Is this shredded? My final physique after the cut.

I have decently developed legs because I went all out for years when I was younger. A lot.

Squats, leg press, deadlifts, intensity techniques (forced reps, drop sets, rest pause), etc.

Nowadays, it's rare I go to actual muscular failure on compound lower body movements. When I feel a "tweak" or discomfort in my knees or back, I call it a set. So a lot of my leg work is lower weight, higher volume.

I'm content with not being accused of skipping leg day and everyone with a clue knows I use steroids.
You could still hit failure with high volume, drop sets, low weight, with legs, allowing for less prone of injury.
Update 3 weeks into push up phase.
I gained around 7-8 kgs and feeling very full my strength and pumps is insane now.

TD: 5000 (350p, 700c, 87f)
NTD: 4250 (331p, 470c, 120f)
and high day 1-2x per week 6000 (390p, 830c, 110f)

Training 5 times a week.

Everything is clean food and I am hungry all the time - could eat much more than that but I am gaining weight still so this is enough food for now.
Once per week 1-2 cheat meals to enjoy free time with my friends.

My weight is at all time high with the best condition I ever had on this weight.

I have 5 months of bulking ahead of me and then we will start 16 week competition prep.


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