Monkey King Anabolic

@MonkeyKingAnabolic not sure if you already addressed this or if I misssd it somewhere. Can you respond?
We do preform independent testing outside of the factory. I don’t personally own a raws factory(future goals). I would say 99% of the sellers of raws don’t actually own a factory that produces the raws themselves despite whatever claims they might make about doing so. The real sales teams for the actual factories won’t speak English. Any of the “Raws Companies” you see online are just resellers who buy a stock from a factory and warehouse it and ship it
We do preform independent testing outside of the factory. I don’t personally own a raws factory(future goals). I would say 99% of the sellers of raws don’t actually own a factory that produces the raws themselves despite whatever claims they might make about doing so. The real sales teams for the actual factories won’t speak English. Any of the “Raws Companies” you see online are just resellers who buy a stock from a factory and warehouse it and ship it
Thank you sir. This is looking good so far.
Taking a shot on some var, dmaa, cialis.

I have a labmax laying around so I’ll post the var results once the pack arrives.

I know labmax doesn’t mean much, but at least it will show if it’s winni or var or nothing.

I’ll also let you guys know if the cialis/dmaa does it’s job.

Communication has been good so far.
If I need to I can return to China at any point to manage things and allow my girl to drop packs for a week while I’m gone or just shut down domestic for a week. I just can’t see the competition flying back to the states to manage his brewer for a week.
I am just going to touch on this, as an outside observer who has been around for a little while.

You know why Panda doesn't fly back? Because it is a massive risk. As far as I am concerned the USA is done for him, he will likely never come back here again at this point and he clearly knows this. The USA is a distant memory....

One rule to being an international source is you are fucking done coming back here. So you are going to be taking a massive risk going back and fourth even one time, once this little venture is going for a while. Lots of instances of people getting nabbed at customs trying to leave/come back into the country.

You are actually taking on a lot more risk than the average Domestic source IMO. If I were someone with the same aspirations as you, I would be looking to stay out of the US and have someone else run this side. Because you know what? Whoever is on this side has a very high probability of being the one going down. It is not a matter of IF, but WHEN. And if you plan to get to Panda's size, with any real volume, it ain't going to be too long before that happens. Guaranteed! Do you want that to be you and your girl?

Where panda has the benefit is, these brewers, re-mailers, and shippers, are a disposable commodity. He can take risks that normally a Dom source wouldn't take because they are the ones over here, having to get packs, brew stuff, ship stuff. It is just a bit of a financial loss when one of them gets shut down, or runs off with something. He has already had one brewer popped. Think about that for a second. If that one brewer was himself, he'd be done right now. And you are going to catch a lot more charges than the average domestic source, with the international element wrapped into this.

I’d have to agree with @Serono on the back and forth into the US/China. That won’t last long and is something you should be thinking about @MonkeyKingAnabolic
Why not just stay international?
Btw, those vials are cool af though :cool:
Why even bother with a domestic side?
Lol took pandas whole business plan.
Can’t just be a great raw supplier has to have oils. Can’t just stay international has to have domestic.
Going to inherit all of pandas old problems too!
With the same business plan what’s the difference from just shopping with panda?
The raws are already vetted.
Once your a public source you are on the radar. Especially when posting on open boards as big as these.
Bust or no bust all the sources are known.

Just curious
I am just going to touch on this, as an outside observer who has been around for a little while.

You know why Panda doesn't fly back? Because it is a massive risk. As far as I am concerned the USA is done for him, he will likely never come back here again at this point and he clearly knows this. The USA is a distant memory....

One rule to being an international source is you are fucking done coming back here. So you are going to be taking a massive risk going back and fourth even one time, once this little venture is going for a while. Lots of instances of people getting nabbed at customs trying to leave/come back into the country.

You are actually taking on a lot more risk than the average Domestic source IMO. If I were someone with the same aspirations as you, I would be looking to stay out of the US and have someone else run this side. Because you know what? Whoever is on this side has a very high probability of being the one going down. It is not a matter of IF, but WHEN. And if you plan to get to Panda's size, with any real volume, it ain't going to be too long before that happens. Guaranteed! Do you want that to be you and your girl?

Where panda has the benefit is, these brewers, re-mailers, and shippers, are a disposable commodity. He can take risks that normally a Dom source wouldn't take because they are the ones over here, having to get packs, brew stuff, ship stuff. It is just a bit of a financial loss when one of them gets shut down, or runs off with something. He has already had one brewer popped. Think about that for a second. If that one brewer was himself, he'd be done right now. And you are going to catch a lot more charges than the average domestic source, with the international element wrapped into this.

Touching on this, why not just keep it international?
I have to say I completely agree with the consensus of maintaining only international sales. The management of a domestic anything from across the ocean cannot possibly be safe and efficient for any length of time.
You have a very good start here over the last few days; and that can turn into a solid foothold with a whole bunch of loyal customers if your business is properly tended to.
If you just absolutely have to sell finished oils; just keep it international and use whatever money you would have spent on U.S. domestic toward your stealth for international.
PPL had an amazing thing going and had a tremendous opportunity to become the raw monopoly. BUT, he blew it with so many people because of the mismanaged domestic shenanigans......time after time after time.
I, for one, am having a very hard time considering ordering from them again because of all the exposure from the recent bust tied to them.
It is disappointing to even read that you are presented with the same opportunity on a clean slate here; and you are already considering doing the same retarded thing that PPL did.
Many of the guys here are like me and will be on TRT for life. Brewing our own is the only way to really afford it for some people; and the rest of us enjoy the convenience of not having to deal with Western medicine's prohibitions and doctor appointments to get prescriptions.

So @MonkeyKingAnabolic , you can consider this a formal request from one member to reconsider diddling with anything U.S. domestic.
I have to say I completely agree with the consensus of maintaining only international sales. The management of a domestic anything from across the ocean cannot possibly be safe and efficient for any length of time.
You have a very good start here over the last few days; and that can turn into a solid foothold with a whole bunch of loyal customers if your business is properly tended to.
If you just absolutely have to sell finished oils; just keep it international and use whatever money you would have spent on U.S. domestic toward your stealth for international.
PPL had an amazing thing going and had a tremendous opportunity to become the raw monopoly. BUT, he blew it with so many people because of the mismanaged domestic shenanigans......time after time after time.
I, for one, am having a very hard time considering ordering from them again because of all the exposure from the recent bust tied to them.
It is disappointing to even read that you are presented with the same opportunity on a clean slate here; and you are already considering doing the same retarded thing that PPL did.
Many of the guys here are like me and will be on TRT for life. Brewing our own is the only way to really afford it for some people; and the rest of us enjoy the convenience of not having to deal with Western medicine's prohibitions and doctor appointments to get prescriptions.

So @MonkeyKingAnabolic , you can consider this a formal request from one member to reconsider diddling with anything U.S. domestic.
Sounds like he wants to give Panda a run for his money and I’m down with that.

The US Domestic side will eventually get caught. It's inevitable. So you would either be sacrificing yourself/family at a certain point, or you would have to make the decision to "outsource" to have a UGL be the front of the state side source.

Then that puts you in the same boat as PPL.

Like the prices, like the attitude, like the vials. Would LOVE in you stayed exclusively international. Seems to be the general consensus here for what it's worth.

The US Domestic side will eventually get caught. It's inevitable. So you would either be sacrificing yourself/family at a certain point, or you would have to make the decision to "outsource" to have a UGL be the front of the state side source.

Then that puts you in the same boat as PPL.

Like the prices, like the attitude, like the vials. Would LOVE in you stayed exclusively international. Seems to be the general consensus here for what it's worth.
I concur
I have to agree with everyone I understand that there is a great market domestic an that it is hard to ignore it but it will get busted 100 percent sometime an it will bring heat on u personally an the international side honestly I don't mind waiting a couple weeks an paying shipping but think long game even if u get away Scott free as soon as a bust happen a lot of people will stop ordering international to look at panda I hope the best for u an would like to be ordering from u 30 years from now but that's up to u to decide that's just my 2 cent on this
Int-only and REALLY good stealth will keep the doors open longer

Domestic ops would be a sacrifice of longevity for the purposes of short-term profit