Glucometer Blood Sugar levels?

what is the timing of taking berberine for best fbg numbers? Before meals ? after meals? Anytime of day? i'm trying to get best possible results from taking berberine( regular berberine not dihydroberberine)
what is the timing of taking berberine for best fbg numbers? Before meals ? after meals? Anytime of day? i'm trying to get best possible results from taking berberine( regular berberine not dihydroberberine)

Afaik it doesn't matter that much. Usually it's advised with big meals and if it brings you any sides you can take it before bed. Depends on the dosage though, if you want to take 1500mg better spread it throughout day. It has 5-6 hours halflife. For me 500mg per day did some nice job on bringing down my HbA1c but i was on maintenance calories. Perhaps when i go in bulk i'll need more, i'll do bloodwork while on bulk and take it from there.
Afaik it doesn't matter that much. Usually it's advised with big meals and if it brings you any sides you can take it before bed. Depends on the dosage though, if you want to take 1500mg better spread it throughout day. It has 5-6 hours halflife. For me 500mg per day did some nice job on bringing down my HbA1c but i was on maintenance calories. Perhaps when i go in bulk i'll need more, i'll do bloodwork while on bulk and take it from there.
Thanks man! i appreciate the advice as always
Bump. Been running 5iu hgh for a few months now just cruising, was about to start another cycle. I am on 10iu hgh and was gonna wait a week before starting slin, but my fasting blood sugar is ~115.

Been taking berberine too so.... I have been bulking too
Bump. Been running 5iu hgh for a few months now just cruising, was about to start another cycle. I am on 10iu hgh and was gonna wait a week before starting slin, but my fasting blood sugar is ~115.

Been taking berberine too so.... I have been bulking too

I use berb and dapagliflozin on 10 IU/d and my fasting glucose is around 90.

Also on a low carb diet and doing a lot of cardio. Not bulking although I imagine that might present an additional challenge to managing blood glucose.
this pretty easy and it will give you weekly , every two weeks , monthly , and 90 day averages so its pretty handy i got mine on amazon for under $50 i think


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And say what exactly mr relevant?

“Hello doctor. I am worried about my blood sugar levels because I’ve become pre-diabetic. Can you please help me get my blood sugar and a1c in check?”

Can also throw in if they’re cool, “perhaps my illicit drug use has contributed to my issue.”

What I suspect is being told to you more than anything is you should not FAFO with diabetes.
“Hello doctor. I am worried about my blood sugar levels because I’ve become pre-diabetic. Can you please help me get my blood sugar and a1c in check?”

Can also throw in if they’re cool, “perhaps my illicit drug use has contributed to my issue.”

What I suspect is being told to you more than anything is you should not FAFO with diabetes.
To be fair I also have a hard time admitting to my doctor about my steroid use.
my dr had a hissy fit when my tt came back 2089 , my estrogen was 82 i was looking for some pharma ai but he wouldn't even scribe it sayin " your doing to much", lmao duh dr.... Anyway i reserve my dr for only routine bloodwork and such , i pay outta pocket for all my aas bloodwork etc , Dr's all seem to want to keep us "high e low t , its like they are programmed by our shit government to "keep the masses at bay" keep the men managed by keeping them like "soft bitches" , Ridiculous imho but seems to be the case here in shitty ol California,,,,,
my dr had a hissy fit when my tt came back 2089 , my estrogen was 82 i was looking for some pharma ai but he wouldn't even scribe it sayin " your doing to much", lmao duh dr.... Anyway i reserve my dr for only routine bloodwork and such , i pay outta pocket for all my aas bloodwork etc , Dr's all seem to want to keep us "high e low t , its like they are programmed by our shit government to "keep the masses at bay" keep the men managed by keeping them like "soft bitches" , Ridiculous imho but seems to be the case here in shitty ol California,,,,,

Trt really seems like something you’ve gotta take into your own hands in the states unless you got the dough to throw at the fancy clinics that’ll give you whatever you can pay for. Most doctors seem 20 years behind on the hormone stuff. That said, my buddy has a younger doctor that knows about everything he’s and helps him keep it dialed in. My doctor was pretty iffy on it but I clued them in none the less
Trt really seems like something you’ve gotta take into your own hands in the states unless you got the dough to throw at the fancy clinics that’ll give you whatever you can pay for.
i agree 100% , but some of these trt clinics will allow you to be "out of range" on t levels as long as you pay there excorbiant fees etc they'll hook you up , but i do my own trt and its way cheaper and i do the necessary bloodwork so i'm safe and sound as far as keeping things in check,,,, Good point @songsofpyramids