sports where strength to weight ratio is important. IE where increased performance without weight gain matters. Winstrol is the obvious compound for this but the effect it has on collagen deposition is concerning if the sport in question (climbing) relies on tendon strength.

One way to find out eh?

Hello, sir!

We took your suggestion , so...
... the idea of Stenbolone will be discussed at the next briefing, a letter about the ideas regarding the peptide CJC-1295 concentration was also sent to our laboratory, waiting for their answer for now.
We will inform you about the news in this tread.

Have a nice day, sir!

I don’t think many people really read clinical research papers do they? I understand that people are taking CJC at 100-300 micrograms per week. The following paper clearly states that the optimum dosage is more than 10 times that.

Teichman SL, Neale A, Lawrence B, Gagnon C, Castaigne JP, Frohman LA. Prolonged stimulation of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I secretion by CJC-1295, a long-acting analog of GH-releasing hormone, in healthy adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Mar;91(3):799-805. doi: 10.1210/jc.2005-1536. Epub 2005 Dec 13. PMID: 16352683.

This would suggest that 5mg vials would be more appropriate and one vail should be administered once per week.

I don’t think many people really read clinical research papers do they? I understand that people are taking CJC at 100-300 micrograms per week. The following paper clearly states that the optimum dosage is more than 10 times that.

This would suggest that 5mg vials would be more appropriate and one vail should be administered once per week.

Good morning,sir!

Actually its inspiring, to talking to our clients and share an information that is interesting for both of us.

Thank you very much for the study, it has already been sent to our laboratory, few seconds ago, they will comment and i will share with you, because in matters of peptides there are much more qualified people than me.

Thanks again and have a good day, sir!
Delivery was good, support was replying fast and keeping you updated, will make another updated when i am done with my cycle.


Thank you for your feedback, sir!
It is very important for us to receive it and understand what we can do better and what we doing great already :)

Tell us how your cycle will go and what are your impressions after the first injections.

Thanks again for your feedback and have a nice day, sir!