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Long Island is 85.8% white. SI is 77.6%.
How do you know that your mom and dad weren’t siblings? Incest is extremely high in your demographic. Also you’d have to meet your dad to ask him so that’s pretty much a lost cause. You say you’re not interested in conversing yet you keep responding
I'm sure of that...just the way you converse reeks of inbreeding and stupidity. and doesn't matter what the numbers say Black folks have been in both areas for years, no go back to spying on your sister in the shower
My good man before you waste your precious time trying to have an intellectual conversation with a fellow human being I would just like you know that the disgusting creature you are replying to is not human, in fact he is the recently banned @S317 lmfao

@Millard Baker did the right thing and erased his soul and I am sure in time he will banned again
you're right ...why i even acknowledged this inbred Bum ass Jr High School drop out, and his father @Oldschool is beyond me
Actually have a house full of loving kids and a wife. She is Latina also so you playing the racist card on me is hilarious. LMFAO.

I see it all the time.
I've been called racist... then they see my wife with me.
Always gives me a chuckle, there are certainly racists out there, but the racist card is pulled far too often.
Cant just scream racist when someone is calling a spade a spade.