Monkey King Anabolic

I did see that a while back. Wasn't there debate on whether or not it was actually PPL gear though right? I actually told my buddy about it who had just ordered domestic from them. Ironically, he still received his pack 6 -7 days or so after it got busted.

Yea there was some debate. As there will always be in this game. Not too many drug dealers have the integrity step up and own anything.

But I do remember the labels in the photo and as @Xragexx recalls the gear.
I would make a strong recommendation that EVERY member of this board stop posting in both mk and ppl’s threads. This thing goes deeper than you understand. Your freedom is priceless. Look elsewhere. Please.
Is all this info in the PPL thread? It's def quite concerning.. I mean it's so hard to actually find anything in that damn thread worth reading. I tried to read like the last 10 pages or so the other day & all it was was ppl talking shit to the dumb fuck new rep. What's also surprising also is the fact that in this intro of this this thread, the MK(PPL) was saying that he was moving back to the US soon. I would think that prob wouldn't be the best idea if you have all this heat on you in the US and your cousin just got busted - but who knows. Also, I would hope that if this is in fact PPL and he created this new brand(MK), that he would be smart enough to come up with some new stealth that has NOT been used at PPL.

It’s doesn’t even matter about stealth at this point....

If the 3 letter agency has gained access to website and I’m sure they have.... your order is convently tracked for them and logged... never mind the email you use to sign up.....
The guy from Louisiana was Elite Labs. Who became pandas brewer. Then there was hair in vials. Panda terminated their partnership. Then he got busted down the road. But the scary part is that the feds found a customer lists of sorts. Technically he wasn't pandas current brewer when he got busted. But that doesn't mean shit. Because he chose to get into business with someone extremely incompetent and wreckless.

He never terminated him. He still brewed for him. Panda just said that he let him go to sweep under rug
I did see that a while back. Wasn't there debate on whether or not it was actually PPL gear though right? I actually told my buddy about it who had just ordered domestic from them. Ironically, he still received his pack 6 -7 days or so after it got busted.

When feds are tracking and logging they will still send the pack.......

If I sell a under cover agent drugs they don’t have to arrest me then..... they can buy from me for years then bust me on huge charges.....
When feds are tracking and logging they will still send the pack.......

If I sell a under cover agent drugs they don’t have to arrest me then..... they can buy from me for years then bust me on huge charges.....

Yes - you are correct for sure. I actually have a family member that works for 1 of those agencies. I guess I'll just sit back for now and see how this shit plays out. I'ts quite a shame though, since his gear and prices are or atleast were good. If only he would have never gotten greedy and decided to do domestic in the first place.
When feds are tracking and logging they will still send the pack.......

If I sell a under cover agent drugs they don’t have to arrest me then..... they can buy from me for years then bust me on huge charges.....

Read up on any type of drug bust by a 3 letter agency. It’s exactly as RR stated. They run surveillance for years. That’s a lot of packs they track and release.

So just because a pack lands, that is not the end all be all. Just be smart, IMO, there is no need for a huge stash.
When feds are tracking and logging they will still send the pack.......

If I sell a under cover agent drugs they don’t have to arrest me then..... they can buy from me for years then bust me on huge charges.....
Say you have ordered and received a pack already. What would be the best course of action? Considering there’s probably thousands of people buying from ppl/mk would you have to worry so much of something happening when they do decide to take action if you weren’t ordering raws by the lb/kg?
I did see that a while back. Wasn't there debate on whether or not it was actually PPL gear though right? I actually told my buddy about it who had just ordered domestic from them. Ironically, he still received his pack 6 -7 days or so after it got busted.
Like i said this morning, you're too stupid to post in the underground. And I'd stop playing amateur source at the gym, dumb fucks like you always get caught
Like i said this morning, you're too stupid to post in the underground. And I'd stop playing amateur source at the gym, dumb fucks like you always get caught

Why the fuck are you worried about if I get locked up you pussy mother fucker? I'm not a pussy unlike you. You worry about yourself. Just bc your scared of ordering from him, doesn't mean everyone is. Not sure why your so concerned about what the fuck I do. You see that other ppl have also ordered from him and 1 guy already got his shit. Why don't you go harass them and get your chin off my nuts fuckboy!
Like i said this morning, you're too stupid to post in the underground. And I'd stop playing amateur source at the gym, dumb fucks like you always get caught

By the way dbag - I dont sell shit to anyone, I dont need to make money off gear. Everything I make is for personal use only.
So, if any
Why sound so guilty if you done no wrong?

WTF are you talking about? Guilty for what? Bc I stated that I dont make gear and sell it - bc I dont. Do I think its a big deal for ppl that do? NO, it's just not my thing, I actually have $$, I dont need to sell gear to supplement my income. Why don't you mind your own fucking business? You have no idea how many posts that I'm going back and forth with this pussy. Stay in your lane!
So, if any

WTF are you talking about? Guilty for what? Bc I stated that I dont make gear and sell it - bc I dont. Do I think its a big deal for ppl that do? NO, it's just not my thing, I actually have $$, I dont need to sell gear to supplement my income. Why don't you mind your own fucking business? You have no idea how many posts that I'm going back and forth with this pussy. Stay in your lane!
Why dont you go back to the pharmasource thread, and lick the sources balls some more
Why the fuck are you worried about if I get locked up you pussy mother fucker? I'm not a pussy unlike you.
Because nobody wants to see brethren get locked up? Seriously man I'm not trying to start shit but the jailhouse mentality ego doesn't make you look tough. It makes you look reckless and careless about your own self. Just be smart man is all I'm saying.