Monkey King Anabolic

To be honest, I showed my website creators Pandas website and asked them to build me one that was similar. But we are in no way affiliated. I’ve put a lot of thought and effort studying what has made my competition successful and not. One of those things is the ease in which you can order raws. Most raws vendors you have to go back and forth with 6+ emails. I wanted to make the shopping experience easy for my customers. A few pages back I explained why my website is actually secure to order from. If you want a more in depth explanation you can PM me and I will explain the security protocols that are in place more thoroughly. And the name, well, google the story of the Monkey King and you’ll see where it originates from.
So is your whole plan to retrieve buddah sutras from the west ??
It blows my mind that anyone doesn't know the story of the Monkey King after at least the 1000 movies made about the legend. I don't understand how it applies to this industry though.
These are all good points.

Theres a lot of money to be made, tho. That would make a lot of people take risks.

But I wonder about the long run, if your plan is to be here for a long timegraveling back and forth, and staying in us just compounds the risk. But if it's a make as much money as you can right now type business plan, I can see you taking the extra risk.
I want to clarify because of my post before I have not ordered anything from this source I have not seen any testing nor am I saying he is g2g I was just giving friendly advise because I liked his intro I don't want anybody skimming through to get misled because of my post
I'm going to have to agree on staying international.
I understand how you would look at it from a business stand point. And IF your products do deliver and stay one point, I wish you all the success. But US Dom will get popped. Your passport will be flagged. You might skirt it for a while, but you'll eventually get pinched.
I appreciate everyones input. Regardless of whether I open a domestic shop or not I still plan to return to America to live. My warehouse here will run smooth even in my absence. I will put serious thought into the domestic decision and discuss it with my family before I decide.
From what I have read domestic shop is a serious risk these days, not worth the risk in my opinion. Don't let greed get the better of you.

Also, these vials looking sweet.
I appreciate everyones input. Regardless of whether I open a domestic shop or not I still plan to return to America to live. My warehouse here will run smooth even in my absence. I will put serious thought into the domestic decision and discuss it with my family before I decide.

If you move to America... your business on the international side will turn to shit and the base of your business will deteriorate very quickly. Have you ever hired family before??? Good luck disciplining them and holding them accountable for their responsibilities! Are you going to fire the lazy cousin of yours who is fuckin up your business... the one with 5 kids to feed???

If you open a domestic shop... you will NEVER be Meso’s new raw source and your business will deteriorate quickly. Is an explanation really needed here???

If you start dealing gear in those stupid fuckin vials, you will draw much attentiontion like a dumb purple panda did and your business will deteriorate quickly from all the stupid attention you will be drawing. Cool fuckin vials, does it make the test inside turn me into the Monkey King? Cause if not, it’s dumb shit made to entertain the likes of my CHILD. Gear is gear KIDS. The vials are dumb.

Just deal international raws and live international. Sell those cool looking vials as A stand-alone separate business all together. Nothing inside. People will still buy the shit outta them legitimately and fill with their own oils. You could start a business with those vials alone without drawing ANY negative attention to your business by separating the two completely. Doing anything else with your business is PROVEN suicide. To think you will end up different is insanity.
I wonder what in the Actual FUCK I read sometimes, and the thought in others comments. You actually think this dude is gonna tell his life story. I live in China, gonna leave my fam there and move back to the State, and my operation is gonna Run smooth. Lmfao, and I’m gonna peddle these Monkey Vials on the side. This Source is fucking Lamo. Selling Raws is fucking stupid, I don’t give a shit if your oversees or in my backyard. The shit is ignorant PERIOD. People don’t know how to leave well enough alone. For Fuck Sakes. This is just another made up Source to pedal some other Factories shit. The Monkey Vials are the dumbest fucking thing I’ve seen. Great way to cause unwanted attention to a bunch of legitimate AAS users. You fucking Morons
Selling Raws is fucking stupid, I don’t give a shit if your oversees or in my backyard.
Well there is no extradition treaty between China and the US. Thats the only reason panda stays there. And that is a pretty dumb decision to make to stay in US and travel back and forth to China. Odds are in the end he will have to flee there and stay...
Well there is no extradition treaty between China and the US. Thats the only reason panda stays there. And that is a pretty dumb decision to make to stay in US and travel back and forth to China. Odds are in the end he will have to flee there and stay...

I could care less. This Shitshow is nothing more than another name to boost sales for a Huge Source.
If you move to America... your business on the international side will turn to shit and the base of your business will deteriorate very quickly. Have you ever hired family before??? Good luck disciplining them and holding them accountable for their responsibilities! Are you going to fire the lazy cousin of yours who is fuckin up your business... the one with 5 kids to feed???

If you open a domestic shop... you will NEVER be Meso’s new raw source and your business will deteriorate quickly. Is an explanation really needed here???

If you start dealing gear in those stupid fuckin vials, you will draw much attentiontion like a dumb purple panda did and your business will deteriorate quickly from all the stupid attention you will be drawing. Cool fuckin vials, does it make the test inside turn me into the Monkey King? Cause if not, it’s dumb shit made to entertain the likes of my CHILD. Gear is gear KIDS. The vials are dumb.

Just deal international raws and live international. Sell those cool looking vials as A stand-alone separate business all together. Nothing inside. People will still buy the shit outta them legitimately and fill with their own oils. You could start a business with those vials alone without drawing ANY negative attention to your business by separating the two completely. Doing anything else with your business is PROVEN suicide. To think you will end up different is insanity.
Agree 100%. If the raws and the gear is strong. Service is good. The product will sell itself. Don’t really need all that flashy shit. Just draws unwanted attention....
I do hope this raw source works out. The more we have as a community the better.
Agree 100%. If the raws and the gear is strong. Service is good. The product will sell itself. Don’t really need all that flashy shit. Just draws unwanted attention....
I do hope this raw source works out. The more we have as a community the better.

Wrong. The MORE Raw Sources that continue to pop is going to cause more problems in the States.