HGH facial growth part 2.

Found this on google for op , its quite obvious this has happened to them so again move on with your crybaby post


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Men don’t fully develop until they are around 25. That’s why you shouldn’t be taking gh or gear before then.

That's EXACTLY why you want to start as soon as possible, so you can maximize who you were supposed to be ;)

Tons of androgens right during puberty will maximize the size of your gonads, their hormone output will be much higher afterwards ;)
After consultation with 2 doctors and an orthodontist i was able to get X-rays from before I started and after. First thing we saw was my skull was indeed finished developing. All my sutures were closed and I was completely done with puberty. After getting pictures from the same angles with doctors, I was able to compare photos from the beginning of my HGH journey to the end. There was barely any facial changes in the first 6 months of GH. All the changes happened the last two when I did use Chinese Generic optiropin that was yellow tinted. I’m going to be getting another batch of the same Gh I used those months ago and testing it for everything. I’m not sure what was in it but not sure. Anyways, what happened was my face actually grew downward, it didn’t widen at all it lengthened which contributed to my really weird face shape now. Anyways, a lot of sad shit has happened to me after this. My pretty ex left me that we were hs sweethearts and also just i’ve been getting treated differently, i didn’t know such a big life difference came from attraction but since im 21 it’s understandable why girls don’t fw me anymore. Anyways, just wanted to say to everyone who thought i wasn’t done with puberty. Yes I was completely finished. I’m sure it was regular HGH but maybe there was something else in that yellow hgh that made me react as I did to it. All the regular hgh i used before did nothing to me besides that. Maybe it was just something in it that I reacted to combined with the GH.

Brand new account. Post the x rays you mentioned or you're just a weirdo LARPing.
Brand new account. Post the x rays you mentioned or you're just a weirdo LARPing.

Wether or not he is posting steroid porn just to make us salivate, the rationale behind it holds true : you want to do as much androgens and HGH between puberty and true adulthood to maximize how masculine and developed you look, especially in the toxin-laden world we live in today.
Your pretty gf probably left you because you won’t stop whining about yellow gh making your face change. You’ve gotta be the most insecure guy on this website man.

I have never met a guy who obsessed over his looks this much. You know like 70% of men are probably considered ugly right?And a lot of them are doing just fine with their work and families.

Honestly this is hilarious to keep up with though.
Wether or not he is posting steroid porn just to make us salivate, the rationale behind it holds true : you want to do as much androgens and HGH between puberty and true adulthood to maximize how masculine and developed you look, especially in the toxin-laden world we live in today.

More irresponsible and harmful advise given by the resident jackass.
are you capable of making a single post that isn't either absolutely false or insanely bad "advice".

What specific "toxins" are you so worried about in the same breath that you recommend teenagers banging tons of gear?

Im sincerely finding hard to believe that you are not a troll
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Im sincerely finding hard to believe that you are not a troll
Dude is absolutely an obnoxious as hell troll. Acts like a know it all about things that are clearly flying over his head, offering bad/dangerous advice with regularity, and just in general being annoying. It’s a shame he has a gold badge as it means those less experienced on the forum might mistaking think he’s a voice of reason and wisdom. The only reason I haven’t ignored him is I worry he’ll say something incredibly dangerous to someone and cause serious harm and no one will be there to call this jackass out.
More irresponsible and harmful advise given by the resident jackass.
are you capable of making a single post that isn't either absolutely false or insanely bad "advice".

What specific "toxins" are you so worried about in the same breath that you recommend teenagers banging tons of gear?

Im sincerely finding hard to believe that you are not a troll

Heavy metals that occupy androgen receptors and prevent hormones to properly do their job ;)
Dude is absolutely an obnoxious as hell troll. Acts like a know it all about things that are clearly flying over his head, offering bad/dangerous advice with regularity, and just in general being annoying. It’s a shame he has a gold badge as it means those less experienced on the forum might mistaking think he’s a voice of reason and wisdom. The only reason I haven’t ignored him is I worry he’ll say something incredibly dangerous to someone and cause serious harm and no one will be there to call this jackass out.

I mostly likely know a few things you are not aware of yet, that's fine, it will take time ;)

Just like rHGH suppressing T4, funny you selectively didn't comment on that one ;)
Heavy metals that occupy androgen receptors and prevent hormones to properly do their job ;)
You a smoker or have a habit of eating batteries? That's the only way you're going to invest enough cadmium to negatively impact AR function.

Actually, neither would surprise me.

Stop giving advise.
Just like rHGH suppressing T4, funny you selectively didn't comment on that one
I knew that and don’t believe you’re right or correct still lol. Go rub that tne cream on yourself and go back to whatever other forum you were bothering before dork. Stop giving crap advice here.

You literally get shit on all across this forum for the dumb shit you say and you think you’re winning or something?
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