European Pharmaceuticals

I understand that its frustrating having a pkg in limbo. Believe me when I tell you I do. As a matter of fact, you can take a look at a post I made in the Turkish Pharmacy thread. Posted it just last week.

However, I made the post after everything played out. I didn't keep any info pertinent to the situation that could help or hurt any meso member deciding on using the service of the source in question. Its clear the post was made by a satisfied customer. It was also clear that it was made by a mature consumer who has been around the block a time or 2.

I use the word "mature" to describe the meso member side of me. I didn't use it to belittle you or insult you. In time, and through experience and trusting others who have gone before you and others, you'll make strides in becoming a mature consumer. I've seen it happen in others as well as have it happen to myself.

This last experience had 100 amps of Bayer Rimobolans, and a few other items, making up the first half of my order. It shipped out on schedule, made its way through a port of entry and into a warehouse where it sits to this day.

I hadn't ordered gear from an int source in a number of years. I've ordered int products that aren't Scheduled through my friend pharmacist many times. My Turkish connect sources more "controversial" products that I require and from my research I felt I was making a good choice on who would get my hard earned money. If nothing else, it was an informed decision.

What I didn't do was panic. I didn't make a post tainted with what comes across as looking for someone to lay blame and hoping my immature post would somehow be received as something other than what it is. My friend pharmacist is to much of a professional to call a spade a spade so I'll take the task. Your post is trash. It neither helps nor hurts anyone. It only serves to to remind us that meso has more than its share of helpless and hapless members who believe themselves too busy to read and discover that no matter how hard he wishes it to become a reality his problems, not unlike himself, is not unique. A petulant child demanding what pharmacist can't give him.

How do you want the man to handle your fragile psyche? He doesn't have a tracking device inside the pkg on its way to wherever it is you reside. You want answers that aren't available to him or anyone reading this thread. Patience is not a dirty word. Its something you lack. Again, its possible you may one day find some. Its also possible you never will. It takes practice.

The OP and others may read my calling the man "Friend" and believe that I'm the idiot. Laughing at the long winded member who has been tricked into a false sense of security believing that an online source cares about anything but the money I'm willing to part with for the products offered by this vendor. I assure you I haven't been fooled by anyone.

I haven't stopped by in some time. Its always a pleasure, pharmacist! My 2nd wife's son had a baby! Everyone loves a baby. I've been well. I'm emailing you after I end this ridiculously long post! As you know, this woman is 12 yrs my junior. I'm stocking up on the insurance policies you offer. After midnight is still HER time. I aim to make it count! Thank you for the service you provide!
I will only reply once to this, the fact of the matter is for you to not even be here for a long time and to say you know the individual as a friend, truly seems like you cannot take fact for a business that is run and has nothing to do with you. I stated in the small paragraph it was not pharmacist fault or anything to do with him, it was merely stating the facts of exactly what happen for any other reader concerned or being a first timer. Very simple, now with that aside this story book you decided to type is very interesting when you truly break it down. To me it is beyond amazing what you got out of a little paragraph. You know everything about me do you? and by your attitude and character well I could sit here and right the same book cause I would believe you showed a lot more about you, then me just saying how my order went (FACTS) with no intention nor anything in there stating anything bad about pharmacist. With all honesty I have done nothing but stayed in communication with the individual and have said nothing but respectful comments and appreciating what he does.. Now again on the fact you think you know me, YOU DONT KNOW SHIT GUY. Now with nothing to prove to you I leave you with this. READ MY OTHER POSTS ON PHARMACIST PAGES, because if you did I have already been thanking the man and telling him we need more people like him in the world helping others. Pharmacist also stated in a post he wanted people to leave reviews and I left one stating I absolutely will give a review after the process is done detailed telling the TRUTH of how it went and my thoughts and so I did! Also where I live, I more then appreciate his services because this country bans many healthy things as simple as DHEA, interesting though I ordered from BG Pharma at the same time and waited a month for there order and gave and honest opinion and review for other users exactly how it played out minus any serious details, Not one individual including BG had an issue and people actually approved what I stated and thanked me. So maybe if you are pharmacist so called friend, or if you just are a long time consumer and feel the need to defend him, I suggest you think about your actions on YOUR friends business when it has nothing to do with you, I am shur pharmacist is a grown adult and running HIS COMPANY if he felt the need to say something he can speak directly to his consumer if he feels a post or situation was of enough of an issue to do so. You just bouncing in a feeling you have a right or need to try and let's say ATTACK my post and then for no reason attack my character is beyond childish of you and very unprofessional. So please take a step back and think before you just jump in for no reason cause your haven a fit and attack another member for absolutely no reason. I will end with that cause a little fun fact about me, I have been around the world and probably have done more then most combined in the underworld, but also I understand business to the fullest as I run 3 companies myself and I am very professional and understand criticism comes in many ways and you need to take peoples comments and reviews for the better and be professional about it. take care bud
Package arrived safely. I’m not going to go into details, but I will say as strongly as I can that this guy is as solid as they come. If there’s any issues, he makes it right. His prices are great, it’s a legitimate pharmacy. If you or a loved one need a medication, for me it’s blood pressure meds for my uninsured wife, and I get some for myself, this is the guy to talk too. Thank you for what you do my friend, healthcare in the US absolutely sucks.
second attempt and got touch down, package was shipped again immediately and this one received within 3 weeks no hassles and no issues great service and contact, amazing work and product just as stated. Can say very happy with the process and will be ordering again. Everything this man does is greatly appreciated and the world needs more people like the pharmacist.. GREAT JOB and respect where it is needed.
Emailed 'Pharmacist' with my usual order. . .order was received & he immediately sent out my items 'before' accepting my payment! I honestly cannot praise 'Pharmacist' enough. . .he goes above & beyond, to help supply & provide an incredible valuable service, to those who require medications via prescription [only to be refused by their GPs]!

Like several end-users have stated in previous posts. . .the world needs more people like 'Pharmacist'! Thank you for your excellent service mate!
Where is the product list?
Here it is the last list!

Thank you!
Here it is the last list!

Thank you!
cant find hmg or hcg anywhere..... is there
any Ovitrelle HCG, Menopur and Meriofert HMG?
cant find hmg or hcg anywhere..... is there
any Ovitrelle HCG, Menopur and Meriofert HMG?

Yes of course!

6500 IU - $ 90 - Prefilled pen. Can be stored at room temp!!! B12 amps included for dilution.
HMG - MENOPUR by Ferring Germany
1 kit (powder+solvent) 75 IU $ 50
1 kit (powder+solvent) 150 IU $ 100

CTRL+F on the list page! For HMG now I have in stock Meriofert 75 IU, MENOPUR 150 IU and MENOPUR 600 IU also!

Best Regards
Yes of course!

6500 IU - $ 90 - Prefilled pen. Can be stored at room temp!!! B12 amps included for dilution.
HMG - MENOPUR by Ferring Germany

1 kit (powder+solvent) 75 IU $ 50
1 kit (powder+solvent) 150 IU $ 100

CTRL+F on the list page! For HMG now I have in stock Meriofert 75 IU, MENOPUR 150 IU and MENOPUR 600 IU also!

Best Regards
i have always ordered from a few other pages here but they are there a page here outlining the process? neeed to get hmg
I will only reply once to this, the fact of the matter is for you to not even be here for a long time and to say you know the individual as a friend, truly seems like you cannot take fact for a business that is run and has nothing to do with you. I stated in the small paragraph it was not pharmacist fault or anything to do with him, it was merely stating the facts of exactly what happen for any other reader concerned or being a first timer. Very simple, now with that aside this story book you decided to type is very interesting when you truly break it down. To me it is beyond amazing what you got out of a little paragraph. You know everything about me do you? and by your attitude and character well I could sit here and right the same book cause I would believe you showed a lot more about you, then me just saying how my order went (FACTS) with no intention nor anything in there stating anything bad about pharmacist. With all honesty I have done nothing but stayed in communication with the individual and have said nothing but respectful comments and appreciating what he does.. Now again on the fact you think you know me, YOU DONT KNOW SHIT GUY. Now with nothing to prove to you I leave you with this. READ MY OTHER POSTS ON PHARMACIST PAGES, because if you did I have already been thanking the man and telling him we need more people like him in the world helping others. Pharmacist also stated in a post he wanted people to leave reviews and I left one stating I absolutely will give a review after the process is done detailed telling the TRUTH of how it went and my thoughts and so I did! Also where I live, I more then appreciate his services because this country bans many healthy things as simple as DHEA, interesting though I ordered from BG Pharma at the same time and waited a month for there order and gave and honest opinion and review for other users exactly how it played out minus any serious details, Not one individual including BG had an issue and people actually approved what I stated and thanked me. So maybe if you are pharmacist so called friend, or if you just are a long time consumer and feel the need to defend him, I suggest you think about your actions on YOUR friends business when it has nothing to do with you, I am shur pharmacist is a grown adult and running HIS COMPANY if he felt the need to say something he can speak directly to his consumer if he feels a post or situation was of enough of an issue to do so. You just bouncing in a feeling you have a right or need to try and let's say ATTACK my post and then for no reason attack my character is beyond childish of you and very unprofessional. So please take a step back and think before you just jump in for no reason cause your haven a fit and attack another member for absolutely no reason. I will end with that cause a little fun fact about me, I have been around the world and probably have done more then most combined in the underworld, but also I understand business to the fullest as I run 3 companies myself and I am very professional and understand criticism comes in many ways and you need to take peoples comments and reviews for the better and be professional about it. take care bud
Guys have been taking my posts to heart for a long time. I'm really not attacking you, though it may seem that way. I really just try to get my point across by using what the member I quoted is going through.

Oh, real quick, the walls of text you post are maddening. Break those things down into paragraphs and you will make it less of a chore to communicate with you and we will better understand you.

Back before Pharmacist made his first post as "Pharmacist" on any board, he lurked for months reading up on what sources go through and what is expected of them. Then, he sent me a pm asking me to be a Rep for him here at meso.

Back then the Underground was in its infancy. 2012 it went Live and I was the most recognizable name for the first couple of years. I respectfully declined his offer to Rep for Pharmacist as I was busy giving lame sources the business.

What I took issue with in your post that I quoted was your lack of understanding how international shipments find their way to folks here in the USA.

You couldn't understand why Pharmacist wouldn't tell you what happened to your original pkg? The reason is a simple one; he has no clue. If you have ordered successfully from him in the past then you should know he ships differently than any other int source you have used. Does he not?

When he asked you if you wanted him to reship at that point he wasn't being coy? By all rights he could've told you to sit tight for another month or until YOU heard that your pkg was seized. You would be the one getting the "love" Letter from US Customs.

See, what passive aggressive people and people without experience will do is talk out the sides of the necks. They'll stroke a source and in the next breath come at them with the kind of stuff you posted. If Pharmacist would only share the inf you believe him to have you wouldn't be as frustrated as you are.

I hope that you realize that Pharmacist shipped a 2nd pkg for you to make you happy. He did so knowing that there is a very real possibility that you will receive both pkg's and chances are you won't pay for that order when by all rights you should. Not paying for it after stressing him to reship really is what those in the business call a form of "Reverse" Scamming.

With all the experience you claim to have in the "Underworld" I would expect you to be aware of that fact? Are you?
'Pharmacist', I received my items this afternoon, as usual it was securely packed & arrived rather quickly without any issues! Once again, thank you for providing an excellent service as always! :)
Do you have a learning disability, or are you just that lazy? In the price list you linked yourself, HCG is the 5th item.
hey Muppet. by "cant find anywhere", that means all other vendors are out of stock including quindao and the turkish pharmacies. and are you stupid, or when you see a list dated 2022 do you assume they still have the exact thing that everyone else is and has been out of for the last several months?

....go away. your one of the reasons why this forum is only good and not great. i can only imagine how little of a life you have (A) or (B) how hopped up on tren you are, to actually read through a forum and find it necessary to comment at things you have nothing to do with. i dont know you, but i know there is a 99% chance that i am smarter and less lazy than you. get bent.