Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

Guys iron is back here ask him all the question you have built up

I'll start, is this current batch of test which I ordered G2g? I've put it aside for now as I am unsure whether its G2g

Thanks in advance
Sorry, ive kept well away from all your posts but ive bit.
Im guessing you are 15 or something close to that age and have spent all your money on 1 x 10ml vial test e, 1 pack of hopefully arimadex/ aromasin and im guessing 10 syringes, 10 needles and 20 swabs.

Yet you have hammeted this thread and another like youve placed a £500 plus order ?

There are specific questions which have been asked to do with processing and hygine which, now im only guessing, but probably 99.99% of people want to hear from IA.

Please stop spamming the thread with concerns over a tiny order, which you recieved.youve already stated its been binned but now you've kept it. Why not send it away for testing if it really does concern you enough to post 100 posts about IA changing your opinion more times than a kid on ritalin
Guys iron is back here ask him all the question you have built up

I'll start, is this current batch of test which I ordered G2g? I've put it aside for now as I am unsure whether its G2g

Thanks in advance

Weren't you saying that you binned the gear a couple pages back? People were kind enough to spoon feed you information and you're still here asking if the test is g2g.

What the fuck are you expecting to hear from IA? "Sorry guys, I was rubbing my dick onto the vials, but it's not gonna happen again." and then he's gonna refund for the pubes and the underdosed shit and we're all going to be a big happy family again?
Weren't you saying that you binned the gear a couple pages back? People were kind enough to spoon feed you information and you're still here asking if the test is g2g.

What the fuck are you expecting to hear from IA? "Sorry guys, I was rubbing my dick onto the vials, but it's not gonna happen again." and then he's gonna refund for the pubes and the underdosed shit and we're all going to be a big happy family again?
When i say binned I mean put away not intending on using, not gonna throw these in the garbage
When i say binned I mean put away not intending on using, not gonna throw these in the garbage
Binned means tossed, put aside means put away.

Any person with an IQ above 50 would toss it and buy elsewhere, even if there was no where else to buy from.

You sound like you are still a teenager, desperate for gear. You cleaned the house for your mom and every week for a month, just enough to buy 1 vial of test and some supposed AI. What good is 1 vial and some AI? No PCT meds either... Your desperation for gear is going to hurt you in the end. Either scammed out of some cash at best, or injecting god knows what into your body, getting an infection and god knows what else.

Do yourself a favor, throw that shit away, better yet dump it down the drain... grow up a bit more, get educated in lifting, nutrition, supplementation, and anabolics. Then in about 10 years try it all over again.
Binned means tossed, put aside means put away.

Any person with an IQ above 50 would toss it and buy elsewhere, even if there was no where else to buy from.

You sound like you are still a teenager, desperate for gear. You cleaned the house for your mom and every week for a month, just enough to buy 1 vial of test and some supposed AI. What good is 1 vial and some AI? No PCT meds either... Your desperation for gear is going to hurt you in the end. Either scammed out of some cash at best, or injecting god knows what into your body, getting an infection and god knows what else.

Do yourself a favor, throw that shit away, better yet dump it down the drain... grow up a bit more, get educated in lifting, nutrition, supplementation, and anabolics. Then in about 10 years try it all over again.
I'm 25

I almost got this parcel seized or some shit as ups kept postponing

I wasn't in when I got delivered so it went to my psycho neighbor who threatened to call the police if I didn't tell him what was in it (I obviously lied)

All that stress for me to bin it will be a waste.

I'll send it for tests for the community to benefit from this before I dispose of it but I have already bough 2x test enth from androchem official website and I need to find a source for AI.

I will be sorting out these soon

Stop spouting shit to me

This forum is full of people acting tough with no real help

My experience here so far has been a solid 2/10
I'm 25

I almost got this parcel seized or some shit as ups kept postponing

I wasn't in when I got delivered so it went to my psycho neighbor who threatened to call the police if I didn't tell him what was in it (I obviously lied)

All that stress for me to bin it will be a waste.

I'll send it for tests for the community to benefit from this before I dispose of it but I have already bough 2x test enth from androchem official website and I need to find a source for AI.

I will be sorting out these soon

Stop spouting shit to me

This forum is full of people acting tough with no real help

My experience here so far has been a solid 2/10

Your experience here is 2/10 because you are acting like a moron who's asking to be scammed.

People have tried to help you again and again but you just want for someone to tell you that the testosterone is g2g, and that's just not going to happen.

If you're so inclined in using the IA testosterone then just test it and be done with it.
I'm 25

I almost got this parcel seized or some shit as ups kept postponing

I wasn't in when I got delivered so it went to my psycho neighbor who threatened to call the police if I didn't tell him what was in it (I obviously lied)

All that stress for me to bin it will be a waste.

I'll send it for tests for the community to benefit from this before I dispose of it but I have already bough 2x test enth from androchem official website and I need to find a source for AI.

I will be sorting out these soon

Stop spouting shit to me

This forum is full of people acting tough with no real help

My experience here so far has been a solid 2/10
An Immature 25 to boot...

Anyway you do you and I really do hope you smarten up, listen and do things right before you fuck yourself up bad.
Your experience here is 2/10 because you are acting like a moron who's asking to be scammed.

People have tried to help you again and again but you just want for someone to tell you that the testosterone is g2g, and that's just not going to happen.

If you're so inclined in using the IA testosterone then just test it and be done with it.
I'm not gonna use it until I see labs because my iq isn't 2/10

An Immature 25 to boot...

Anyway you do you and I really do hope you smarten up, listen and do things right before you fuck yourself up bad.
Ofc man that's why I bought better test

55 quid but hardly anything

Hopefully my experience is better
I'm 25

I almost got this parcel seized or some shit as ups kept postponing

I wasn't in when I got delivered so it went to my psycho neighbor who threatened to call the police if I didn't tell him what was in it (I obviously lied)

All that stress for me to bin it will be a waste.

I'll send it for tests for the community to benefit from this before I dispose of it but I have already bough 2x test enth from androchem official website and I need to find a source for AI.

I will be sorting out these soon

Stop spouting shit to me

This forum is full of people acting tough with no real help

My experience here so far has been a solid 2/10
Your reading comprehension is shit, bro.

You've been spoonfed sources to purchase from, yet you continue to say the same fucking thing, like a broken record. If you haven't figured out the right move by now, you never will.

You have got to be the most dense mother fucker I have ever ran into on this forum. You are literally the only person that gives a shit how IA products test at this point. You might as well save your money. Nobody else in their right mind is still considering ordering from this guy except for you.

Now I would normally not advocate for this, but I've decided to make an exception for you. If you can't see any floaters, just fucking pin that shit, junior. We haven't heard of anyone that has lost an ass cheek to his gear yet, and seeings as you are his number 1 fan boy, show your bro some love and just trust him.

We don't need another 100 posts from you telling us that you think IA is your fucking soul mate and a good guy who is just misunderstood. Seriously, for the love of God, just pin that shit and shut the fuck up already. And go join eroids and leave us all the fuck alone.
Your reading comprehension is shit, bro.

You've been spoonfed sources to purchase from, yet you continue to say the same fucking thing, like a broken record. If you haven't figured out the right move by now, you never will.

You have got to be the most dense mother fucker I have ever ran into on this forum. You are literally the only person that gives a shit how IA products test at this point. You might as well save your money. Nobody else in their right mind is still considering ordering from this guy except for you.

Now I would normally not advocate for this, but I've decided to make an exception for you. If you can't see any floaters, just fucking pin that shit, junior. We haven't heard of anyone that has lost an ass cheek to his gear yet, and seeings as you are his number 1 fan boy, show your bro some love and just trust him.

We don't need another 100 posts from you telling us that you think IA is your fucking soul mate and a good guy who is just misunderstood. Seriously, for the love of God, just pin that shit and shut the fuck up already. And go join eroids and leave us all the fuck alone.
I'll only pin it if I find out If its G2g not gonna pin pure olive oil into my ass

I will stop commenting for a bit and watch how this plays out
I'll only pin it if I find out If its G2g not gonna pin pure olive oil into my ass

I will stop commenting for a bit and watch how this plays out
You're 25 years old and haven't done enough research about using these drugs. Some pure olive oil would probably be the best case scenario for you.
Anyone else tried these new test E vials? Bought one 2 months ago and this is a 3th injection in a row, I get a massive pip and both injection sites on my glutes were swollen for 10 days. For the shoulder, I did 200mg and still had pip and later a swollen lump for 5 days. No dates on the label either.20210114_181536.jpg20210114_181719.jpg
Anyone else tried these new test E vials? Bought one 2 months ago and this is a 3th injection in a row, I get a massive pip and both injection sites on my glutes were swollen for 10 days. For the shoulder, I did 200mg and still had pip and later a swollen lump for 5 days. No dates on the label either.View attachment 141008View attachment 141007
I have the same vial with no label and I pinned my leg yesterday for my 125 mg trt and when I wake up today I have pain and it's swollen
many case report with test E these days
Anyone else tried these new test E vials? Bought one 2 months ago and this is a 3th injection in a row, I get a massive pip and both injection sites on my glutes were swollen for 10 days. For the shoulder, I did 200mg and still had pip and later a swollen lump for 5 days. No dates on the label either.View attachment 141008View attachment 141007

I posted about it earlier in the thread

Horrific pip. Huge lump for ten days also, couldn't even lay down on it. Think I managed 6ml before I tapped out. I only pinned glutes, interesting it isn't as bad in the shoulder

