Meso Powerlifting Corner

@Strength and Power anytime, brother. Welcome back and damn that looked easy. Very inspirational. Trying to get on your level.
Thanks brother. Life changes have been keeping me ungodly busy. My job has placed me out of town considerably lately, and I have been training where ever I can find. I just haven't had much time to sit down and get on the computer.
The lift felt fairly easy, and it was tempting to keep going and find out my rep max at 595, but after so many injuries I have learned to stick to the plan. Ill have to get some video of my deadlift, as that is where I tend to really shine.
Also, I thank you for your kind words. How is YOUR injury healing up? Still giving you trouble?
Thanks brother. Life changes have been keeping me ungodly busy. My job has placed me out of town considerably lately, and I have been training where ever I can find. I just haven't had much time to sit down and get on the computer.
The lift felt fairly easy, and it was tempting to keep going and find out my rep max at 595, but after so many injuries I have learned to stick to the plan. Ill have to get some video of my deadlift, as that is where I tend to really shine.
Also, I thank you for your kind words. How is YOUR injury healing up? Still giving you trouble?

Busy here, too. Just started a new job last week and have a part time job on weekends, plus getting moved into a new place.

I've been back on deadlift for one month now. Been taking it very slow and not pushing hard. Cut back the volume and the heaviest I've went was an easy 525x3. It's now my opinion after research and talking to knowledgeable people that it was a rotator cuff injury. Likely caused by my front delts being more developed than my rear delts and doing sumo with my shoulders forward to shorten ROM. For now I'm doing conventional as it's easier to keep my shoulders back and I've swapped a deadlift slot every week for upper back work. Doing good mornings in the other slot, so it's just been once a week pulling. Down the road once I'm confident in remedying the issue I'll slowly reintroduce sumo.
Busy here, too. Just started a new job last week and have a part time job on weekends, plus getting moved into a new place.

I've been back on deadlift for one month now. Been taking it very slow and not pushing hard. Cut back the volume and the heaviest I've went was an easy 525x3. It's now my opinion after research and talking to knowledgeable people that it was a rotator cuff injury. Likely caused by my front delts being more developed than my rear delts and doing sumo with my shoulders forward to shorten ROM. For now I'm doing conventional as it's easier to keep my shoulders back and I've swapped a deadlift slot every week for upper back work. Doing good mornings in the other slot, so it's just been once a week pulling. Down the road once I'm confident in remedying the issue I'll slowly reintroduce sumo.

I hear ya man. I recently started a new job as well, and it has been taking a LOT of my time. I actually need to get a new place myself to cut down on drive time, but I am just sucking it up right now because that is one issue I don't want to face until my current schedule balances out.

Damn man, sorry to hear about the rotator. Ive done damage to both, and fought the nagging pains for a long time. Im glad to see that you are taking the steps to balance it out. I pull best sumo, but occasionally I will switch back to conventional to relieve some nagging pains that begin to develop. In fact, I dropped a sumo day recently, and implemented front squats in its place. I was hesitant to try (as I love pulling), but it seems to be doing a great job. As we all fight the demon to push forward, try your best to retrain the lift slowly brother. You will return to full performance soon enough.
Strong work there my friend. Form looked real solid as well.
Thanks for the kind words. Occasionally I will bring the camera in just to make sure my form hasnt broke down. The way my gym is set up, I am forced to look in a mirror while I squat. I HATE mirrors, and find that my form will waiver if I am not careful. Years ago, I had a coach who told me that a mirror is only good for reinforcing bad form. At the time, I never gave it much thought, but now I find it to be very accurate.
It's the best way to improve , imo. I recorded, watch, and critique myself regularly. So much strength can come from small changes in technique.

I agree especially if you train by yourself and aren't getting feedback from a good coach or other experienced powerlifters.

Amazing what the video shows that you don't realize on your own particularly on max or near max effort attempts.
We all know powerlifting isn't for the faint of heart. Training up to my first meet at 50 and leading the national rankings in both total and bench when I re tore my left bicep tendon today.

First time I tore it several years back was a full tear at the elbow which was surgically repaired . Today was at the shoulder. Hoping to have surgery before the end of the week and get back on the platform this fall to hit my original goals.
How did the surgery go MP? Hope it went well....
I announced this in my log, but figured I might as well here, too. Been planning on a 500lb squat in sleeves and 405lb paused bench very soon. Last Sunday I easily smoked 460x3 on squat. Not going to say if, but when I smoke 375x3 paused bench tomorrow or Saturday I'm moving forward with this plan next weekend.

Will do a short deload next week and go to the gym Saturday for these attempts. Maybe Sunday, depends on my work schedule. Probably going to try a 550lb squat with knee wraps after, too. I'm still just getting back into deadlifts after recovering from my last injury, so not going for a max there. If I'm feeling it might hit 585-600 just for fun. Will post vids for sure.
How did the surgery go MP? Hope it went well....

Surgery is scheduled for the first week in April which is much later than I had hoped but the surgeon's schedule and mine didn't mesh until then.

On the plus side the recovery from the bicep tear at the shoulder seems to be much shorter than when I tore it at the elbow 4 years ago.

Just a week or two in a sling, last time I had a cast on for 2 weeks and a brace limiting arm movement for another 3 weeks. Surgeon is going to remove a bone chip from the shoulder while he is in there.

New plan is for my first meet after turning 50 to take place sometime this fall.