Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

What do you want to know? only the active ingredient or even the brand? the samples must be sent in the original packaging?
I don't want to know the brand or see the original packaging.

I only want to know what compounds should the sample be tested for.

For example:

Oil "1" - methenolone enanthate
Pill "2" - cialis


Oil - trenbolone acetate, drostanolone propionate, testosterone propionate

Only the compounds listed down will be quantified ( mg/ml ).

If there are significant quantities of other compounds, it will be noted down, but not quantified (mg/ml).
Now why is that? That is the best method for testing as you are then testing a sample that is unknown to you as to what it is. Basically looking to see what it is.
I have no problem doing that, but don't expect it to cost the same as targeted analysis.
I have no problem doing that, but don't expect it to cost the same as targeted analysis.
Don’t take this the wrong way, because I know I give you shit - but with your reputation here, it’s hard to trust you if we’re basically telling you what you’re testing.
Don’t take this the wrong way, because I know I give you shit - but with your reputation here, it’s hard to trust you if we’re basically telling you what you’re testing.
Thank you.

I'm taking that into account, but it simply is not worth my time to play detective anymore and I'm willing to forfeit the potential money I'm losing for doing this.

It will not be much in my opinion and to be completely honest with you, the people requesting the most over here are usually bringing in zero business or very little at all.

The best customers can figure out the way to verify the quality of my services themselves easily without being a pain in the ass.

Sending duplicate sample, or sending testosterone cypionate labeled as enanthate had been common ones and it doesn't cost me the time to run 50 additional compounds to compare it to should the sample be something exotic. Nor will I have to deal with 50 emails about "but i don't want to tell you what I'm having tested."

With well over 1000 blind samples under my belt and literally every single of my customers happy with my work, I'll let that speak for me.

Members here can make their choice. They can choose to compare the pros and cons of working with me or they can choose a different service with their pros and cons.
@janoshik test results are not to be trusted. He has provided favorable/false results for financial compensation for sources.

He is a fraud, a scammer and he also was involved in Analyzer getting busted. He tries to sabotage any other testing agencies.

If you have done business with him in the past I would watch and cover your ass.
@janoshik test results are not to be trusted. He has provided favorable/false results for financial compensation for sources.

He is a fraud, a scammer and he also was involved in Analyzer getting busted. He tries to sabotage any other testing agencies.

If you have done business with him in the past I would watch and cover your ass.
Source: missing.

You can spew as much bullshit out of your mouth as you want. All it does is making you an obvious liar. And stupid one at that, loser.
Source: missing.

You can spew as much bullshit out of your mouth as you want. All it does is making you an obvious liar. And stupid one at that, loser.
Says the proven liar.

@master.on also made some irrefutable points of your con. Which you cannot argue.

It's quite obvious you are a con man. The biggest scammer on meso.

You accept money for false test results.

@janoshik the con man.
Says the proven liar.

@master.on also made some irrefutable points of your con. Which you cannot argue.

It's quite obvious you are a con man. The biggest scammer on meso.

You accept money for false test results.

@janoshik the con man.
So not only you are unable to support your statements like the lying loser that you are, you are stupid enough to make master.on a knowledge authority to you. (Hint: the fact that he is smarter than you doesn't mean he is smart, the bar is set too low)

Not really worth my time. Have a nice day.
@janoshik test results are not to be trusted. He has provided favorable/false results for financial compensation for sources.

He is a fraud, a scammer and he also was involved in Analyzer getting busted. He tries to sabotage any other testing agencies.

If you have done business with him in the past I would watch and cover your ass.

Who are/were the source(s) that payed him off?
Admitted to what, using him? EuroPharmacies uses him. They wouldn’t admit to paying him to give them good results.

That's what i mean. An UGL coming out and flat out admitting that they payed extra for great results.

If the day ever comes, oh boy, it's gonna be a shit show.
Any source that wants a favorable test result send it to the con man @janoshik . Pay him so.e extra money and wallah he will print you a passing cover sheet.
Does some source who sells bunk gear pay you to make a fool out of yourself so he can get rid of his cooking oil and is afraid of me finding out?
Just my two cents...
Janoshik would like to know for which compounds he should look. This saves time and efforts while testing because he can just observe the related wave length. This enables him to work faster and cheaper.
I don't care what happened in the past. I send him a syringe with .5 ml of gear and ask him to test for tren p without information of the lab... I am pretty sure he will tell me the concentration of the active compounds ..
If some of you are interested to know which compounds are in I am pretty sure you can request it and maybe have to pay some money extra.

Trust him or do not but please stop this annoying discussion


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