To be fair, the only reason I personally question the reliability of your operation is because I don't know how you linked up with the factory. Is that any of my business? Somewhat. Your relationship with the raws provider is important, and customer satisfaction will depend on that. How can you guarantee that shipments are sent correctly, there will be no custom fuck ups (I mean you can't guarantee that, but what if packages keep getting seized), are lab tests consistent and 100% legit, and that products don't come laced with some potentially dangerous filler (which has happened - not with AAS but other powders).
Like I said, the only concern is how you got in touch with the factory, if you are living in the states without any "professional" affiliation with any of the Chinese sources, an ability to speak Mandarin, basically the possibliity of getting a raws factory to work with you is next to 0%.
Even in China, a foreigner that speaks Chinese finds it hard to get a raws factory to work with them. There needs to be connections.
All other sources that sell raws are either sub sources, or they are from China - they know the factory, address and they are able to sue.
You, on the other hand have no leverage over your factory.
I understand it would not be smart to disclose how you got in touch with your factory IF you did just get lucky - however this is the issue which keeps popping up in my head, luck is too much of a small factor. Then again, it might not be an issue and shit will be outstanding. Anyways, I hope you understand my point.