Monkey King Anabolic

Ok guys gotcha! Any any case, I will be placing an order. I dont give a fuck if hes a liar or if his shit in USA got popped bc he had some dumb fucks running it. As long as his raws are pure and they make it to me, I dont give a fuck about anything else TBH. I'm not paranoid about getting bused over a few hundred $$ worth of gear. These days I believe LE has way bigger issues (heroin, etc.) to worry about spending a bunch or resources trying to set up a sting to bust some guy ordering some for himself. Once I make my shit I will send off for testing and post the results. Some of you are way to fucking sensitive.
Ok guys gotcha! Any any case, I will be placing an order. I dont give a fuck if hes a liar or if his shit in USA got popped bc he had some dumb fucks running it. As long as his raws are pure and they make it to me, I dont give a fuck about anything else TBH. I'm not paranoid about getting bused over a few hundred $$ worth of gear. These days I believe LE has way bigger issues (heroin, etc.) to worry about spending a bunch or resources trying to set up a sting to bust some guy ordering some for himself. Once I make my shit I will send off for testing and post the results. Some of you are way to fucking sensitive.
I respect your honesty but I detest your attitude. It's this mentality that has brought Meso-Rx down a notch imo. I have no feelings for people like this, so if you ever get screwed or worse busted GL to you.
so if you order from this guy and get it, you going to suck this sources cock like you do pharmasource.

Bro, I dont give a fuck what you think you dick sucker. Not sure what else to tell you my friend. You still want to talk about PS - the funny thing you and 2 other ppl are the ONLY ones out of hundreds that have had any sort of issue with him. Do you think that's odd? Dude, Ive ordered over a thousand $$'s worth of gear from him and PPL & have had friends do the same. Nobody I know has had an issue with the quality or anything else. You do you and I'll do me. I dont care if anyone else here orders from PS or PPL - I could careless.
They literally set up operations dedicated to steriods.
Are you retarded or something? They don’t care anything about a guy that spends a few hundred dollars 5-10 a year, no wayo_O

Totally being sarcastic
I respect your honesty but I detest your attitude. It's this mentality that has brought Meso-Rx down a notch imo. I have no feelings for people like this, so if you ever get screwed or worse busted GL to you.

Bro, can you show me someone that has had issues with PPL international raws? That's what im concerned with. If you can, I will def listen.. So, by your logic bc some ppl had problems with domestic shit and I shouldn't order raws from their international site correct?
Bro, can you show me someone that has had issues with PPL international raws? That's what im concerned with. If you can, I will def listen.. So, by your logic bc some ppl had problems with domestic shit and I shouldn't order raws from their international site correct?
Apparently there has been issues with Test E raws being painful. Same thing happened last year and I recently had to pitch 60 vials. So idk. Dude said it was on other boards being reported. But im not on other boards so idk. But I definitely need to get some shit soon too.
Apparently there has been issues with Test E raws being painful. Same thing happened last year and I recently had to pitch 60 vials. So idk. Dude said it was on other boards being reported. But im not on other boards so idk. But I definitely need to get some shit soon too.

Fuck that u shoulda sent my ass those 60 bottles I woulda pin tf outa that shit:D
Bro, can you show me someone that has had issues with PPL international raws? That's what im concerned with. If you can, I will def listen.. So, by your logic bc some ppl had problems with domestic shit and I shouldn't order raws from their international site correct?
Go to BoP and you’ll fine numerous complaints
It's insulting to see guy's act concerned but then long as the product is good it's like nothing happened!!! Wake the fuck up, Meso doesn't need trash like this here. Good product or not!!!! This liar is going downhill so don't be on that boat when it crashes...simple!

He’s going harder than most can fathom... and unfortunately in the process we will see many disappear from freedom.

Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever. But in time when the hammer comes down those people will wish they had listened.

There is a reason you see people that were once very outspoken for panda making small and large orders and all the sudden silent and wishing they never found this panda or any other panda.
Fuck that u shoulda sent my ass those 60 bottles I woulda pin tf outa that shit:D
When I say cripplig. I mean literally. I couldn't even out on socks or underwear. I could barely step over the side of the tub to get in the shower. Lol. Oh yeah. And the 100+ fever was a nice touch.
Bro, I dont give a fuck what you think you dick sucker. Not sure what else to tell you my friend. You still want to talk about PS - the funny thing you and 2 other ppl are the ONLY ones out of hundreds that have had any sort of issue with him. Do you think that's odd? Dude, Ive ordered over a thousand $$'s worth of gear from him and PPL & have had friends do the same. Nobody I know has had an issue with the quality or anything else. You do you and I'll do me. I dont care if anyone else here orders from PS or PPL - I could careless.
stfu, you're the one who cum guzzles all the sources.
Bro, can you show me someone that has had issues with PPL international raws? That's what im concerned with. If you can, I will def listen.. So, by your logic bc some ppl had problems with domestic shit and I shouldn't order raws from their international site correct?

Both PPL and Landmark have or had Tren A that has ruined beakers turning to unfilterable sludge - this is Int'l raws. Landmark and PPL also have people reporting the Test E issue. Apparently for the tren, very high heat near melting point before adding active ingredient is what they suggest as they believe there's substantial tren-no ester left over from the manufacturing process. Let me just say that plenty of people brew with low/no heat esp tren so there is an issue here. You don't see high heat requirements and ruined beaker reports anywhere on the net for the past few decades so this is a new thing. Now they did offer to make it right or help via discount but there have been multiple reports of this. To be fair everything else my buddy got from them was perfect and rock solid brewed with little to no heat (test e, deca, mast e). Bottom line is that you are either not looking or don't want to look for issues.
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So, what is your main concern exactly? The reason im asking is bc I've never has any issue with PPl. TBH, I dont have the time to keep up with the PPL thread so you have to excuse my ignorance. Is it mainly in regards to his domestic operation getting busted? When you say "liar" - what are you referring to? what did he lie about?

His domestic and International are the same company, same website. He leaves the keys open to those if you don’t think the FBI or anyone else is watching this and you think your information is safe then keep ordering. But his lab was busted his company doesn’t just stop being watched after one bust.

He created a web of people and labs who will be brought to prison. Anyone who thought that a place selling making raws easily available wouldn’t have a bulls eye on them is very naive at best.

I don’t think people understand that the investigation and with every person ordering raws etc can be strung together in a huge nation wide underground lab bust.

Take your chance but I would take the warning very seriously.
I gotcha - guess i'm just a risk taker then bc im not fucking worried about it.

I respect your honesty a lot of people would say ok an order behind close doors to try to save face I hope ur lack of other reliable sources doesnt lead to your downfall
When I say cripplig. I mean literally. I couldn't even out on socks or underwear. I could barely step over the side of the tub to get in the shower. Lol. Oh yeah. And the 100+ fever was a nice touch.

Damn I use t400 as my go to so pip is routine for me but fevers are no bueno sorry you got fucked over on so many bottles that shit sucks
Ok guys gotcha! Any any case, I will be placing an order. I dont give a fuck if hes a liar or if his shit in USA got popped bc he had some dumb fucks running it. As long as his raws are pure and they make it to me, I dont give a fuck about anything else TBH. I'm not paranoid about getting bused over a few hundred $$ worth of gear. These days I believe LE has way bigger issues (heroin, etc.) to worry about spending a bunch or resources trying to set up a sting to bust some guy ordering some for himself. Once I make my shit I will send off for testing and post the results. Some of you are way to fucking sensitive.

The number and magnitude of red flags and flagrant risk with ppl and mk is remarkable. I just cannot comprehend how someone can convince themselves they're immune to the potential serious consequences that can change ones life forever, rationalized by the hope of a one time good product. But, you do you. And while you're at it, please apply the same decision making process to the rest of your life so that Darwinism can prevail, expediently.
The number and magnitude of red flags and flagrant risk with ppl and mk is remarkable. I just cannot comprehend how someone can convince themselves they're immune to the potential serious consequences that can change ones life forever, rationalized by the hope of a one time good product. But, you do you. And while you're at it, please apply the same decision making process to the rest of your life so that Darwinism can prevail, expediently.
People buy into that lie of “I’m not big time and don’t have big orders so I’m exempt.”
When I say cripplig. I mean literally. I couldn't even out on socks or underwear. I could barely step over the side of the tub to get in the shower. Lol. Oh yeah. And the 100+ fever was a nice touch.

This is consistent with brotherhood of pain thread. Test E from same source PPL ordered over the summer is just fine so new batch I'd assume but you are not the only one reporting this.