Monkey King Anabolic

Wrong. The MORE Raw Sources that continue to pop is going to cause more problems in the States.

Not really.
For one the average douche bag gym dude couldn't even figure out how to manage his e2 let alone brew gear.

There are actually plenty of raw suppliers, just that most are private or it's the guy you're getting oils from, he'll sell you some raw once he trusts you or you're order is big enough.

Selling raw isn't stupid at all. I'll agree those vials are neeto, but lame. Raws are way easier to hide than vials, without putting any specifics on packaging out there.... What's stupid is buying vials of finished oil when for the cost of 10vials you can set your self up for a few years worth of cycles .
I wonder what in the Actual FUCK I read sometimes, and the thought in others comments. You actually think this dude is gonna tell his life story. I live in China, gonna leave my fam there and move back to the State, and my operation is gonna Run smooth. Lmfao, and I’m gonna peddle these Monkey Vials on the side. This Source is fucking Lamo. Selling Raws is fucking stupid, I don’t give a shit if your oversees or in my backyard. The shit is ignorant PERIOD. People don’t know how to leave well enough alone. For Fuck Sakes. This is just another made up Source to pedal some other Factories shit. The Monkey Vials are the dumbest fucking thing I’ve seen. Great way to cause unwanted attention to a bunch of legitimate AAS users. You fucking Morons
I wondered about this too. Seems like way too many details given for someone who was actually planning to escape the law.
how come?
Too many things that seem the same. Even the name. I also believe a lot of these no name labs that set up shop here are all run by the same people. Same lab just different names. It also seems that the same 4 or 5 people always jump on board with a new source and defend it to the death.
This is clearly PPL rebranded
I thought about that. I could also see this being one of the Chinese distributors changing their business strategy, after seeing pandas appeal (being american, catchy logo and name) and trying to replicate it.
Said he paid his website designer to copy PPL.
Super weird.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I kind of think they’re in kahoots and connected in one way, shape or form.
I have a bad feeling about this source. Not sure why but I do.
I feel you I was the same as soon as I seen the thread. And again with how it’s all copied PPL I also don’t like. I spent just a few mins checking between him and PPL it seems like his price list is the exact same just basically knock off 0.1 -0.2 on every single item I checked. Curious to see what people blood work comes back like tho I just had a bad feeling about this lab to. Also hate the packaging for having such a fancy vial the packaging is poor as hell.
I have a bad feeling about this source. Not sure why but I do.

I was fully reading this thread earlier and said the exact same thing. I’m curious to know how he knew the vetting process in the first post. Then the titty pic was basically the same exact thing Panda did when he first came. Forgot to post Meso and the date on the paper in the picture. Looking at the site threw up some flags. Only thing really missing is the numbers for the inventory of the items and it’s basically the exact same site, minus the name. Who pays someone just to copy the same site they’re try their best to be better than. Last flag, digital currency only. And that makes sense because of the bust a little while ago. Just too many things that throw up flags.
I was fully reading this thread earlier and said the exact same thing. I’m curious to know how he knew the vetting process in the first post. Then the titty pic was basically the same exact thing Panda did when he first came. Forgot to post Meso and the date on the paper in the picture. Looking at the site threw up some flags. Only thing really missing is the numbers for the inventory of the items and it’s basically the exact same site, minus the name. Who pays someone just to copy the same site they’re try their best to be better than. Last flag, digital currency only. And that makes sense because of the bust a little while ago. Just too many things that throw up flags.
Here is some other flags .in none of they pictures are the silver bags labelled for all we know that shit is beef jerky in there. Here is another flag.powder is actually pretty heavy now on the top shelf there is two photos of it if you go and looks like it’s sitting on a shelf made of MDF but it’s fucken cardboard now how the fuck does all they bags sit on cardboard without it falling in. China either has super strong cardboard or they ain’t filled with raw powder. Also I don’t think they use mdf in China anymore I think they need a liscense and vacuum extractors and shit now when working with it.

Long story short he posted pictures of some silver bag with no labels on any of them some more silver bags in a fridge with no label. Some random birds tittys no Meso in it. And a cheap ass HPLC or what ever the fuck it is tester that could be taken fucken anywhere a college or university. And somehow he seems to of passed vetting. And he posts his stuff in stupid fucken size ziplock bags