Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

Just my two cents...
Janoshik would like to know for which compounds he should look. This saves time and efforts while testing because he can just observe the related wave length. This enables him to work faster and cheaper.
I don't care what happened in the past. I send him a syringe with .5 ml of gear and ask him to test for tren p without information of the lab... I am pretty sure he will tell me the concentration of the active compounds ..
If some of you are interested to know which compounds are in I am pretty sure you can request it and maybe have to pay some money extra.

Trust him or do not but please stop this annoying discussion

And let the thread die? Good luck with that request, Kimmie.
Speaking of productive. The fraud @janoshik can troll and make wild accusations on his competitors threads and that is no problem. But god forbid someone goes on his thread and does it.

We are still investigating @janoshik and said source. Let's just say it's in his region.
Speaking of productive. The fraud @janoshik can troll and make wild accusations on his competitors threads and that is no problem. But god forbid someone goes on his thread and does it.

We are still investigating @janoshik and said source. Let's just say it's in his region.
>wild accusations
Literally pasted an article related, where anybody with quarter of a brain can interpret it himself.

Not you, though. Go listen to master.on.
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>wild accusations
Literally pasted an article related, where anybody with quarter of a brain can interpret it himself.

Not you, though. Go listen to master.on.
Still to thick headed to realize you are the jerkoff. Usually when 90% of people think you are a scumbag, most people would realize they are the one with the problem. But not retards like you. You still think its everyone else.

@janoshik the cin man. Proven once to be s liar and a cheat and soon it will be proven again.
Still to thick headed to realize you are the jerkoff. Usually when 90% of people think you are a scumbag, most people would realize they are the one with the problem. But not retards like you. You still think its everyone else.

@janoshik the cin man. Proven once to be s liar and a cheat and soon it will be proven again.
What you call 90% is just a loud minority of retards and people whose ego or business I hurt who circlejerk themselves off over here, creating an echo chamber.

I have more customers from over here than there are losers like you. They just usually have better things to do with their life than making up shit and making posts without any worthwhile content.

You still have provided zero actual arguments and evidence, liar.
What you call 90% is just a loud minority of retards and people whose ego or business I hurt who circlejerk themselves off over here, creating an echo chamber.

I have more customers from over here than there are losers like you. They just usually have better things to do with their life than making up shit and making posts without any worthwhile content.

You still have provided zero actual arguments and evidence, liar.
Again you sound like a delusion schizophrenic who cant recognize how stupid you look. You are a joke with no credibility. You have been proven to be a liar and a con. But still seem to deny FACTS. Keep providing false reports, we will catch you sooner then later.

@janoshik the con man.
Again you sound like a delusion schizophrenic who cant recognize how stupid you look. You are a joke with no credibility. You have been proven to be a liar and a con. But still seem to deny FACTS. Keep providing false reports, we will catch you sooner then later.

@janoshik the con man.
Still 0 arguments, 0 evidence.

It's actually a relief seeing that you are being this stupid in public - it helps for the public to realize what kind of losers are having negative claims about my business.

I suggest you stop being fond of lascive imagery of the underage.
You will be caught sooner than later. :p
Source: missing.

You can spew as much bullshit out of your mouth as you want. All it does is making you an obvious liar. And stupid one at that, loser.


Source? You mean you want me to post again the actual literal post documenting you committing fraud like I already did? It’s in that thread and I’m not looking for it once again.

Source? It has already been provided Jano...

Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge
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I wonder how many other sources got one?

There are sources to which people lost thousands and yet there is no sticky for them. People even lost quite some money to Energy Control, which was a testing source.

Almost makes it look like preferential treatment for a beef that @mands has.

Anyway, if you had the brain capable of reading comprehension, you'd realize that there I'm referring to claims:
"He has provided favorable/false results for financial compensation for sources."
"he also was involved in Analyzer getting busted. He tries to sabotage any other testing agencies."

@movingiron88 is unable to provide actual arguments and evidence to support the claims he makes. That makes him a malicious liar. Makes one wonder what other immoralities he is doing on the regular.

It ought to be fairly easy, grade-school level, of reading comprehension necessary to realize that, but I have not grown to have too high expectations of you.
I wonder how many other sources got one?

There are sources to which people lost thousands and yet there is no sticky for them. People even lost quite some money to Energy Control, which was a testing source.

Almost makes it look like preferential treatment for a beef that @mands has.

Anyway, if you had the brain capable of reading comprehension, you'd realize that there I'm referring to claims:
"He has provided favorable/false results for financial compensation for sources."
"he also was involved in Analyzer getting busted. He tries to sabotage any other testing agencies."

@movingiron88 is unable to provide actual arguments and evidence to support the claims he makes. That makes him a malicious liar. Makes one wonder what other immoralities he is doing on the regular.

It ought to be fairly easy, grade-school level, of reading comprehension necessary to realize that, but I have not grown to have too high expectations of you.

Sorry, I apologize... I guess I wasn’t clear on just which fraud we were referring to lol!

I should have clarified it was the fraud that was already proven... not the numerous other fraud that you are suspected of due to your own immoral actions.
Sorry, I apologize... I guess I wasn’t clear on just which fraud we were referring to lol!
I understand it can be hard for you to check the post to which I'm directly answering, which is even quoted in my post, so I extensively clarified that for you.

No judgement there and apology accepted :)
I understand it can be hard for you to check the post to which I'm directly answering, which is even quoted in my post, so I extensively clarified that for you.

No judgement there and apology accepted :)

Lol. I see what you did there.

I responded to the fact that he stated you are a fraud.

He is a fraud

To which you are and it was proven and documented and you have admitted.

So no, I got nothing confused or wrong. You are bullshitting as usual attempting to appear aloof to discredit others as that is what con men do. They have nothing else to stand on.

I’ll be glad to hop in here to keep your history current so long as you are jumping into other testing threads attempting to discredit them ;)
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Lol. I see what you did there.

I responded to the fact that he stated you are a fraud.

To which you are and it was proven and documented and you have admitted.

So no, I got nothing confused or wrong. You are bullshitting as usual attempting to appear aloof to discredit others as that is what con men do. They have nothing else to stand on.

I’ll be glad to hop in here to keep your history current so long as you are jumping into other testing threads attempting to discredit them ;)
My point exactly. He has no problem doing it in other peoples threads. So what comes around goes around. Just stay in your piece of shit thread.

@janoshik the con man
Lol. I see what you did there.

I responded to the fact that he stated you are a fraud.
Oh, so you cherrypicked one statement out of many, trying to act as if they all were true. Damn, I shouldn't argue with the smart guys.

My point exactly. He has no problem doing it in other peoples threads. So what comes around goes around. Just stay in your piece of shit thread.

@janoshik the con man
Do I make you upset by that, liar?
Can't deal with the harsh reality of the outside world?
Maybe even having bad dreams with me?

While you two retards would have enjoyed the services of the likes of Energy Control - and I'm quite sad I didn't give you the chance - there are people over here that I value and will share my knowledge with.

Only thing you two are good for is repeating yourself ad infinitum, being generally retarded and lying.

While it's exceedingly easy, and fun at times, to insult you, I'm done wasting my time and am blocking both of you.

You two obviously have nothing better to do with your worthless time, but I do.
Oh, so you cherrypicked one statement out of many, trying to act as if they all were true. Damn, I shouldn't argue with the smart guys.

Do I make you upset by that, liar?
Can't deal with the harsh reality of the outside world?
Maybe even having bad dreams with me?

While you two retards would have enjoyed the services of the likes of Energy Control - and I'm quite sad I didn't give you the chance - there are people over here that I value and will share my knowledge with.

Only thing you two are good for is repeating yourself ad infinitum, being generally retarded and lying.

While it's exceedingly easy, and fun at times, to insult you, I'm done wasting my time and am blocking both of you.

You two obviously have nothing better to do with your worthless time, but I do.
Again you are a retard and dont get it. It went way over your head. And people are supposed to believe you are intelligent enough to analytically test compounds. That is the funny part.

Again stop producing fake reports.

The con man or retard @janoshik
Says the proven liar.

@master.on also made some irrefutable points of your con. Which you cannot argue.

It's quite obvious you are a con man. The biggest scammer on meso.

You accept money for false test results.

@janoshik the con man.
When you say jano takes $ to post fake results is this a fact or rumors cause when you make an accusation you need proof and not just what someone else said? I'm not coming at you just asking a question cause I went through the thread and I see alot ot guys saying things but no proof like mands sent products to be tested and pack got sent back to him without jano knowing and suppidly jano gave test results on those products but I didnt see any proof? I'm not picking sides just trying to see if I got the story right? Any feedback is much appreciated.

I've been trying to join this forum for awhile now but had issiues with email confirmation.
When you say jano takes $ to post fake results is this a fact or rumors cause when you make an accusation you need proof and not just what someone else said? I'm not coming at you just asking a question cause I went through the thread and I see alot ot guys saying things but no proof like mands sent products to be tested and pack got sent back to him without jano knowing and suppidly jano gave test results on those products but I didnt see any proof? I'm not picking sides just trying to see if I got the story right? Any feedback is much appreciated.

I've been trying to join this forum for awhile now but had issiues with email confirmation.
Expect to see a wall of text and posts, but no evidence and no supposedly "faked" reports with my signature :)

They hope that you won't verify their claims or request evidence, they just keep throwing it and hope it sticks. Fairly obvious strategy that works on the weak-minded.
Expect to see a wall of text and posts, but no evidence and no supposedly "faked" reports with my signature :)

They hope that you won't verify their claims or request evidence, they just keep throwing it and hope it sticks. Fairly obvious strategy that works on the weak-minded.

You fucking admitted and it was quoted you liar. What more evidence is needed than a previous admission of guilt!???

And to the noobs requesting evidence... read the sticky carefully, his admission of guilt is documented in the thread. I quoted it myself there to keep everything on this slime ball documented and easily referenced.
Any source that wants a favorable test result send it to the con man @janoshik . Pay him so.e extra money and wallah he will print you a passing cover sheet.

This speech makes little sense, and little logic. if a source wants to scam final user with fake lab test,it's easier and It is more logical to analyze a perfect or overdosed sample so that you do not have to pay extra for a top lab test. Then you will sell underdosed shit.