fat newbie here looking for advice for first cutting cycle

my advice is to become a lean newbie and in that time do some fucking research. Get at LEAST A YEAR of lifting under your belt then MAYBE youll be atleast a little more suited to dick around w anabolics. Most likely not but your life.
I am rooting for you. My girlfriend is even grabbing my iPad and checking this thread. She disagreed about you being a troll but she’s incredibly sweet and far too trusting of internet strangers lol. She will likely be a PA for an anti aging & weight loss clinic and has very high hopes for GLP 1 agonists like the one you’re using. That’s how I found this thread to begin with.

If I link you some bloodwork panels that are $60-$80 would you be willing to schedule a blood draw at a local quest or LabCorp? It’s incredibly important for your health. You need baseline numbers.

imho your bodyfat puts you are at risk for potentially high estrogen from the Sust. High estrogen sides can be a BITCH. No climax, insensitivity, ED, moody af, night sweats from hell, acne, gyno and on and on. Google something like “estrogen aromatization from testosterone with higher bodyfat“ without “”

About the guys you think are “roid raging“ against you… I would advise you try and reset with them. If they continue to give you a hard time for a bit look at it like caring big (huge) brothers who are frustrated with you for being stubborn. You understand psychology basically just frame it differently. They can be pricks for sure but I can’t stress enough about their cumulative knowledge.

I’d compromise... say OK guys I will start moving some weight around and I will reconsider my aversion to tracking my diet meticulously.
Someone in here could probably get you really good beginner gym protocol to start out 4 days a week 60 ish minutes each. Maybe even some diet plans / macro tracking app recommendations etc

Good luck. Lmk and I’ll share the labwork links
Blue... 30. When you know, you know.

Anyway, this troll got you.
Blue... 30. When you know, you know.

Anyway, this troll got you.
paranoia, suspiciousness, hostility: too much test and also signs of bipolar mania LOL. easily treated with the psych drugs i'm taking. also, some of these sellers have some "pharma grade" bipolar medication, i noticed

and let's give you the benefit of the doubt: what if i am a troll? are we not sharing useful information here? then why does my identity as "troll" even matter? it does not matter who i am because the reason you're here is to share useful information and not just flex with the bros, right?

anyway, i do have an actual question i want to ask: what do you guys think about me just doing an AI (aromatase inhibitor, no?) to block estrogen as opposed to adding any testosterone?? would this be a good idea?

i've already asked for a referral to an endocrinologist
I’m glad to see your being receptive and showing a willingness to listen. The comment by @shackleford below nails it. He’s another guy I respect here on these boards. Even comments saying that you’re lazy and undisciplined for not being willing to make dietary changes and get in the gym, as harsh as they may seem, these are genuine comments. I agree with you that the delivery is not ideal but these two things in particular are repeated so much because they are the foundations of being healthy and having a good body composition. I know you’ve lost weight before, not invalidating that but justsaying that thick skin will be your friend around here.

This is my go to for how to order labs. This is mostly focused on cash pay but there’s relevant info on what markers and panels you will want to order even if your doctors help you get these tests.

If you have good insurance and especially if you have good doctors then I would 100% encourage you go the route of trying to do everything through them first. They can absolutely prescribe test. These days it’s not even difficult to get a prescription for Deca, Anavar and multiple other PEDs. Most importantly you will have professionals over seeing your labs in addition to the help guys here can offer.

You don’t want to shut your balls down and completely fuck up your hormone production for a one summer beach body. Even if your doc is not comfortable to RX TRT they may have referrals. They will 100% be able to order all of your labs, even if you end up with an outside clinic. A helpful/friendly doctor can literally save you thousands of dollars annually and help you watch every key lab results closely.

Recommended labs
Mandatory (imho):
CBC. CMP. Lipid/Heart Health panel. Free Total and bioavailable Testosterone, ultrasensitive estradiol/E2. FSH. LH. SHBG. PSA.

If you have a cool doc and great insurance or want to be super thorough:
DHT. Thyroid panel. Prolactin. DHEA. Progesterone. Vit D. Cortisol. C-Reactive Protein.
(Into the weeds here but.. ACTH. Vit B12. Pregnenelone. Fasted Insulin. Serum Ferritin. Iron.)
appreciate this response, thank you
Blue... 30. When you know, you know.

Anyway, this troll got you.
It’s possible for sure. Looking to see him quickly follow through on labs. Until my GF is convinced of this it’s useless for me to fight against her desire to reduce harm and help. One of the only time she’s ever taken an interest in a thread here
so i'm the troll, but the one who calls people "fucktard" and admitted to not staying on topic is not. it's not that you're getting trolled, it's just that you're on FUCKING STEROIDS. so chill already and don't talk unless you got something to add
paranoia, suspiciousness, hostility: too much test and also signs of bipolar mania LOL. easily treated with the psych drugs i'm taking. also, some of these sellers have some "pharma grade" bipolar medication, i noticed

and let's give you the benefit of the doubt: what if i am a troll? are we not sharing useful information here? then why does my identity as "troll" even matter? it does not matter who i am because the reason you're here is to share useful information and not just flex with the bros, right?

anyway, i do have an actual question i want to ask: what do you guys think about me just doing an AI (aromatase inhibitor, no?) to block estrogen as opposed to adding any testosterone?? would this be a good idea?

i've already asked for a referral to an endocrinologist

The guys are here to help for sure. Honestly less about the flexing although it would be dumb to deny that our brains love the likes. It‘s been proven that they provide a dopamine spike.

The whole problem if you’re trolling us is that the time and attention we are spending here could be better used elsewhere to help someone genuinely seeking advice.

I’ll be looking for an update on when you are getting labs. When you get your numbers back we will help you formulate some questions for your docs.

Also, it’s questions like what about using an AI only without knowing your labs that make us think you are trolling and possibly being disingenuous. Assuming it’s a genuine question you def don’t want to do that blindly. Low estrogen sides are just as bad if not worse then what I listed for high estrogen.
Possible side effects from crashed estrogen include things like complete sexual dysfunction, ED, no desire, severe fatigue, anxiety, depression, malaise, anhedonia or lack of interest in day to day activities etc etc etc

Glad to see that you reached out to your endocrinologist. That list of lab work I gave you will provide you with significant insight and give you baselines to improve your physical and mental health. Definitely @ me when you get your first labs back.
The guys are here to help for sure. Honestly less about the flexing although it would be dumb to deny that our brains love the likes. It‘s been proven that they provide a dopamine spike.

The whole problem if you’re trolling us is that the time and attention we are spending here could be better used elsewhere to help someone genuinely seeking advice.

I’ll be looking for an update on when you are getting labs. When you get your numbers back we will help you formulate some questions for your docs.

Also, it’s questions like what about using an AI only without knowing your labs that make us think you are trolling and possibly being disingenuous. Assuming it’s a genuine question you def don’t want to do that blindly. Low estrogen sides are just as bad if not worse then what I listed for high estrogen.
Possible side effects from crashed estrogen include things like complete sexual dysfunction, ED, no desire, severe fatigue, anxiety, depression, malaise, anhedonia or lack of interest in day to day activities etc etc etc

Glad to see that you reached out to your endocrinologist. That list of lab work I gave you will provide you with significant insight and give you baselines to improve your physical and mental health. Definitely @ me when you get your first labs back.
i mean i already said i know nothing. i'm not sure how to make that any clearer. and there's not a lot of instruction going on, so i'm just asking questions as they come to mind while i'm doing some impromptu research, like my question about AI that you found extremely stupid; i'd rather look stupid with a stupid question and admit my ignorance than to pretend like i am any better than anyone else.

i'll def keep you posted when i get the labs done. i don't think i have anything else to add here so that i can minimize the "trolling." i will not take anything until i get the labs first
so i'm the troll, but the one who calls people "fucktard" and admitted to not staying on topic is not. it's not that you're getting trolled, it's just that you're on FUCKING STEROIDS. so chill already and don't talk unless you got something to add
bitch, Ill say what I want, when I want, where I want. If you got a problem with that up your meds you nutjob.
@Blue30 i sent a response already that is waiting for mod approval because of some matched word i wrote that needs to be checked. basically it just says i'll be getting the labs first and come back at you
alright so i'm just gonna go back through and re-read some of the good comments. right now, i've decided to just save my gear until i get labs first so i know exactly what i'm starting with before making any decisions. i'll keep you posted so you know i'm serious. it's not going to be overnight
alright so i'm just gonna go back through and re-read some of the good comments. right now, i've decided to just save my gear until i get labs first so i know exactly what i'm starting with before making any decisions. i'll keep you posted so you know i'm serious. it's not going to be overnight
We will be keeping semi skeptical eye on the thread brother. lol Awesome to see you holding off on the gear and moving forward on labs.

edit: In the meantime definitely search around on these boards and read up on all of these different things have came up in this thread. There’s tons of knowledge here on meso
alright so i'm just gonna go back through and re-read some of the good comments. right now, i've decided to just save my gear until i get labs first so i know exactly what i'm starting with before making any decisions. i'll keep you posted so you know i'm serious. it's not going to be overnight
anxiously waiting you troll bitch
so i'm the troll, but the one who calls people "fucktard" and admitted to not staying on topic is not. it's not that you're getting trolled, it's just that you're on FUCKING STEROIDS. so chill already and don't talk unless you got something to add
Stop saying the roid rage bull shit and things referencing it. It’s a myth. I’m actually less of an asshole now than I was before I ever started. If you have a problem with people who use steroids or continue to spout debunked bs then why are you here? Oh yeah, to troll.
I dont doubt that you probably have mental illness but I doubt anything you e stated here is true.
To anyone that buys it or gives you the benefit of the doubt: You’re a fucking moron.
we’ve given advice. Stop rooting or whatever else.
I could care less what happens to you.
You literally admitted to trolling in one post and said this was copy/paste and that you just wanted a source but no one would give you one.
Do you guys not read everything before you respond.
again, anyone who believes this guy is a fucking idiot. How can anybody be so gullible?

I’ll guarantee this is that same faggot whi was asking about bulimia and if his face was androgenic.
trace the ip I promise it’s the same
We will be keeping semi skeptical eye on the thread brother. lol Awesome to see you holding off on the gear and moving forward on labs.

edit: In the meantime definitely search around on these boards and read up on all of these different things have came up in this thread. There’s tons of knowledge here on meso
A skeptical eye? Are you retarded? This is an obvious troll. He has admitted it
I am rooting for you. My girlfriend is even grabbing my iPad and checking this thread. She disagreed about you being a troll but she’s incredibly sweet and far too trusting of internet strangers lol. She will likely be a PA for an anti aging & weight loss clinic and has very high hopes for GLP 1 agonists like the one you’re using. That’s how I found this thread to begin with.

If I link you some bloodwork panels that are $60-$80 would you be willing to schedule a blood draw at a local quest or LabCorp? It’s incredibly important for your health. You need baseline numbers.

imho your bodyfat puts you are at risk for potentially high estrogen from the Sust. High estrogen sides can be a BITCH. No climax, insensitivity, ED, moody af, night sweats from hell, acne, gyno and on and on. Google something like “estrogen aromatization from testosterone with higher bodyfat“ without “”

About the guys you think are “roid raging“ against you… I would advise you try and reset with them. If they continue to give you a hard time for a bit look at it like caring big (huge) brothers who are frustrated with you for being stubborn. You understand psychology basically just frame it differently. They can be pricks for sure but I can’t stress enough about their cumulative knowledge.

I’d compromise... say OK guys I will start moving some weight around and I will reconsider my aversion to tracking my diet meticulously.
Someone in here could probably get you really good beginner gym protocol to start out 4 days a week 60 ish minutes each. Maybe even some diet plans / macro tracking app recommendations etc

Good luck. Lmk and I’ll share the labwork links
Your girlfriend isnt very bright huh?