fat newbie here looking for advice for first cutting cycle

@malfeasance @Silentlemon1011 @NLM36 @lifter6973 @BigBaldBeardGuy just tagging a few... is the troll raising a real question whether we even get legitimate harm reduction requests? Even if he's one of the bros it doesn't look great for someone that does come to Meso for advice to see all this shit.

@devreux would you consider cutting down on the sheer volume of trolling?
i respect that you think i'm smart enough to fake all this, but i'm not so clever. i guarantee some newbie will find this thread. and hopefully they will be smart enough to pick out the good parts
i respect that you think i'm smart enough to fake all this, but i'm not so clever. i guarantee some newbie will find this thread. and hopefully they will be smart enough to pick out the good parts
you've got an effective method!

trolling SST... that's an endeavor worthy of praise
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i respect that you think i'm smart enough to fake all this, but i'm not so clever. i guarantee some newbie will find this thread. and hopefully they will be smart enough to pick out the good parts
I’ll list them for harm reduction purposes.
Dear beginners before you are ready to start peds here are some basic guide lines:
1) know how to properly train
2) have an understanding of nutrition and how to diet properly for gaining muscle and losing fat.
3) Do these things consistently for at least a few years
4) have a basic understanding of how the body works
5) read and read and ask question after question and learn everything you can about these drugs before you start
6) get blood work done before during and after your cycle
7) be prepared to at some point stick yourself with a needle for life
8) you’re probably not going to listen anyway so just stick with 200-400mg of test
9) make sure you have all of you ancillaries and pct drugs
10) if you’ve made it this far you’re already a head of most people
I’ll list them for harm reduction purposes.
Dear beginners before you are ready to start peds here are some basic guide lines:
1) know how to properly train
2) have an understanding of nutrition and how to diet properly for gaining muscle and losing fat.
3) Do these things consistently for at least a few years
4) have a basic understanding of how the body works
5) read and read and ask question after question and learn everything you can about these drugs before you start
6) get blood work done before during and after your cycle
7) be prepared to at some point stick yourself with a needle for life
8) you’re probably not going to listen anyway so just stick with 200-400mg of test
9) make sure you have all of you ancillaries and pct drugs
10) if you’ve made it this far you’re already a head of most people
thank you
@devreux bro you’re a legend. The title, OP and interaction are a 9/10. Damn near perfect trolling.

Obese psych patient gets RX for Wegovy, drops substantial BW / BF and jumps straight to gear without labs or a plan?

I am not as experienced with the artform as the OP but do they ever admit they are trolling? I imagine the answer is no.

I will enjoy this one either way.
@devreux bro you’re a legend. The title, OP and interaction are a 9/10. Damn near perfect trolling.

Obese psych patient gets RX for Wegovy, drops substantial BW / BF and jumps straight to gear without labs or a plan?

I am not as experienced with the artform as the OP but do they ever admit they are trolling? I imagine the answer is no.

I will enjoy this one either way.
The sad part is it doesn’t sound fake or uncommon at all.
Gear alone isn’t going to make you lose fat just as your medicine didn’t make you gain fat. Eating like a pig got you fat and sorting out your nutrition/calories will make you lose it.

Probably a bad idea to run gear if you’re a psych patient anyway, as steroids impact your psych as well.
Gear alone isn’t going to make you lose fat just as your medicine didn’t make you gain fat. Eating like a pig got you fat and sorting out your nutrition/calories will make you lose it.

Probably a bad idea to run gear if you’re a psych patient anyway, as steroids impact your psych as well.
He’s a troll. The whole thread was just fucking with people.
@malfeasance @Silentlemon1011 @NLM36 @lifter6973 @BigBaldBeardGuy just tagging a few... is the troll raising a real question whether we even get legitimate harm reduction requests? Even if he's one of the bros it doesn't look great for someone that does come to Meso for advice to see all this shit.

@devreux would you consider cutting down on the sheer volume of trolling?
I am not sure what to say. I tried to give good advice before I realized he was trolling.

And we get plenty of folks who ask questions and follow advice. Sometimes they disappear after a few weeks, but they are on here getting advice and heeding it. Even if they do not heed it, we all do our part in trying to steer them in the right direction. You included.

As for trolling and somebody coming here seeing this, I am not so bothered by that. To somebody seeking real advice, there is plenty of that here in this thread for anybody who really is in the situation that @devreux is pretending to be.
No way 12%, NLM36. I suggest you go get hydrostatically weighed or a dexascan and put that one to bed. 9-10%, just judging from that one photo, and you look too lean to be hiding much in your back or legs that is not visible in the photo.

Anyway, impressive physique.
Probably right, I’ll agree with 10. I was saying 10-12 but I always err on the higher side because people way overestimate bf. Definitely not 8 or under which is what the pro was saying on ProMuscle. I figured in order for me to step on stage and be in crazy condition I’d need to drop about 20lbs. Not that I plan on competing but it’s how I gauge it.
LOL you guys don't even know what trolling is. trolling is when someone with dark triad personality traits causes chaos on threads for the sake of eliciting emotion. i came here with an intention. i came with an intent and an obstacle. and i got good answers, which someone else will find useful. some of you guys got emotional because you're on roids, not because i intentionally wanted that to happen. and i had fun with it because i think it's hilarious. people are allowed to have a sense of humor without being a troll. i'm really laid back, and you guys are so serious. i knew what i was getting myself into. but i am not here because i'm trying to compete at anything. i just want to look good. just a light enhancement to get the ball rolling.. imagine trying to start an old car in some extremely cold weather: that's my goal. just get the car started, and eventually i'll start driving when it warms up. you guys are so high level, you need to bring it down for people like me
LOL you guys don't even know what trolling is. trolling is when someone with dark triad personality traits causes chaos on threads for the sake of eliciting emotion. i came here with an intention. i came with an intent and an obstacle. and i got good answers, which someone else will find useful. some of you guys got emotional because you're on roids, not because i intentionally wanted that to happen. and i had fun with it because i think it's hilarious. people are allowed to have a sense of humor without being a troll. i'm really laid back, and you guys are so serious. i knew what i was getting myself into. but i am not here because i'm trying to compete at anything. i just want to look good. just a light enhancement to get the ball rolling.. imagine trying to start an old car in some extremely cold weather: that's my goal. just get the car started, and eventually i'll start driving when it warms up. you guys are so high level, you need to bring it down for people like me
We did. We told you to get your diet and training in order first. I told you to get your hormones checked as I do believe with the psych meds that your test, igf, and thyroid levels are likely low.
It is not obsessive to track calories and training, it is fundamental, and everyone here (that A. isn't a troll, or B. is still here to tell the tale of their training success after PEDs) does it actively or has done it to such an extent so as to understand their deviating from maintenance at LEAST.

Losing fat from coming off presumably antipsychotic meds which are notorious for causing obesity and fucking up lipids is easy. Using semaglutide for appetite makes this effortless. That does not demonstrate even the barest level of discipline.

This is not a good idea for you.

i just want to look good. just a light enhancement to get the ball rolling.. imagine trying to start an old car in some extremely cold weather: that's my goal. just get the car started, and eventually i'll start driving when it warms up. you guys are so high level, you need to bring it down for people like me
Nonsense. Read @Type-IIx's comment quoted above. I told you to get in the gym and start lifting weights.

These are like basic little fundamental truths. If you are not tracking your food and not lifting weights, then injecting steroids is stupid.

That you do not acknowledge this convinces me you are a troll, not somebody here seeking help.

You promised you would post up a photo, but never did, another good sign of a troll.

Cardio, tracking, lifting, leaning up . . . all should precede steroids, which are not a "light enhancement to get the ball rolling." You have everything backwards.

We give you good advice, and you whine and cry about us not "helping" you. We are. Helping does not mean telling you only what you want to hear. Sometimes helping is tossing that good for nothing, lazy grandson who has been mooching off you out into the street to stand on his own two feet for once in his pathetic adult life. Will he whine and cry about it? Sure. That's manipulation. Tossing him out was about the best help to provide him.

There is your help. Set the clock a little earlier. Do fasted cardio upon waking. Lift weights. Track everything you put in your mouth. There are steps 1, 2, and 3. We'll give you step 4 once you report back on the first 3 (and no, step 4 is not steroids).

So do it and stop your whining.
i'm not trolling

5150 is when someone, usually a police officer, forcefully takes you to a mental hospital for treatment to be evaluated to see if you might be a harm to yourself or a harm to others. if yes, then you stay in the hospital until they get your medication adjusted to stabilize whatever condition you might be in. for me, it was bipolar mania. basically 5150 means a forced time in the nuthouse. and yes, your brain chemistry can be tuned with medication. that's exactly what psychiatrists specialize with.

mental illness is often misunderstood as a fundamental defect of character, but it is not. it's just some brain chemistry imbalance going on that, for some people, is easily corrected with daily medication. that's my situation. all i ever needed was medication and i refused because it made me fat. then one day they just threw all the craziest drugs at me and that's how i got fat as fuck, most of which i've already lost.

i appreciate the advice; a friend recommended tenbolone to me with anovar but i was worried that would be too strong to start with. he is the type of person who secretly does steroids but tells everyone he's natty and all he did was show me a pic of what a stack looks like and i've wanted to try it ever since.

and that is what i'll be doing. i'm not trying to kill myself, just get the ball rolling. some people are in a vicious cycle of being fat because they're lazy and being lazy because they're fat -- both working together. i'm not naturally fat, i've been in great shape before, and i've had a trainer tell me that i have a good foundation, who also advised me against using steroids even when i was in the best shape.

this group i appreciate some people giving advice and other people just getting wild for no reason.

i'm not trolling and i am taking everyone's suggestions seriously. i'm a little overweight but not obese.
Well sorry i dont know the lingo,
Your "friend" suggested tren to you??? You should rethink your friendship, i was being hyperbolic trying to offer the craziest most reckless suggestion, it was joke god dammit.
What the hell is going on? You may just be in a manic episode.
my point is this isnt for you, might as well just get addicted to surgeries or something. Have you looked at the risks?
Seriously just find the physical activity you love and go with it, it obviously isnt weight training. Again the peds are just thing we use to enhace the lifestyle, you havent even dipped into the lifestyle. Just eat less calories, walk alittlw more and try some physical sports or activities till you find the one you LOVE and enjoy, that you cant wait to partake in. Like serously im sure everyone can agree that at some time theyve dreamt of the next gym session! Find that thing for you and youll be find. Mens sana in corpore sano,
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Nonsense. Read @Type-IIx's comment quoted above. I told you to get in the gym and start lifting weights.

These are like basic little fundamental truths. If you are not tracking your food and not lifting weights, then injecting steroids is stupid.

That you do not acknowledge this convinces me you are a troll, not somebody here seeking help.

You promised you would post up a photo, but never did, another good sign of a troll.

Cardio, tracking, lifting, leaning up . . . all should precede steroids, which are not a "light enhancement to get the ball rolling." You have everything backwards.

We give you good advice, and you whine and cry about us not "helping" you. We are. Helping does not mean telling you only what you want to hear. Sometimes helping is tossing that good for nothing, lazy grandson who has been mooching off you out into the street to stand on his own two feet for once in his pathetic adult life. Will he whine and cry about it? Sure. That's manipulation. Tossing him out was about the best help to provide him.

There is your help. Set the clock a little earlier. Do fasted cardio upon waking. Lift weights. Track everything you put in your mouth. There are steps 1, 2, and 3. We'll give you step 4 once you report back on the first 3 (and no, step 4 is not steroids).

So do it and stop your whining.
i uploaded a photo of my scale, what are you talking about? i promised a before and after.... i don't HAVE an after yet. LOL. you're the only one whining brother. i already got what i came here for, and there is nothing more to add
Well sorry i dont know the lingo,
Your "friend" suggested tren to you??? You should rethink your friendship, i was being hyperbolic trying to offer the craziest most reckless suggestion, it was joke god dammit.
What the hell is going on? You may just be in a manic episode.
hey bro, that was a little sarcasm on my part too. you're not the only one who knows what a joke is
Yes, there is.

(1) Cardio

(2) Food tracking

(3) Weight training
so you think cherry picking my entire reply and putting it out of context for the lazy reader will help give yourself more credibility? all that has been discussed already. there is nothing more to add to this discussion