fat newbie here looking for advice for first cutting cycle

All the bullshit aside. I don’t want to see people mess themselves up.
you’re not ready to run a cycle. I’m being honest you’re not going to get anything from it besides side effects.
being on the meds you should probably get your hormones checked there’s a good chance you’ll get put on trt, gh, and possibly t3 or t4.
those drugs are known to wreak havoc on hormones
ok i'll get my doc to check my hormones. appreciate it
This is a harm reduction forum. Please listen to folks here. You need an exercise program and a good diet to go with it. That’s the first thing I got situated before going on a cycle.

I’m probably still not ready due to injuries and being out of shape, but I at least got the nutrition and exercise program down before starting. Even if you’re doing a little bit, like starting strength and using just a bar, it’s a start. Get started.

You can make lots of gains without gear by nutrition and exercise alone. But some of us are recovering from long covid and have decided to do a cycle. Even still, I listen to everyone here… even if I don’t agree with everything.

What’s more, I even have a sports doctor checking my bloods and giving me advice. Get a full male hormone checkup, listen to your doctor and listen to people here. Most people here know more than you.
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about 8 years ago, i went from 160 lbs skinny to 305 lbs fat ass in one year from psych medicine. i really needed the medicine but i think the doctors gave me a little too much LOL. after a few years and changes in prescription, i got my weight stable to 245 lbs. 2 months ago, my doctor agreed to get me semaglutide to assist with losing more weight. that drug works very nicely but i want more. i'm not trying to look massive, just strong

right now i'm about 19% fat, 14 visceral fat, 232 lbs, 5'11" height, 33 years old. did some research and i finally found a store. i got my first order coming in from europe

i like the dry lean look for myself, so i got winstrol, clenbuterol, and sustanon. will this be too much to do at the same time for a newbie? also i decided to get the juice, not pills (except clen), because i read that pills are toxic to the liver but i don't know how to do an intramuscular injection

please share any comments, references, or suggestions on how to do this in a safe way, or even what a better stack might look like for my next cycle

alright, I haven’t read through the entire thread—only the first 2 pages.

-I’ll start off by saying that, although some of the guys in here come off as assholes (some are), most just want to help. @Silentlemon1011 for example, knows his shit and is definitely trying to help you.

-You’re 5’11” and 232? Me too. We’re the same age, as well. Almost identical stats…but I can guarantee that you’re not 19% or anywhere close…cos I’m not. I recently went from 310 > 230’s in the last 2 years, except I’ve been working out for 6 years… I still feel that my BF is 25%+ …I only say this so you have a reference point.

I’m going to go against the grain here, since you already purchased the stuff, and suggest starting with just a TRT dose of .5 - 1cc a week. I know you won’t listen if I suggest not using—cos I didn’t. But one thing you have to drill into your head is that the gear won’t do shit for you if you don’t bust your ass in and out of the gym…I learned this the hard way, myself.

my concern is that you barely made it to 230’s, have zero gym experience, and are already using a crutch in the form of prescribed weight loss medication, and now want to add Clen and AAS on top of it…what happens when you stop taking that prescription and your appetite comes back? You won’t know how to handle the hunger, have no knowledge of macros or healthy eating, etc. you’re relying on crutches here to run a marathon.

-My advice, put the Clen and Winny aside, utilize what you were prescribed and, if anything, use TRT dosed sust. until you’ve gained the knowledge / muscle base / fat loss.
alright, I haven’t read through the entire thread—only the first 2 pages.

-I’ll start off by saying that, although some of the guys in here come off as assholes (some are), most just want to help. @Silentlemon1011 for example, knows his shit and is definitely trying to help you.

-You’re 5’11” and 232? Me too. We’re the same age, as well. Almost identical stats…but I can guarantee that you’re not 19% or anywhere close…cos I’m not. I recently went from 310 > 230’s in the last 2 years, except I’ve been working out for 6 years… I still feel that my BF is 25%+ …I only say this so you have a reference point.

I’m going to go against the grain here, since you already purchased the stuff, and suggest starting with just a TRT dose of .5 - 1cc a week. I know you won’t listen if I suggest not using—cos I didn’t. But one thing you have to drill into your head is that the gear won’t do shit for you if you don’t bust your ass in and out of the gym…I learned this the hard way, myself.

my concern is that you barely made it to 230’s, have zero gym experience, and are already using a crutch in the form of prescribed weight loss medication, and now want to add Clen and AAS on top of it…what happens when you stop taking that prescription and your appetite comes back? You won’t know how to handle the hunger, have no knowledge of macros or healthy eating, etc. you’re relying on crutches here to run a marathon.

-My advice, put the Clen and Winny aside, utilize what you were prescribed and, if anything, use TRT dosed sust. until you’ve gained the knowledge / muscle base / fat loss.
This is good advice, BUT… I don’t agree with trying trt.

Until he gets his hormone and test levels checked, he should not be doing trt.
This is good advice, BUT… I don’t agree with trying trt.

Until he gets his hormone and test levels checked, he should not be doing trt.
As I said, we know he’s going to do it anyway. He might as well have the option of not going balls out…since I highly doubt he even considered an AI or PCT, etc.

I agree that he shouldn’t take anything at all…but we both know how that works.
Was my first cycle safe or something I’d recommend to anyone? Fuck no. But I knew how to train and diet.
I’ll be honest.
I started with the old designer steroid/ph. Hdrol, epistane, and super drol.
then my first real injectable cycle started at 600mg test a week, then I added in 400mg of tren about 10 weeks later on top, then on top of that I added a cut mix 1 cc daily it was 100/100/100 tren, test, mast. Then I added 100mg dbol on top for another 10 weeks until I ran out. I was still on all the other stuff though. Then I added 800mg eq a week and another 500mg test on top of everything, then I added 500mg deca. I did this for 2 years when I was in my 20s. I was working in a club.
i learned by reading everything I could my hands on and taking everything I could get my hands on. I added random orals and other shit on top of everything else.
we’re trying to stop you from making a stupid mistake.
Holy shit!
alright, I haven’t read through the entire thread—only the first 2 pages.

-I’ll start off by saying that, although some of the guys in here come off as assholes (some are), most just want to help. @Silentlemon1011 for example, knows his shit and is definitely trying to help you.

-You’re 5’11” and 232? Me too. We’re the same age, as well. Almost identical stats…but I can guarantee that you’re not 19% or anywhere close…cos I’m not. I recently went from 310 > 230’s in the last 2 years, except I’ve been working out for 6 years… I still feel that my BF is 25%+ …I only say this so you have a reference point.

I’m going to go against the grain here, since you already purchased the stuff, and suggest starting with just a TRT dose of .5 - 1cc a week. I know you won’t listen if I suggest not using—cos I didn’t. But one thing you have to drill into your head is that the gear won’t do shit for you if you don’t bust your ass in and out of the gym…I learned this the hard way, myself.

my concern is that you barely made it to 230’s, have zero gym experience, and are already using a crutch in the form of prescribed weight loss medication, and now want to add Clen and AAS on top of it…what happens when you stop taking that prescription and your appetite comes back? You won’t know how to handle the hunger, have no knowledge of macros or healthy eating, etc. you’re relying on crutches here to run a marathon.

-My advice, put the Clen and Winny aside, utilize what you were prescribed and, if anything, use TRT dosed sust. until you’ve gained the knowledge / muscle base / fat loss.

What makes me think hes more out of shape than originally thought..
YOU have a crazy fucking Deadlift and push some serious numbers on OHP (Got my ass beat lol)

So being in the "Same" shape as a guy like you who pushes numbers...... I doubt that he can hold a candle.
What makes me think hes more out of shape than originally thought..
YOU have a crazy fucking Deadlift and push some serious numbers on OHP (Got my ass beat lol)

So being in the "Same" shape as a guy like you who pushes numbers...... I doubt that he can hold a candle.
And I still consider myself way out of shape. BUT, to me personally, knowledge matters…I’m not gonna tell a world class strongman or powerlifter they’re too fat for AAS…but they’ve got training, nutrition and supplemental knowledge under their belts. I think that’s what it really comes down to.
thank you . i don't have an elaborate plan for nutrition other than just eating smaller portions, which is very easy to do on semaglutide. i eat mostly healthy food. the psych meds have already been adjusted but i have not had the spirit to get serious until recently

for training, also no elaborate plan. just bodyweight exercises at home until i feel confident enough to go to a gym

i'm doing the cycle. i just want to do it safely. wouldn't the gear also help me want to train harder?

LOL, this thread takes the cake

Get non fat, learn how to count calories.

Learn how to train hard

Then maybeeeee, consider steroids

Jesus Christ
In the litany of things to consider for a fat, mentally ill, undisciplined, undedicated, non training person that not only steadfastly refuses to track either calories OR macros AND also fails to see the merit in it, steroids are probably right at the bottom.
This fucking kid is getting too much practice from these trolling threads. It was pretty masterful (though kind of sociopath shit tbh) to act like a psych patient to get empathy, then wait however long and post fuck it I'm doing this cycle with or without you.
This fucking kid is getting too much practice from these trolling threads. It was pretty masterful (though kind of sociopath shit tbh) to act like a psych patient to get empathy, then wait however long and post fuck it I'm doing this cycle with or without you.
you would be the player at the poker table i would take all their chips from just by never bluffing
In the litany of things to consider for a fat, mentally ill, undisciplined, undedicated, non training person that not only steadfastly refuses to track either calories OR macros AND also fails to see the merit in it, steroids are probably right at the bottom.
how did you get your gooch so bumpy?
people with this attitude get 5150'd the hardest
what the fuck is 5150? i read everythibf now and its the second time you mention it.
You keep on talking about your psychiatrist and how youll just magically make adjustments if theres any psychological effects, this is nuts your not a freaking robot that can be tuned. What if the effect is acute and you just fly off? I mean your literally not mentally healthy, you shouldnt do any of this, take care of base needs and get better! Maybe your problems are real maybe your just a pussy who knows(to lazy to test a max?? ie you dont even train 0.1% harder then lastt time??) like in what universe is thia normal?
We loveeeee to train, you know how some people get excited to go to a club or movie or whatever? we get that for the gym, we get the privilege of being excited and enjoying something almost everyday. The peds and shit is just extra man, first off find the physical activity that you love and im sure just that will be enough to continue losing weight with no mental risk let alone the other risks (hpta, bp ect).
TLDR fuck it bro do 500 tren 500 test 20mg sdrol a day
what the fuck is 5150? i read everythibf now and its the second time you mention it.
You keep on talking about your psychiatrist and how youll just magically make adjustments if theres any psychological effects, this is nuts your not a freaking robot that can be tuned. What if the effect is acute and you just fly off? I mean your literally not mentally healthy, you shouldnt do any of this, take care of base needs and get better! Maybe your problems are real maybe your just a pussy who knows(to lazy to test a max?? ie you dont even train 0.1% harder then lastt time??) like in what universe is thia normal?
We loveeeee to train, you know how some people get excited to go to a club or movie or whatever? we get that for the gym, we get the privilege of being excited and enjoying something almost everyday. The peds and shit is just extra man, first off find the physical activity that you love and im sure just that will be enough to continue losing weight with no mental risk let alone the other risks (hpta, bp ect).
TLDR fuck it bro do 500 tren 500 test 20mg sdrol a day

Hes trolling
Definitly got me too lol.
His troll level is getting better and better.
I'm actually kinda impressed.

But yeah, I fucking love training... nothing gets the adrenaline running like a PR attempt (Might have something to do with the smelling salts)
Hes trolling
Definitly got me too lol.
His troll level is getting better and better.
I'm actually kinda impressed.

But yeah, I fucking love training... nothing gets the adrenaline running like a PR attempt (Might have something to do with the smelling salts)
i'm not trolling

what the fuck is 5150? i read everythibf now and its the second time you mention it.
You keep on talking about your psychiatrist and how youll just magically make adjustments if theres any psychological effects, this is nuts your not a freaking robot that can be tuned. What if the effect is acute and you just fly off? I mean your literally not mentally healthy, you shouldnt do any of this, take care of base needs and get better! Maybe your problems are real maybe your just a pussy who knows(to lazy to test a max?? ie you dont even train 0.1% harder then lastt time??) like in what universe is thia normal?
We loveeeee to train, you know how some people get excited to go to a club or movie or whatever? we get that for the gym, we get the privilege of being excited and enjoying something almost everyday. The peds and shit is just extra man, first off find the physical activity that you love and im sure just that will be enough to continue losing weight with no mental risk let alone the other risks (hpta, bp ect).
TLDR fuck it bro do 500 tren 500 test 20mg sdrol a day
5150 is when someone, usually a police officer, forcefully takes you to a mental hospital for treatment to be evaluated to see if you might be a harm to yourself or a harm to others. if yes, then you stay in the hospital until they get your medication adjusted to stabilize whatever condition you might be in. for me, it was bipolar mania. basically 5150 means a forced time in the nuthouse. and yes, your brain chemistry can be tuned with medication. that's exactly what psychiatrists specialize with.

mental illness is often misunderstood as a fundamental defect of character, but it is not. it's just some brain chemistry imbalance going on that, for some people, is easily corrected with daily medication. that's my situation. all i ever needed was medication and i refused because it made me fat. then one day they just threw all the craziest drugs at me and that's how i got fat as fuck, most of which i've already lost.

i appreciate the advice; a friend recommended tenbolone to me with anovar but i was worried that would be too strong to start with. he is the type of person who secretly does steroids but tells everyone he's natty and all he did was show me a pic of what a stack looks like and i've wanted to try it ever since.

and that is what i'll be doing. i'm not trying to kill myself, just get the ball rolling. some people are in a vicious cycle of being fat because they're lazy and being lazy because they're fat -- both working together. i'm not naturally fat, i've been in great shape before, and i've had a trainer tell me that i have a good foundation, who also advised me against using steroids even when i was in the best shape.

this group i appreciate some people giving advice and other people just getting wild for no reason.

i'm not trolling and i am taking everyone's suggestions seriously. i'm a little overweight but not obese.
what the fuck is 5150? i read everythibf now and its the second time you mention it.
You keep on talking about your psychiatrist and how youll just magically make adjustments if theres any psychological effects, this is nuts your not a freaking robot that can be tuned. What if the effect is acute and you just fly off? I mean your literally not mentally healthy, you shouldnt do any of this, take care of base needs and get better! Maybe your problems are real maybe your just a pussy who knows(to lazy to test a max?? ie you dont even train 0.1% harder then lastt time??) like in what universe is thia normal?
We loveeeee to train, you know how some people get excited to go to a club or movie or whatever? we get that for the gym, we get the privilege of being excited and enjoying something almost everyday. The peds and shit is just extra man, first off find the physical activity that you love and im sure just that will be enough to continue losing weight with no mental risk let alone the other risks (hpta, bp ect).
TLDR fuck it bro do 500 tren 500 test 20mg sdrol a day
Honestly man that’s all I look forward to is the next gym session. It’s weird because I dread it and can’t wait for it at the same time.
I stare at the log book and think dear god I’ve gotta beat those reps or that weight. I’ll have warm up sets that feel heavy, but then I hit the top end work set and the feeling of adding another rep or pound, beating that fucking book brings me the most peace in my life.
i'm not trolling

5150 is when someone, usually a police officer, forcefully takes you to a mental hospital for treatment to be evaluated to see if you might be a harm to yourself or a harm to others. if yes, then you stay in the hospital until they get your medication adjusted to stabilize whatever condition you might be in. for me, it was bipolar mania. basically 5150 means a forced time in the nuthouse. and yes, your brain chemistry can be tuned with medication. that's exactly what psychiatrists specialize with.

mental illness is often misunderstood as a fundamental defect of character, but it is not. it's just some brain chemistry imbalance going on that, for some people, is easily corrected with daily medication. that's my situation. all i ever needed was medication and i refused because it made me fat. then one day they just threw all the craziest drugs at me and that's how i got fat as fuck, most of which i've already lost.

i appreciate the advice; a friend recommended tenbolone to me with anovar but i was worried that would be too strong to start with. he is the type of person who secretly does steroids but tells everyone he's natty and all he did was show me a pic of what a stack looks like and i've wanted to try it ever since.

and that is what i'll be doing. i'm not trying to kill myself, just get the ball rolling. some people are in a vicious cycle of being fat because they're lazy and being lazy because they're fat -- both working together. i'm not naturally fat, i've been in great shape before, and i've had a trainer tell me that i have a good foundation, who also advised me against using steroids even when i was in the best shape.

this group i appreciate some people giving advice and other people just getting wild for no reason.

i'm not trolling and i am taking everyone's suggestions seriously. i'm a little overweight but not obese.
Do NOT do Tren if you have any sort of mental illness…and if you do, tell us your name so we can look up the News in a few weeks and see who you killed.