fat newbie here looking for advice for first cutting cycle

You could add to this discussion a reply, "You know, you are right. I am going to set my alarm a little earlier and do cardio. I am also going to track my food and start lifting weights. I heard the advice from folks here, and I am going to do this the right way instead of half assed and fucking it up."
Well sorry i dont know the lingo,
Your "friend" suggested tren to you??? You should rethink your friendship, i was being hyperbolic trying to offer the craziest most reckless suggestion, it was joke god dammit.
What the hell is going on? You may just be in a manic episode.
my point is this isnt for you, might as well just get addicted to surgeries or something. Have you looked at the risks?
Seriously just find the physical activity you love and go with it, it obviously isnt weight training. Again the peds are just thing we use to enhace the lifestyle, you havent even dipped into the lifestyle. Just eat less calories, walk alittlw more and try some physical sports or activities till you find the one you LOVE and enjoy, that you cant wait to partake in. Like seroously im sure everyone can agree that at some times the dream of the next gym session! Find that thing for you and youll be find. Mens sana in corpore sano,
now that you've edited by adding more comments, i won't address them all, but i'm not disagreeing. i already do have a healthy mind, as you can see by the fact that you're able to understand what i'm saying, that it has a logical flow with intention. i know you don't know anything about bipolar disorder, and i'm not here to discuss that with you. in short: it is treatable. what i will actually do in real life, i have no need to discuss those details here, i'm not trying to prove anything to anyone here, if you haven't noticed. i will take care of my habits. i'm not obese. i know what is safe. someone mentioned validation seeking, which is a completely normal human behavior that we're all doing right now.

and some people still just are missing the point. now who is trolling?
now that you've edited by adding more comments, i won't address them all, but i'm not disagreeing. i already do have a healthy mind, as you can see by the fact that you're able to understand what i'm saying, that it has a logical flow with intention. i know you don't know anything about bipolar disorder, and i'm not here to discuss that with you. in short: it is treatable. what i will actually do in real life, i have no need to discuss those details here, i'm not trying to prove anything to anyone here, if you haven't noticed. i will take care of my habits. i'm not obese. i know what is safe. someone mentioned validation seeking, which is a completely normal human behavior that we're all doing right now.

and some people still just are missing the point. now who is trolling?
Well you are obese and your going to an extreme right now that will harm you.
Well you are obese and your going to an extreme right now that will harm you.
i will not be doing that extreme "joke" cycle that you haphazardly shared as advice for ignorant newbies to read and harm themselves with. i will be doing a very basic low dose of test only that will be likely half of the lowest recommended dose. i was looking for harm reduction, and that's what i got
Theres a lot of people on gear on psyche meds. I dont think anybody should play with psyche meds that allow them to be consistent and stable in their life. Just leavem where they are and work around em.
Everyone has hammered you on the food and training so I'm sure youre going to look into learning that stuff.
The only thing in your stack that stood out as not supporting your goal, to me, was the winstrol.
Id save that for later on down the road when youre single digit body fat and can benefit from the cosmetic dry look effect. Right now it would just make your joints hurt.

Everyone always says you dont benefit from gear if your fat. I believe you benefit regardless. Might not be nearly as insulin sensitive but if youre in a calorie deficit and training hard while you're above 15% and new to gear and not very muscular, you'll build some muscle.

I dont remember if you mentioned clen,,, but hold off a little bit if you can.
My coach wanted me to run some clen. I had some but forgot where it was, between the house apartment and storage unit. I was losing weight fast and found it after a couple weeks. Took it one day, said fuck that. Hated how it felt when I was already in such a deficit and doing cardio. Told him I didnt like it. He said yea fuck it youre almost stage ready just stop sneaking rice cakes.

Clen I see as another tool for when youre going all out with disregard for health for a period of time. Not as a common maybe throw this in there type of thing. I doesnt work wonders like suffering through a diet does
i'm not trolling

5150 is when someone, usually a police officer, forcefully takes you to a mental hospital for treatment to be evaluated to see if you might be a harm to yourself or a harm to others. if yes, then you stay in the hospital until they get your medication adjusted to stabilize whatever condition you might be in. for me, it was bipolar mania. basically 5150 means a forced time in the nuthouse. and yes, your brain chemistry can be tuned with medication. that's exactly what psychiatrists specialize with.

mental illness is often misunderstood as a fundamental defect of character, but it is not. it's just some brain chemistry imbalance going on that, for some people, is easily corrected with daily medication. that's my situation. all i ever needed was medication and i refused because it made me fat. then one day they just threw all the craziest drugs at me and that's how i got fat as fuck, most of which i've already lost.

i appreciate the advice; a friend recommended tenbolone to me with anovar but i was worried that would be too strong to start with. he is the type of person who secretly does steroids but tells everyone he's natty and all he did was show me a pic of what a stack looks like and i've wanted to try it ever since.

and that is what i'll be doing. i'm not trying to kill myself, just get the ball rolling. some people are in a vicious cycle of being fat because they're lazy and being lazy because they're fat -- both working together. i'm not naturally fat, i've been in great shape before, and i've had a trainer tell me that i have a good foundation, who also advised me against using steroids even when i was in the best shape.

this group i appreciate some people giving advice and other people just getting wild for no reason.

i'm not trolling and i am taking everyone's suggestions seriously. i'm a little overweight but not obese.
I never knew that. Thanks for the knowledge.
LOL you guys don't even know what trolling is. trolling is when someone with dark triad personality traits causes chaos on threads for the sake of eliciting emotion. i came here with an intention. i came with an intent and an obstacle. and i got good answers, which someone else will find useful. some of you guys got emotional because you're on roids, not because i intentionally wanted that to happen. and i had fun with it because i think it's hilarious. people are allowed to have a sense of humor without being a troll. i'm really laid back, and you guys are so serious. i knew what i was getting myself into. but i am not here because i'm trying to compete at anything. i just want to look good. just a light enhancement to get the ball rolling.. imagine trying to start an old car in some extremely cold weather: that's my goal. just get the car started, and eventually i'll start driving when it warms up. you guys are so high level, you need to bring it down for people like me
OK bro I am going to assume you are being genuine. What made you start researching testosterone and/or steroids? Did you previously have concerns over low T or anything like that?

Why aren’t you starting with labwork and then making a plan? It sounds like you care about your health? Do you have any family history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol or heart disease?

Maybe it’s just one cycle to you and maybe your research has implied there is no real risk, only upside, but these drugs can severely impact key systems in your body. Google HPTA / HPG axis, HPA axis and risk of shutting these systems down.

It seems like you’re pretty set on moving forward with your plan. Would you be willing to order a couple panels and go get some blood drawn? Even without MD or ins involvement you can get some key baseline numbers for less than $100.

You have some top members participating in this thread. Silentlemon1011, BBBG, Malfeasance etc etc etc. The amount of knowledge these guys have on AAS, training, diet and everything else related to all of this is unbelievable.
OK bro I am going to assume you are being genuine. What made you start researching testosterone and/or steroids? Did you previously have concerns over low T or anything like that?

Why aren’t you starting with labwork and then making a plan? It sounds like you care about your health? Do you have any family history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol or heart disease?

Maybe it’s just one cycle to you and maybe your research has implied there is no real risk, only upside, but these drugs can severely impact key systems in your body. Google HPTA / HPG axis, HPA axis and risk of shutting these systems down.

It seems like you’re pretty set on moving forward with your plan. Would you be willing to order a couple panels and go get some blood drawn? Even without MD or ins involvement you can get some key baseline numbers for less than $100.

You have some top members participating in this thread. Silentlemon1011, BBBG, Malfeasance etc etc etc. The amount of knowledge these guys have on AAS, training, diet and everything else related to all of this is unbelievable.
I will research your suggestions to see how a low dose trt can affect my systems, thanks. This is the type of answer I was originally looking for because I do not even know what all of that means. There is so much I don't know, I don't even know what questions I need to be asking or where I need to start looking

But I know I am in good company, from some of these answers. From a personal standpoint, it's hard to take anyone seriously who's roid raging at me giving me suggestions on my mental health when they know nothing of their own. The situation just got so funny that I stopped continuing to have serious conversation at times, but still I appreciate these tips

Appreciate it bro. Wish me luck :cool:
I’ll list them for harm reduction purposes.
Dear beginners before you are ready to start peds here are some basic guide lines:
1) know how to properly train
2) have an understanding of nutrition and how to diet properly for gaining muscle and losing fat.
3) Do these things consistently for at least a few years
4) have a basic understanding of how the body works
5) read and read and ask question after question and learn everything you can about these drugs before you start
6) get blood work done before during and after your cycle
7) be prepared to at some point stick yourself with a needle for life
8) you’re probably not going to listen anyway so just stick with 200-400mg of test
9) make sure you have all of you ancillaries and pct drugs
10) if you’ve made it this far you’re already a head of most people
Instructions unclear, injected 400mg of blood work into my ancillary asshole.
I will research your suggestions to see how a low dose trt can affect my systems, thanks. This is the type of answer I was originally looking for because I do not even know what all of that means. There is so much I don't know, I don't even know what questions I need to be asking or where I need to start looking

But I know I am in good company, from some of these answers. From a personal standpoint, it's hard to take anyone seriously who's roid raging at me giving me suggestions on my mental health when they know nothing of their own. The situation just got so funny that I stopped continuing to have serious conversation at times, but still I appreciate these tips

Appreciate it bro. Wish me luck :cool:

I am rooting for you. My girlfriend is even grabbing my iPad and checking this thread. She disagreed about you being a troll but she’s incredibly sweet and far too trusting of internet strangers lol. She will likely be a PA for an anti aging & weight loss clinic and has very high hopes for GLP 1 agonists like the one you’re using. That’s how I found this thread to begin with.

If I link you some bloodwork panels that are $60-$80 would you be willing to schedule a blood draw at a local quest or LabCorp? It’s incredibly important for your health. You need baseline numbers.

imho your bodyfat puts you are at risk for potentially high estrogen from the Sust. High estrogen sides can be a BITCH. No climax, insensitivity, ED, moody af, night sweats from hell, acne, gyno and on and on. Google something like “estrogen aromatization from testosterone with higher bodyfat“ without “”

About the guys you think are “roid raging“ against you… I would advise you try and reset with them. If they continue to give you a hard time for a bit look at it like caring big (huge) brothers who are frustrated with you for being stubborn. You understand psychology basically just frame it differently. They can be pricks for sure but I can’t stress enough about their cumulative knowledge.

I’d compromise... say OK guys I will start moving some weight around and I will reconsider my aversion to tracking my diet meticulously.
Someone in here could probably get you really good beginner gym protocol to start out 4 days a week 60 ish minutes each. Maybe even some diet plans / macro tracking app recommendations etc

Good luck. Lmk and I’ll share the labwork links
I will research your suggestions to see how a low dose trt can affect my systems, thanks. This is the type of answer I was originally looking for because I do not even know what all of that means. There is so much I don't know, I don't even know what questions I need to be asking or where I need to start looking

But I know I am in good company, from some of these answers. From a personal standpoint, it's hard to take anyone seriously who's roid raging at me giving me suggestions on my mental health when they know nothing of their own. The situation just got so funny that I stopped continuing to have serious conversation at times, but still I appreciate these tips

Appreciate it bro. Wish me luck :cool:
Serious suggestions:
Your doctor is prescribing you weight loss medication. Surely he can refer you to a nutritionist? Tell them your goals and work with them. It would probably go a long way to help you learn about nutrition and form new beneficial habits.

If you want to gain strength, start lifting weight. Find a program you think you might like and give it a try for a few months.

Save your drugs for now. @malfeasance laid out your first few steps to success. Implement those steps, and in the meantime, do some learning about diet, training, and then steroids. There is a lot of information on meso. In addition to the meso search function, I sometimes find it easier to search the site using google or duckduckgo by typing site:thinksteroids.com and then adding keywords.

You've gotten great advice here from some very knowledgable members. I encourage you to take their advice seriously.

Remember, its a marathon, not a sprint.

Also, sustanon is not conducive to a 3-4 week run.
imho your bodyfat puts you are at risk for potentially high estrogen from the Sust. High estrogen sides can be a BITCH. No climax, insensitivity, ED, moody af, night sweats from hell, acne, gyno and on and on. Google something like “estrogen aromatization from testosterone with higher bodyfat“ without “”
Huh, that explains a lot. Although I love being able to last forever sometimes.
I am rooting for you. My girlfriend is even grabbing my iPad and checking this thread. She disagreed about you being a troll but she’s incredibly sweet and far too trusting of internet strangers lol. She will likely be a PA for an anti aging & weight loss clinic and has very high hopes for GLP 1 agonists like the one you’re using. That’s how I found this thread to begin with.

If I link you some bloodwork panels that are $60-$80 would you be willing to schedule a blood draw at a local quest or LabCorp? It’s incredibly important for your health. You need baseline numbers.

imho your bodyfat puts you are at risk for potentially high estrogen from the Sust. High estrogen sides can be a BITCH. No climax, insensitivity, ED, moody af, night sweats from hell, acne, gyno and on and on. Google something like “estrogen aromatization from testosterone with higher bodyfat“ without “”

About the guys you think are “roid raging“ against you… I would advise you try and reset with them. If they continue to give you a hard time for a bit look at it like caring big (huge) brothers who are frustrated with you for being stubborn. You understand psychology basically just frame it differently. They can be pricks for sure but I can’t stress enough about their cumulative knowledge.

I’d compromise... say OK guys I will start moving some weight around and I will reconsider my aversion to tracking my diet meticulously.
Someone in here could probably get you really good beginner gym protocol to start out 4 days a week 60 ish minutes each. Maybe even some diet plans / macro tracking app recommendations etc

Good luck. Lmk and I’ll share the labwork links
i know she has a good sense of better judgment haha

and yeah i would appreciate the links.

also, can my doc do these tests? it might be possible that they can just prescribe me testosterone legally. i have a very easy time getting whatever drug i might be interested in trying and he was even hesitant about getting me the semaglutide but prescribed it anyway

the boys here i'm okay with them. i'm not holding any grudges. i know i am stubborn. but i have a feeling many here can relate with this

Serious suggestions:
Your doctor is prescribing you weight loss medication. Surely he can refer you to a nutritionist? Tell them your goals and work with them. It would probably go a long way to help you learn about nutrition and form new beneficial habits.

If you want to gain strength, start lifting weight. Find a program you think you might like and give it a try for a few months.

Save your drugs for now. @malfeasance laid out your first few steps to success. Implement those steps, and in the meantime, do some learning about diet, training, and then steroids. There is a lot of information on meso. In addition to the meso search function, I sometimes find it easier to search the site using google or duckduckgo by typing site:thinksteroids.com and then adding keywords.

You've gotten great advice here from some very knowledgable members. I encourage you to take their advice seriously.

Remember, its a marathon, not a sprint.

Also, sustanon is not conducive to a 3-4 week run.
yes, my doc is cool af. he can even refer me to an endocrinologist, nutritionist, anything if i asked. the nutrition aspect i understand it well since i've already lost a good amount of weight from it. i have the myfitnesspal to track every single thing i eat, but it gets tedious trying to make it an exact science when my goal is simply to have a beach body.

i'm listening to everyone's relevant comments, believe it or not. i'm listening. i was just having a little fun with the situation i was falling into here that was getting a little out of hand
:::checking if my last response got auto-checked for permission

alright some word i wrote last matched a filter for mod approval. hopefully you all get it. bedtime for me now. night
Theres a lot of people on gear on psyche meds. I dont think anybody should play with psyche meds that allow them to be consistent and stable in their life. Just leavem where they are and work around em.
Everyone has hammered you on the food and training so I'm sure youre going to look into learning that stuff.
The only thing in your stack that stood out as not supporting your goal, to me, was the winstrol.
Id save that for later on down the road when youre single digit body fat and can benefit from the cosmetic dry look effect. Right now it would just make your joints hurt.

Everyone always says you dont benefit from gear if your fat. I believe you benefit regardless. Might not be nearly as insulin sensitive but if youre in a calorie deficit and training hard while you're above 15% and new to gear and not very muscular, you'll build some muscle.

I dont remember if you mentioned clen,,, but hold off a little bit if you can.
My coach wanted me to run some clen. I had some but forgot where it was, between the house apartment and storage unit. I was losing weight fast and found it after a couple weeks. Took it one day, said fuck that. Hated how it felt when I was already in such a deficit and doing cardio. Told him I didnt like it. He said yea fuck it youre almost stage ready just stop sneaking rice cakes.

Clen I see as another tool for when youre going all out with disregard for health for a period of time. Not as a common maybe throw this in there type of thing. I doesnt work wonders like suffering through a diet does
Chocolate rice cakes get me every time. Hahaha
i know she has a good sense of better judgment haha

and yeah i would appreciate the links.

also, can my doc do these tests? it might be possible that they can just prescribe me testosterone legally. i have a very easy time getting whatever drug i might be interested in trying and he was even hesitant about getting me the semaglutide but prescribed it anyway

the boys here i'm okay with them. i'm not holding any grudges. i know i am stubborn. but i have a feeling many here can relate with this

yes, my doc is cool af. he can even refer me to an endocrinologist, nutritionist, anything if i asked. the nutrition aspect i understand it well since i've already lost a good amount of weight from it. i have the myfitnesspal to track every single thing i eat, but it gets tedious trying to make it an exact science when my goal is simply to have a beach body.

i'm listening to everyone's relevant comments, believe it or not. i'm listening. i was just having a little fun with the situation i was falling into here that was getting a little out of hand

I’m glad to see your being receptive and showing a willingness to listen. The comment by @shackleford below nails it. He’s another guy I respect here on these boards. Even comments saying that you’re lazy and undisciplined for not being willing to make dietary changes and get in the gym, as harsh as they may seem, these are genuine comments. I agree with you that the delivery is not ideal but these two things in particular are repeated so much because they are the foundations of being healthy and having a good body composition. I know you’ve lost weight before, not invalidating that but justsaying that thick skin will be your friend around here.

This is my go to for how to order labs. This is mostly focused on cash pay but there’s relevant info on what markers and panels you will want to order even if your doctors help you get these tests.

If you have good insurance and especially if you have good doctors then I would 100% encourage you go the route of trying to do everything through them first. They can absolutely prescribe test. These days it’s not even difficult to get a prescription for Deca, Anavar and multiple other PEDs. Most importantly you will have professionals over seeing your labs in addition to the help guys here can offer.

You don’t want to shut your balls down and completely fuck up your hormone production for a one summer beach body. Even if your doc is not comfortable to RX TRT they may have referrals. They will 100% be able to order all of your labs, even if you end up with an outside clinic. A helpful/friendly doctor can literally save you thousands of dollars annually and help you watch every key lab results closely.

Recommended labs
Mandatory (imho):
CBC. CMP. Lipid/Heart Health panel. Free Total and bioavailable Testosterone, ultrasensitive estradiol/E2. FSH. LH. SHBG. PSA.

If you have a cool doc and great insurance or want to be super thorough:
DHT. Thyroid panel. Prolactin. DHEA. Progesterone. Vit D. Cortisol. C-Reactive Protein.
(Into the weeds here but.. ACTH. Vit B12. Pregnenelone. Fasted Insulin. Serum Ferritin. Iron.)