Exploring the human limits of weight loss, my ongoing experiment


Well-known Member
The idea
My latest bulk went out of hand. I ended up falling back into old habits and gaining much more weight than I would have ever wanted. I decided it was time for a change. I began researching the physiology behind fat loss and various methods and compounds that have produced extraordinary results. I grew interested in finding out just how much someone can lose in a short amount of time and began an extreme experiment on myself to achieve that goal. I encourage you to read this with an open mind and purely for the entertainment of seeing what I am doing and what will happen. I make no mention of this being safe or “right” and am not advocating for anyone to try anything like this. I am simply detailing my experience.

Where we are now
I am nearly one month into the cut and have lost 27 pounds in 24 days. I do 24 hour fasts every day, only eating a very small dinner of 500-600 calories, 800 max. I also completed a 72 hour water fast. Full electrolyte and vitamin supplementation is what makes this possible. Without the electrolytes, I would be wholeheartedly fucked.

As far as compounds go, I am currently on TRT, which is a constant in my life and Tirzepatide. I will gradually be introducing additional compounds and practices as the cut progresses.

Where we are going
This upcoming second month is an exciting one, as it is the month the extreme side of this cut really gets going. Tirzepatide will be switched out for Retatrutide. HGH with fasted cardio will be added in for fat loss, sleep, and autophagy, GHK-Cu as well. T3/T4 will be introduced later in the month in order for beautiful synergy with the GH and to force my metabolism into continuimg to run at full force despite extreme caloric deficits. Muscle loss is inevitable, but weight training will be introduced to signal my body that we still need to keep some of it.

The 24 hour fasts will remain, but I will be doing more extended water fasting than the first month and adding in dry fasts for additional autophagy. This is the part I am really not looking forward to, as I fucking love water. Since I now have a 3 day water fast under my belt, I am really interested in going for a 7 day. I want to really push my limits and explore the mental journey of that, but I’m going to play it by ear. Honestly, I’m pinging around the idea eventually going fir 30 days or even longer. My body can eat my fat.

Onto the most controversial portion of this cut that many of you were already anticipating. DNP cycles lasting 2-3 weeks be introduced a couple weeks into the second month. Dosages will range between 250 and 500 mg. Each cycle will be followed up by at least 2 weeks off the compound. This is the aspect of the cut I am most nervous about, but it is also the part that will produce the truly unreal results we’re looking for. Here are my rules for mitigating as much risk as I can:

1. 500 mg is the absolute max, no exceptions.
2. Electrolytes and copious amounts of water will be a constant
3. Should peripheral neuropathy or any other serious side effects energy, the cycle will immediately be terminated
4. It should go without saying that no dry fasts will happen during these cycles
5. Vitals will be tested daily

This cut should not take longer than 5 months, and there are other compounds I am interested in experimenting with in the later months. I will likely be cycling on clen during the off cycles of DNP, with the first cycle beginning in the third months. L Carnatine, Cardarine, and 5-Amino-1-MQ (not during DNP due to temperature increase) are other compounds that have piqued my interest that I may experiment with. I may run Anavar and Yohimbine at the very end of my cut, in the final 6 weeks or so.

Key Concerns

I haven’t had issues with this before, and I am hoping that I do not now. I have an over 6 month stockpile of pharmaceutical Anastrozole perscribed by my doctor to deploy if I absolutely need to, but I would like to avoid that if possible. I have even flirted around with the idea of running a low dose of Primobolan to combat aromatization and avoid having to take an AI, but running primo honeslty sounds pretty silly during a cut like this. It would however have the added benefit of working to hold onto muscle.

Loose Skin: This one fucking sucks and I am taking as many measures as I can to mitigate it, GHK-Cu, HGH, water fasts, dry fasts, I’m trying to do it all. If anyone knows of anything else that can fight this, do let me know. I have resigned myself to the fact that I still will likely have some loose skin that will have to be taken care of under the knife, and I will be preparing my finances accordingly.

Blood Pressure: I’ve had problems with this before and am worried that TRT and some other compounds I’ll be introducing may take this too far. I am also perscribed 50 mg of Adderall daily. Despite this, the constant fasting I’m doing should help a lot. I will be keeping my eye on it regardless.

Sleep: Testosterone makes it hard for me to sleep and fasting doesn’t help. I’m really hoping GH fixes this for me, I’m also open to using melatonin if need be.

Assuming I survive, I truly think we will see some extraordinary results from this. I have never heard of someone deploying all of these methods together, and I am confident that the amount of weight loss will be shocking and perhaps even outside the boundaries of what we generally believe to be possible. The DNP cycles, extreme ongoing caloric deficits, and fasts should be the main drivers of this weight loss. Everything else will assist these by pushing them to maximum effectiveness. I will be updating you throughout these coming months. I am so far very much happy with the results and feel quite well all things considered.
You’re absolutely right, it is a hyperfocus behavior. I’ve never thought about it that way, but it definitely has become my latest obsession. I do worry about permanent damage to my organs. I have made a rule to not use excessive doses of any of these compounds, and I’m supplementing to protect my organs, hopefully it’s enough…

I’m using 175 mg/week, a standard TRT dose. My HGH dose is normal too. I agree with you that reasonably-dosed test and gh are much healthier than DNP and T3, probably healthier than Retatrutide too. I’ve tried Kratom, but I’m allergic to opiates, so it’s a no go for me.
Have you tried walking at an incline for an hour a day on a treadmill or even double sessions ? 2 hours a day ?

You’re obese the weight would literally fall off you.
You’re absolutely right, it is a hyperfocus behavior. I’ve never thought about it that way, but it definitely has become my latest obsession. I do worry about permanent damage to my organs. I have made a rule to not use excessive doses of any of these compounds, and I’m supplementing to protect my organs, hopefully it’s enough…

I’m using 175 mg/week, a standard TRT dose. My HGH dose is normal too. I agree with you that reasonably-dosed test and gh are much healthier than DNP and T3, probably healthier than Retatrutide too. I’ve tried Kratom, but I’m allergic to opiates, so it’s a no go for me.
Test is all good as long as you keep the estrogen in control. You could do way more than that if you wanted but probably not great for weight loss. Just muscle mass. I’m starting 250/week with HCG and its my first time. I may go higher or lower depending on how i feel and see how the blood test goes.
Have you tried walking at an incline for an hour a day on a treadmill or even double sessions ? 2 hours a day ?

You’re obese the weight would literally fall off you.
I’m recovering from an injury right now, did something to a ligament in my leg walking up a hill at the park last week after slipping on some mud. Idk whats going on but I won’t be able to go in for an MRI until next week. I’ve still been trying to get my fasted cardio in but I have to get creative.
I just want you to know if you have hair or care about it, this much of a calorie/nutrient deficit over a period of time can cause permanent hair loss/recession. It’s a real thing.
What should I do? I’ve researched, but it seems like everything that works fucks your DHT and/or has horrible side effects. I’m hoping the GHK-Cu, Collagen, and HGH will help, but I don’t think it’ll be enough bro. Do you?

I do care, and it’s yet another thing that I have to add. The mantainence of this protocol is fucking insane. It’s the one thing I truly hate about it. The caloric restriction is actually not difficult, but the amount of things I have to take to stay healthy and mitigate damage is wild. Potassium (2L of water), sodium if fasting, multivitamins, vitamin d, lysine, dandelion root tea, milk thistle tea, unsweetened cranberry juice, GHK-Cu injections, flax seeds, laxatives if I fuck up, collagen, magnesium 2-3x per day, blood pressure heart rate checks 3x/day, temperature checks 3x/day, it doesn’t stop.

But it’s worth it. When I’m on top of my vitamins and electrolytes, I feel healthy, actually, I feel great. If I’m not, I feel like I’m on death’s door, so it’s crucial that I’m regimented and also protect my heart and liver as much as I can, that’s why I’ve added things like milk thistle and dandelion root. I’ll probably add Tudca soon for liver health too.
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But that opens another Pandora’s box: is too much of a good thing bad? Will my organs processing all the things I take to protect them end up fucking them? It sounds stupid and paradoxical, but if you’ve gotten into researching supplements and natural herbs, you’ll know how shaky and “who the fuck knows” the information can be on them. Researching PEDs was so much more fun and straightforward. Oh well.
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I don’t know what to recommend to you (for the hair) in good conscience but to tell you to what you are likely not going to do— take a TRT dose, use a GLP-1 agonist, reduce your calorie intake to something more moderate, and keep up your activity level.

I don’t see why you are adding all these other things into the mix brother. At your current weight the pounds will fall off fast enough even if you take a more balanced approach.

I’ve used semaglutide. I had to make myself eat on it. I felt like I could only tolerate one meal a day. It made me vomit when I “overate”. I think the GLP-1’s appetite suppression are enough to support what you do are trying to do. Everyone reacts differently of course.

DNP for what my man? Why are you doing this to yourself in such a short timeline? Do you have to make weight for a competition?

It sounds like you are doing some self harm here and trying to mitigate it by introducing other substances furthering your self harm.

But I genuinely wish you luck. And I can admire anyone who is trying to improve themselves.

P.S. eat some fking food
There is lots of interesting info in this thread, but can I ask you why you have made it your goal to explore the human limits of weight loss on your own body?

With chances to make you repeat yourself (have not read the entire thread yet), but why is that your goal?

Now I understand you want to lose a lot of weight fast, and to use "support"; with today's meds while being obese many describe that absolutely possible - and a gl-1 would be almost stupid not to use, since it improves health in obese people on so many areas - but there is a very long way from fast to fastest in terms of the human limit - and I suspect the damages can easily beat the small amount of extra fat you will gain from adding the last amount of PED'S.

Especially I don't understand you considering adding in DNP, remember it's very neurotoxic, the risk profile is high, and even on trt there is a huge chance it will eat heavy into your muscle mass. - Or just the risk of getting insane headaches for days, what will that do to your progress?

This is worth a read:
2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP): A Weight Loss Agent with Significant Acute Toxicity and Risk of Death

I really hope you truly understand your own risk/reward ratio, because that's what these decisions are made of... Some bodybuilders will take the risk of brain damage or even dying, to win on stage ... esp if competing is their entire life ... but it's hard to grasp.

Especially when your job is important and you need to take adderal, then you should be more worried about your brain.

Substance choice and dose is everything here.
And 600 mg of DNP ... I know guys that have had years of headaches after doing 250 mg for weeks not months.

With that said we are all adults here, so I'm not saying it to try and lecture you... but I find it fascinating trying to understand your choices.

Now disclaimer: I don't know much about peds, meds or drugs (I do have an engineer degree in biomedicine, many years back, which sort of give me an advantage in studying some of it though), and I have been paying some experts for informing me while making my own research: for my own run (that will be nothing close to half as wild as yours) - and I'm here to learn myself.

But still, you are already dropping fat at an insane speed, almost half a kg a day.
Saving a week or two in the end or even a month, hardly seems worth the things you are risking.

You put survival as your success marker, but what if you etc. ends up with Alzheimers or something ...

Notice I'm not bashing the low kcal high diet, fast dropping approach.
And I'm especially not bashing the use of GL-1 antagonists: that is a brilliant invention for someone in your situation, no doubt.

Etc I think this sound interesting and is def fine:
New Protocol
Retatrutide4 mg/weekWeekly injection
HGH4 iu/day2 IU 2x/day, fasted cardio
GHK-Cu2 mg/day0.5 mg, 4x/day

HGH def aids fat mobilisation, though being so obese your body will be good a transporting fat to your cells already... it's when you get leaner that aspect becomes a bottleneck.

*Just some information, take it or leave it: I know almost everyone on this board will disagree ... but one of the experts I paid for info: showed me he had run two groups of clients (about 50 in each over time) and given one group 6ui/day the other 2ui/day, and the later had the same fatloss results when it came to fatloss under kcal deficit - he said that was always very consistent: when it comes to gaining on it though esp with trt, more is generally better (he never puts clients higher than 6ui/day though).

You might want to try to lower it to 2iu and see if you still get the same results, it will probably lower the water retention and effect on blood pressure etc.

On the negative side: I haven't been able to find any evidence that HGH helps with loose skin (haven't seen anyone losing weight on GH report it either), where have you heard that?

Do you feel HGH is helping with your recovery? or has helped with your skin? given the low kcals and exercise on this low kcal intake.

Also, GHK-Cu sounds interesting, but have never heard of that before either: do you have some good reliable info on it works? and you have chosen an oral source does that work as well?

Adding TRT can make sense if you are willing to depend on exogenous testosterone for the rest of your life - it will definitely make a massive difference to your drive as well as hold onto your muscle mass.

Notice it's not given t3/t4 will be needed, since GL-1's will boost that as well, if you have an actual slowdown in the thyroid production I would stick to t4, mono therapy seems to be a lot safer: and GL-1's also boost the t4 to t3 conversion. (again, I'm not an expert and know too little about it, but it's what my paid knowledge has told me).

Try to choose the safest route to your goals (speed is a goal!).
And really consider the reward-risk ratio on every single aspect here.

Anyway, no matter what the best of luck to you, don't die mate.
But if you go out in DNP burning flames, I guess you would at least die knowing you have put a massive effort into trying to turn your life around.
I say your chances are better than the soldiers participating in d-day.

Again take my writing for what you want: again, I'm neither experienced or an expert in any of these peds or meds ... and is not experienced in using it either.
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But that opens another Pandora’s box: is too much of a good thing bad? Will my organs processing all the things I take to protect them end up fucking them? It sounds stupid and paradoxical, but if you’ve gotten into researching supplements and natural herbs, you’ll know how shaky and “who the fuck knows” the information can be on them. Researching PEDs was so much more fun and straightforward. Oh well.
To this absolutely! We should be moderate about everything, even moderation itself.

If I was you I would stay with the combies that is proven to work and proven to be safe, and try to use the lowest doses you need, not the highest you can tollerate.

I'm not saying I'm aware of all such substances; but I know you are adding some that does not fit such an approach ...

You had already hit a great sweetspot, you where loosing fat at an insane and massive speed! Why fuck with that?!

You also want to continue living life after you lost the fat.
It's not the end goal after all.
The idea
My latest bulk went out of hand. I ended up falling back into old habits and gaining much more weight than I would have ever wanted. I decided it was time for a change. I began researching the physiology behind fat loss and various methods and compounds that have produced extraordinary results. I grew interested in finding out just how much someone can lose in a short amount of time and began an extreme experiment on myself to achieve that goal. I encourage you to read this with an open mind and purely for the entertainment of seeing what I am doing and what will happen. I make no mention of this being safe or “right” and am not advocating for anyone to try anything like this. I am simply detailing my experience.

Where we are now
I am nearly one month into the cut and have lost 27 pounds in 24 days. I do 24 hour fasts every day, only eating a very small dinner of 500-600 calories, 800 max. I also completed a 72 hour water fast. Full electrolyte and vitamin supplementation is what makes this possible. Without the electrolytes, I would be wholeheartedly fucked.

As far as compounds go, I am currently on TRT, which is a constant in my life and Tirzepatide. I will gradually be introducing additional compounds and practices as the cut progresses.

Where we are going
This upcoming second month is an exciting one, as it is the month the extreme side of this cut really gets going. Tirzepatide will be switched out for Retatrutide. HGH with fasted cardio will be added in for fat loss, sleep, and autophagy, GHK-Cu as well. T3/T4 will be introduced later in the month in order for beautiful synergy with the GH and to force my metabolism into continuimg to run at full force despite extreme caloric deficits. Muscle loss is inevitable, but weight training will be introduced to signal my body that we still need to keep some of it.

The 24 hour fasts will remain, but I will be doing more extended water fasting than the first month and adding in dry fasts for additional autophagy. This is the part I am really not looking forward to, as I fucking love water. Since I now have a 3 day water fast under my belt, I am really interested in going for a 7 day. I want to really push my limits and explore the mental journey of that, but I’m going to play it by ear. Honestly, I’m pinging around the idea eventually going fir 30 days or even longer. My body can eat my fat.

Onto the most controversial portion of this cut that many of you were already anticipating. DNP cycles lasting 2-3 weeks be introduced a couple weeks into the second month. Dosages will range between 250 and 500 mg. Each cycle will be followed up by at least 2 weeks off the compound. This is the aspect of the cut I am most nervous about, but it is also the part that will produce the truly unreal results we’re looking for. Here are my rules for mitigating as much risk as I can:

1. 500 mg is the absolute max, no exceptions.
2. Electrolytes and copious amounts of water will be a constant
3. Should peripheral neuropathy or any other serious side effects energy, the cycle will immediately be terminated
4. It should go without saying that no dry fasts will happen during these cycles
5. Vitals will be tested daily

This cut should not take longer than 5 months, and there are other compounds I am interested in experimenting with in the later months. I will likely be cycling on clen during the off cycles of DNP, with the first cycle beginning in the third months. L Carnatine, Cardarine, and 5-Amino-1-MQ (not during DNP due to temperature increase) are other compounds that have piqued my interest that I may experiment with. I may run Anavar and Yohimbine at the very end of my cut, in the final 6 weeks or so.

Key Concerns

I haven’t had issues with this before, and I am hoping that I do not now. I have an over 6 month stockpile of pharmaceutical Anastrozole perscribed by my doctor to deploy if I absolutely need to, but I would like to avoid that if possible. I have even flirted around with the idea of running a low dose of Primobolan to combat aromatization and avoid having to take an AI, but running primo honeslty sounds pretty silly during a cut like this. It would however have the added benefit of working to hold onto muscle.

Loose Skin: This one fucking sucks and I am taking as many measures as I can to mitigate it, GHK-Cu, HGH, water fasts, dry fasts, I’m trying to do it all. If anyone knows of anything else that can fight this, do let me know. I have resigned myself to the fact that I still will likely have some loose skin that will have to be taken care of under the knife, and I will be preparing my finances accordingly.

Blood Pressure: I’ve had problems with this before and am worried that TRT and some other compounds I’ll be introducing may take this too far. I am also perscribed 50 mg of Adderall daily. Despite this, the constant fasting I’m doing should help a lot. I will be keeping my eye on it regardless.

Sleep: Testosterone makes it hard for me to sleep and fasting doesn’t help. I’m really hoping GH fixes this for me, I’m also open to using melatonin if need be.

Assuming I survive, I truly think we will see some extraordinary results from this. I have never heard of someone deploying all of these methods together, and I am confident that the amount of weight loss will be shocking and perhaps even outside the boundaries of what we generally believe to be possible. The DNP cycles, extreme ongoing caloric deficits, and fasts should be the main drivers of this weight loss. Everything else will assist these by pushing them to maximum effectiveness. I will be updating you throughout these coming months. I am so far very much happy with the results and feel quite well all things considered.
So basically you can't control your diet, as shown your bulk went out of hand, so you want to introduce as many drugs as you can without changing fundamentals and expect keep the weight off?... expecting to keep it off being the main point

You're on 50 mg of Adderall, 50. If oral meth doesn't do anything for you, you don't have self control.
There is lots of interesting info in this thread, but can I ask you why you have made it your goal to explore the human limits of weight loss on your own body?

With chances to make you repeat yourself (have not read the entire thread yet), but why is that your goal?

Now I understand you want to lose a lot of weight fast, and to use "support"; with today's meds while being obese many describe that absolutely possible - and a gl-1 would be almost stupid not to use, since it improves health in obese people on so many areas - but there is a very long way from fast to fastest in terms of the human limit - and I suspect the damages can easily beat the small amount of extra fat you will gain from adding the last amount of PED'S.

Especially I don't understand you considering adding in DNP, remember it's very neurotoxic, the risk profile is high, and even on trt there is a huge chance it will eat heavy into your muscle mass. - Or just the risk of getting insane headaches for days, what will that do to your progress?

This is worth a read:
2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP): A Weight Loss Agent with Significant Acute Toxicity and Risk of Death

I really hope you truly understand your own risk/reward ratio, because that's what these decisions are made of... Some bodybuilders will take the risk of brain damage or even dying, to win on stage ... esp if competing is their entire life ... but it's hard to grasp.

Especially when your job is important and you need to take adderal, then you should be more worried about your brain.

Substance choice and dose is everything here.
And 600 mg of DNP ... I know guys that have had years of headaches after doing 250 mg for weeks not months.

With that said we are all adults here, so I'm not saying it to try and lecture you... but I find it fascinating trying to understand your choices.

Now disclaimer: I don't know much about peds, meds or drugs (I do have an engineer degree in biomedicine, many years back, which sort of give me an advantage in studying some of it though), and I have been paying some experts for informing me while making my own research: for my own run (that will be nothing close to half as wild as yours) - and I'm here to learn myself.

But still, you are already dropping fat at an insane speed, almost half a kg a day.
Saving a week or two in the end or even a month, hardly seems worth the things you are risking.

You put survival as your success marker, but what if you etc. ends up with Alzheimers or something ...

Notice I'm not bashing the low kcal high diet, fast dropping approach.
And I'm especially not bashing the use of GL-1 antagonists: that is a brilliant invention for someone in your situation, no doubt.

Etc I think this sound interesting and is def fine:
New Protocol
Retatrutide4 mg/weekWeekly injection
HGH4 iu/day2 IU 2x/day, fasted cardio
GHK-Cu2 mg/day0.5 mg, 4x/day

HGH def aids fat mobilisation, though being so obese your body will be good a transporting fat to your cells already... it's when you get leaner that aspect becomes a bottleneck.

*Just some information, take it or leave it: I know almost everyone on this board will disagree ... but one of the experts I paid for info: showed me he had run two groups of clients (about 50 in each over time) and given one group 6ui/day the other 2ui/day, and the later had the same fatloss results when it came to fatloss under kcal deficit - he said that was always very consistent: when it comes to gaining on it though esp with trt, more is generally better (he never puts clients higher than 6ui/day though).

You might want to try to lower it to 2iu and see if you still get the same results, it will probably lower the water retention and effect on blood pressure etc.

On the negative side: I haven't been able to find any evidence that HGH helps with loose skin (haven't seen anyone losing weight on GH report it either), where have you heard that?

Do you feel HGH is helping with your recovery? or has helped with your skin? given the low kcals and exercise on this low kcal intake.

Also, GHK-Cu sounds interesting, but have never heard of that before either: do you have some good reliable info on it works? and you have chosen an oral source does that work as well?

Adding TRT can make sense if you are willing to depend on exogenous testosterone for the rest of your life - it will definitely make a massive difference to your drive as well as hold onto your muscle mass.

Notice it's not given t3/t4 will be needed, since GL-1's will boost that as well, if you have an actual slowdown in the thyroid production I would stick to t4, mono therapy seems to be a lot safer: and GL-1's also boost the t4 to t3 conversion. (again, I'm not an expert and know too little about it, but it's what my paid knowledge has told me).

Try to choose the safest route to your goals (speed is a goal!).
And really consider the reward-risk ratio on every single aspect here.

Anyway, no matter what the best of luck to you, don't die mate.
But if you go out in DNP burning flames, I guess you would at least die knowing you have put a massive effort into trying to turn your life around.
I say your chances are better than the soldiers participating in d-day.

Again take my writing for what you want: again, I'm neither experienced or an expert in any of these peds or meds ... and is not experienced in using it either.
Neurotoxity is the reason I decided that I will never run Tren…if DNP is neurotoxic, then I’m done using it. Better chances than a soldier on D-Day is not reassuring. I’m already thinking of a modified protocol that would not include DNP and would actually help in regards to estrogen conversion, lean body mass retention, and additional skin elasticity. There are reasons I hesitate to do it, but it would be a lot healthier than what I’m doing.

As for why I want to lose weight in this way, I see it as a challenge and am genuinely curious as to what will happen. No one has ever done or designed a protocol like this, using all these compounds with this level of caloric restriction while obese. Bodybuilders have done these cycles, but they would never restrict this amount of calories for this long. Obese people don’t know about these compounds, let alone how to source them. No one that doesn’t love taking risks and pushing limits would ever do something like this. I feel like I could truly tread new ground and accomplish something that’s never been done before. The idea of that is enamoring and exciting to me on a deep, intrinsic level.

HGH decline in old age is one of the main reasons for lost elasticity. GHK-Cu is the main peptide used for improved elasticity, both of these compounds have skin benefits across the board. I’m on injectable GHK, I’m going to add a 2% topical solution soon.

I didn’t know GLP-1s boost thyroid hormone and T4 —> T3 conversion, that’s interesting! I’m going to look into that.

Lifelong TRT is a reality of my life with or without this protocol. My levels are dangerously low (<200 ng/dl), even when I’m not obese. I’m happy to be on it for life, I believe someone on TRT at the top of the reference range will have a better quality of life than a natty with normal levels, even if the natty lives a little bit longer.

So much value in your post, thank you. I like how your proposed plan takes my goal into consideration. I’m going to read that article you shared and do some serious thinking.
So basically you can't control your diet, as shown your bulk went out of hand, so you want to introduce as many drugs as you can without changing fundamentals and expect keep the weight off?... expecting to keep it off being the main point

You're on 50 mg of Adderall, 50. If oral meth doesn't do anything for you, you don't have self control.
30 now, I’m coming off it. Adderall stops suppressing appetite after you’ve been on it for years btw. I lost massive weight when I got on like anyone else would.

I didn’t have the self control to stop overeating, no. I wouldn’t be on a GLP-1 if I didn’t try countless times to do it off willpower. I don’t know if I’ll gain it back, I’m banking on me falling in love with weight training and with building a physique to be enough to not regain, along with having these compounds in my back pocket for a much less extreme protocol if I ever need one. If I boost mantainence through exercise and muscle gain, I’ll still be able to enjoy a good amount of food. Once I got my test levels in check, I loved lifting. I didn’t start overeating and regaining fat until I came off TRT. Stupid decision that I won’t make again.

Everyone acts like people that lose weight fast always regain it. 80-90% of obese people regain their weight regardless. With odds like that, I’m not going to sit here with my cock out waiting years for 2lbs/week to put me ay my goal, and I think getting into bodybuilding and having experience running these compounds is going to make my odds a lot better than someone going the traditional route.
Neurotoxity is the reason I decided that I will never run Tren…if DNP is neurotoxic, then I’m done using it. Better chances than a soldier on D-Day is not reassuring. I’m already thinking of a modified protocol that would not include DNP and would actually help in regards to estrogen conversion, lean body mass retention, and additional skin elasticity. There are reasons I hesitate to do it, but it would be a lot healthier than what I’m doing.

As for why I want to lose weight in this way, I see it as a challenge and am genuinely curious as to what will happen. No one has ever done or designed a protocol like this, using all these compounds with this level of caloric restriction while obese. Bodybuilders have done these cycles, but they would never restrict this amount of calories for this long. Obese people don’t know about these compounds, let alone how to source them. No one that doesn’t love taking risks and pushing limits would ever do something like this. I feel like I could truly tread new ground and accomplish something that’s never been done before. The idea of that is enamoring and exciting to me on a deep, intrinsic level.

HGH decline in old age is one of the main reasons for lost elasticity. GHK-Cu is the main peptide used for improved elasticity, both of these compounds have skin benefits across the board. I’m on injectable GHK, I’m going to add a 2% topical solution soon.

I didn’t know GLP-1s boost thyroid hormone and T4 —> T3 conversion, that’s interesting! I’m going to look into that.

Lifelong TRT is a reality of my life with or without this protocol. My levels are dangerously low (<200 ng/dl), even when I’m not obese. I’m happy to be on it for life, I believe someone on TRT at the top of the reference range will have a better quality of life than a natty with normal levels, even if the natty lives a little bit longer.

So much value in your post, thank you. I like how your proposed plan takes my goal into consideration. I’m going to read that article you shared and do some serious thinking.
A very sound choice of yours with the DNP I think, also because you won't really benefit that much extra for the compound in your situation (my understanding of it anyways).

Again: same disclaimer as always - but remember that estrogen is not "bad" as long as you don't get sideeffects, it much needed for feeling good. Again not an expert but just aim your TRT dose at what you can tolerate without it being a problem... but guys in here that knows much more about steroids than me (I have never been on them yet).
HGH decline in old age is one of the main reasons for lost elasticity.
Interesting point, thanks for making it ... makes sense.
It's just many have told me that it does not really help with loose skin.

You see I'm consdering adding 2ui/day myself ... trying to study right now if it's worth it though (esp. because I'm not on testostrone, and don't think I'll be yet).
No one has ever done or designed a protocol like this, using all these compounds with this level of caloric restriction while obese.
The closest I can think of is one of Joe Jeffery's clients ... but he knows more than most how to maximize for the best reward:benefits, using compounds on a ton of professional clients.
No one that doesn’t love taking risks and pushing limits would ever do something like this.
Sure I do both, but I don't get those two criteria in terms of shredding fat though.

Should your goal not be able to move freely, and look good naked instead?
Fast but not so fast the risks become insane?!

Notice here, that I'm just talking about pushing hard vs. pushing the limits.

Esp. consider how much you risk your brain: it's weird most don't effect that into their ped design.

As for kcal instake, I saw you looked a bit in my thread, I have run Lyles RFL quite a few times over the years, esp the last years ... but Its new for me to realise I have to add peds to be able to actually use it to be substanable.

GL-1's are in my view, the more I study them a pure miracle drug, and healthy for obese fuckers like you and me.
Lifelong TRT is a reality of my life with or without this protocol.

That's cool, it will be for me one day as well, just don't feel old enough yet (is in my mid 40s).

But as soon as that choice is made TRT is a no brainer I think.

As for life quality I think many factors is worth taking into account there.
GHK-Cu is the main peptide used for improved elasticity, both of these compounds have skin benefits across the board. I’m on injectable GHK, I’m going to add a 2% topical solution soon.
I was searching for info like this in my own thread.
Thank you for the explantion.

I would appriciate some running info on how the HGH and GHK is working for you ... you know anything about the sides of GHK? ... sounds like a no brainer as well for anyone actual obese. Have never heard of this compound before.
So much value in your post, thank you. I like how your proposed plan takes my goal into consideration. I’m going to read that article you shared and do some serious thinking.

No, thank you mate ... if you actually look into my other thread a little deeper; you will see I've ended up a bit in a situation such as yours, though I'm guessing not as severe ... but it mean I can relate to lots of what you are writing and saying ... I also gets the desperation ... for me it's a matter of wanting my life back really ...

It's funny all the "just be tough" comments, most ppl consider me very tough RL (I don't myself especially), but I've gone trough allot...

Anyways man, I look forward to following you ... and I truly hope the best for you, and are chearing.
You had already hit a great sweetspot, you where loosing fat at an insane and massive speed! Why fuck with that?!
You’re really putting things into perspective. You know my weight loss has plateaued since DEC 3rd because of the amount of water retention and constipation these new compounds brought on? I was losing a pound a day with test + Tirz, now I’m just bloated as fuck seeing the scale creep down, and even go up sometimes, all the while eating 600-800 calories/day.
You’re really putting things into perspective. You know my weight loss has plateaued since DEC 3rd because of the amount of water retention and constipation these new compounds brought on? I was losing a pound a day with test + Tirz, now I’m just bloated as fuck seeing the scale creep down, and even go up sometimes, all the while eating 600-800 calories/day.
Hmm well you want to care about losing fat.
In some sense the water is not as important, you will lose that later.

But you are right ... you probably reached the point where you will do better going back to what was working ... and you get the benifit of improving your health doing it, instead of damageing it.

As for the water in these extreme cases the whoosh effect as described by Lyle also seems to be dead spot on!

The thing is most of these compounds add to water retention.
Don't worry to much about that right now, but still lowering doses a bit can get you rid of allot of water (etc. there is a diffrence said between 2ui of hgh and 4ui, just as there is a diffrent in sideeffect profile overall).

You are doing good but ended up on a bit of a side track, so just change your track back to what worked then all you have to do is keep going! Just keep pushing trough, the law of thermo dynamics will work! Trust that it will!

With that said you might have pushed it so hard, you will need t4 to keep your metabolism running (blood work can tell): last time I did RFL that happened to me, and I was only using a little clenbuterol on the days I simply couldn't get myself out of bed to walk or move or get started: no crazy amounts I think it was 100 mg of t4 a day or so, more than enough to keep my metabolism running flawless at 600-900 kcals.

But this is actually another thing GL-1 boosts these mechanisms as well, so it should not be necessary with added thyroids. But blood tests can show.
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Lmao, you’re here advising one guy who has done more than you. Let the guys who know how its done and actually are actually healthy and fit do the talking.

Jesus, its like the blind trying to guide the cripple; instead of reaching their destination they fall off the cliff lol.

Stop trying to come off like you know anything about nutrition and training, stay in your lane.
ADD often comes with "impulse control" issues and "risk taking"..... truly go talk to a therapist even online better help... do 3 sessions at least and hopefully they can help make u realize u want to be skinny cause its healthy but becoming UNHEALTHY physically and mentally to try and be healthy is paradoxical.

there is a reason people dont do this and a reason why those who do are OK with dying young.....

to land in hospital cause ur curious is pretty wild... or cause long term damage... for what? to in 5 years get bed ridden and sickly ?

slow is the way, potassium isn't going to do shit for ur kidneys and prob will have to restrict it as they start to fail... compounds are bad enough, but u literally have to piss out ALL the fat, and when u do that fast its VERY taxing on them... also the faster you loose weight the looser your skin will be...

loose the GHK cu it will do nothing for u besides harm ur kidneys and give u coper toxicity lower ur zinc and cause skin to be worse. its a topical compound... if u must just use GHK basic.. but seriously no one has ever gotten much from GHK other than scar tissue.. topically it works but also can make things worse...

DNP neurotoxic take with GLP that slows digestion and excretion of said neurotoxin (no blood test will show BTW). than take herbs and other shit that mess with enzymes for excretion AND than steroid. just a recipe for major issues.

HGH will of course make ur water rentention worse really no reason for it atm, often fat people have high GH/IGF anyway.. and yes your guts are prob full of shit which adds weight make sure ur getting enough fibre and water probiotics etc.

I think everyone here expects you to one day just not come back... as want to ramp things up if dont loose weight for a couple weeks all while of course could be adding muscle aswell from steroids or heart growing etc. you may think thats funny but vast majority will think ur doing far more harm than good and likely will end in ambulance at min. like that lady who kept taking GLP so could loose weight for her daughters wedding and died.. sounds alot like ur mentality although want to take 5 more drugs and want to loose more and faster....