HGH Dosing Time


New Member
I’m curious to get feedback on the time of day that people are injecting their HGH. I’ve heard some say to take it first thing in the morning, some say before they workout or after they workout. Some say to take it right before bed. I’m wondering what some of you do. Thanks
I take it at 4:30 am and hit the gym by 5. On off days I take it as soon as I wake up. I’ve done it all different ways and never noticed a difference. 2x a day, 3 x day, before bed, immediately after training… always the same.
I’m curious to get feedback on the time of day that people are injecting their HGH. I’ve heard some say to take it first thing in the morning, some say before they workout or after they workout. Some say to take it right before bed. I’m wondering what some of you do. Thanks
I take it all at bedtime or middle of the night when I get up to pee.
2iu each day about 30 min before my fasted cardio. 9am to 12 noon max depending when I start my day. Staying lean is my mission.
1 hour after my second meal sometimes first thing in the morning but best times after second meal when i got almost 80g protein in my stomache then about 4-5iu i believe taking more iu at once is better then splittin it into 2 injections 2x2 iu for example i believe from experience with that i grow more also i cant inject twice a day i also do sauna 3-4 times a week with some cold showering and having good sleep so i have a good natural pulsing of hgh too
I'm taking mine before bed because it makes me sleepy during the day if I take it in the morning. Helps with sleep too
whats 2 ius doing for you?
nails growing faster, increased fat loss in abdominal area, hair on my head growing faster, better sense of well being, less fatigued after my workouts. slightly better sleep, little cuts I get from shaving my face seem to heal faster. 0 water retention. Absolutely NO growth muscle wise which is fine, I'm in a calorie deficit and also on decent doses of thyroid drugs. I do subq outer thighs and sides of stomach. Been running gh since late March of this year first time ever. I also take the necessary precautions when running it (caber for prolactin, metformin for blood sugar, t4,t3 for the supposed decrease in thyroid function.
nails growing faster, increased fat loss in abdominal area, hair on my head growing faster, better sense of well being, less fatigued after my workouts. slightly better sleep, little cuts I get from shaving my face seem to heal faster. 0 water retention. Absolutely NO growth muscle wise which is fine, I'm in a calorie deficit and also on decent doses of thyroid drugs. I do subq outer thighs and sides of stomach. Been running gh since late March of this year first time ever. I also take the necessary precautions when running it (caber for prolactin, metformin for blood sugar, t4,t3 for the supposed decrease in thyroid function.
Really don't think you need caber or t3 with HGH. T4 is debatable and most likely not needed at 2iu. Metformin only if you see issues with blood glucose levels but you shouldn't at 2iu, especially if you keep it away from food
I’m curious to get feedback on the time of day that people are injecting their HGH. I’ve heard some say to take it first thing in the morning, some say before they workout or after they workout. Some say to take it right before bed. I’m wondering what some of you do. Thanks
According to Dave Palumbo GH in the morning would help fight catabolism. Since in night time your body produces GH already and adding on top of that isn’t gonna do much since your liver can only process so much GH at once. So it’s better to take it in morning.
I’m curious to get feedback on the time of day that people are injecting their HGH. I’ve heard some say to take it first thing in the morning, some say before they workout or after they workout. Some say to take it right before bed. I’m wondering what some of you do. Thanks
Yes bro there no time table to take it I take 3iu everymorning I wake up because my brain been prroducing it through the night so give it a boosts in the morning everybody different bro
According to Dave Palumbo GH in the morning would help fight catabolism. Since in night time your body produces GH already and adding on top of that isn’t gonna do much since your liver can only process so much GH at once. So it’s better to take it in morning.

Exogenous rhGH administration, via IGF1 negative feedback, shuts down natural GH secretion. If you administer GH in the morning, you wont get any night time GH secretion, which is not without function, especially for the brain.

Palumbo is a quack.
Exogenous rhGH administration, via IGF1 negative feedback, shuts down natural GH secretion. If you administer GH in the morning, you wont get any night time GH secretion, which is not without function, especially for the brain.

Palumbo is a quack.
Then taking it in night time ain’t gonna help you either if we go with your logic. Cus if you take it night time then your brain wouldn’t produce it since it’s already in the system. I guess take it whenever you want to as long as you are taking more than your body actually produces it.
Then taking it in night time ain’t gonna help you either if we go with your logic. Cus if you take it night time then your brain wouldn’t produce it since it’s already in the system. I guess take it whenever you want to as long as you are taking more than your body actually produces it.

That doesn't make any sense.

Blood brain barrier is off course permeable to growth hormone delivered from peripheral blood system (where your administered dose from fat or muscle tissue got diffused to) via endocytosis of GHR - GH receptor lygand complex on the BBB endothelium.
That doesn't make any sense.

Blood brain barrier is off course permeable to growth hormone delivered from peripheral blood system (where your administered dose from fat or muscle tissue got diffused to) via endocytosis of GHR - GH receptor lygand complex on the BBB endothelium.
all i am saying it that if exogenous administration shuts down natural production then timing of taking it shouldn’t matter. It’s the dose that matters then. If you are shutting down your endogenous production then you better be doing doses that are more than your natural production. An as we start aging we all need GH since we don’t produce sufficient amount anymore.