fat newbie here looking for advice for first cutting cycle

I’m around 12, maybe 10. I’m 5’8-9’ 220, 36

Huh. I'd just about agree with the trainer.
You look 10% or a bit less to me.

But I'm not a bodybuilder. My AAS use is dedicated my other hobbies of boxing/fighting/wrestling and I don't have to get really lean like that.

Awesome job though.
Im late to the party, only read the first page but this is nuts, reckless and your forsure not 19%bf, you cant even measure it accurrately. Sustanon winstrol, clen for bw eating disorder.
Huh. I'd just about agree with the trainer.
You look 10% or a bit less to me.

But I'm not a bodybuilder. My AAS use is dedicated my other hobbies of boxing/fighting/wrestling and I don't have to get really lean like that.

Awesome job though.
I’m just very dry, flat and depleted.
people throw out numbers but they truly don’t understand how lean 10-12 is.
like this guy trying to say he’s 19

thanks man
Very promising for many different ailments.

Not very promising for wanting to look like a bodybuilder while being lazy
Yep. It was a disagreement over trying to grow in a deficit at 8% bf. I explained why that is retarded. I pissed off one of their cherished pros as I also told him he didn’t understand how lean a true 8% was and that medically under 8 is considered under fat. I then posted a picture of me at around 12 and he continued to argue saying I’m 8%.
Im still on ASF as bft84 but I only post there randomly it’s hard to get through the dumb shit threads.
I swear to god they arguing with me that I’m 8%

Looking great.
Arm proportions are amazing
No homo lol
Im late to the party, only read the first page but this is nuts, reckless and your forsure not 19%bf, you cant even measure it accurrately. Sustanon winstrol, clen for bw eating disorder.

ok i believe you and everyone else. what does "bw" here mean? i will probably do a very low dose sustanon only short cycle like 3-4 weeks. take a break for a few weeks, and then see where i'm at before deciding if i want to continue

Very promising for many different ailments.

Not very promising for wanting to look like a bodybuilder while being lazy

this drug semaglutide is legit for fat loss, it won't make a anyone look like a bodybuilder. some people need it more than others. it's hard to explain how it works, but it feels like i am full from eating just a few bites of food
no one's trolling. i really came here to see what this community is about. nice first impression guys
You have to realize the people on this board are mostly body builders who freak out if their lipids go up a single digit, or if their BP goes up a point or two. They are well oiled machines. Anyone outside of let's say 15% BF is a fat fuck to these guys. And they can do math,lol. Your math ain't adding up.
You have to realize the people on this board are mostly body builders who freak out if their lipids go up a single digit, or if their BP goes up a point or two. They are well oiled machines. Anyone outside of let's say 15% BF is a fat fuck to these guys. And they can do math,lol. Your math ain't adding up.
i'm a few french fries short of a happy meal
ok i believe you and everyone else. what does "bw" here mean? i will probably do a very low dose sustanon only short cycle like 3-4 weeks. take a break for a few weeks, and then see where i'm at before deciding if i want to continue

this drug semaglutide is legit for fat loss, it won't make a anyone look like a bodybuilder. some people need it more than others. it's hard to explain how it works, but it feels like i am full from eating just a few bites of food

I wasnt specifically targeting you brother.
I believe extreme weight gains due to pysch meds is apart of the excellent uses of semaglutide
3-4 weeks… yep. Just enough time to shut yourself down. Your shrink is gonna have a field day
LOL you don't get it bro. i'm on medication already. i'm monitoring psych issues every day. it's a top priority and concern before anything else. any slight change in my brain chemistry will be adjusted as it is needed. and yours? how did your shrink handle your first cycle?
LOL you don't get it bro. i'm on medication already. i'm monitoring psych issues every day. it's a top priority and concern before anything else. any slight change in my brain chemistry will be adjusted as it is needed. and yours? how did your shrink handle your first cycle?
I bent my shrink over and fucked the bejesus out of her during my first cycle.
Was my first cycle safe or something I’d recommend to anyone? Fuck no. But I knew how to train and diet.
I’ll be honest.
I started with the old designer steroid/ph. Hdrol, epistane, and super drol.
then my first real injectable cycle started at 600mg test a week, then I added in 400mg of tren about 10 weeks later on top, then on top of that I added a cut mix 1 cc daily it was 100/100/100 tren, test, mast. Then I added 100mg dbol on top for another 10 weeks until I ran out. I was still on all the other stuff though. Then I added 800mg eq a week and another 500mg test on top of everything, then I added 500mg deca. I did this for 2 years when I was in my 20s. I was working in a club.
i learned by reading everything I could my hands on and taking everything I could get my hands on. I added random orals and other shit on top of everything else.
we’re trying to stop you from making a stupid mistake.
LOL you don't get it bro. i'm on medication already. i'm monitoring psych issues every day. it's a top priority and concern before anything else. any slight change in my brain chemistry will be adjusted as it is needed. and yours? how did your shrink handle your first cycle?
I’m not a weak bitch I don’t need a psych dr
Was my first cycle safe or something I’d recommend to anyone? Fuck no. But I knew how to train and diet.
I’ll be honest.
I started with the old designer steroid/ph. Hdrol, epistane, and super drol.
then my first real injectable cycle started at 600mg test a week, then I added in 400mg of tren about 10 weeks later on top, then on top of that I added a cut mix 1 cc daily it was 100/100/100 tren, test, mast. Then I added 100mg dbol on top for another 10 weeks until I ran out. I was still on all the other stuff though. Then I added 800mg eq a week and another 500mg test on top of everything, then I added 500mg deca. I did this for 2 years when I was in my 20s. I was working in a club.
i learned by reading everything I could my hands on and taking everything I could get my hands on. I added random orals and other shit on top of everything else.
we’re trying to stop you from making a stupid mistake.
ok i can respect that. i won't be doing that
ok i can respect that. i won't be doing that
All the bullshit aside. I don’t want to see people mess themselves up.
you’re not ready to run a cycle. I’m being honest you’re not going to get anything from it besides side effects.
being on the meds you should probably get your hormones checked there’s a good chance you’ll get put on trt, gh, and possibly t3 or t4.
those drugs are known to wreak havoc on hormones