Monkey King Anabolic

I respect your honesty a lot of people would say ok an order behind close doors to try to save face I hope ur lack of other reliable sources doesnt lead to your downfall

Honestly if I had another source for raws that were good quality and not overly expensive I would check them out. There is not tons of sources for raws floating around these days that I know of. If you know of one and would like to pm me I would appreciate it. However, most ppl act like lil bitches and say some dumb shit like "research" or some shit. It's like they want to talk shit about sources but dont want to help someone find another one to use. Personally, I've never been like that. I'm not interested in trying to keep a source to myself and not help someone out, even if they are a noobie. The only other raw source that I've seen was on another board and the prices were way more and you had to order like 100 grams or more of each type. So yeah, 1) I dont know of another source of raws besides PPL & apparently PPL. 2) the quality of raws and stealth has always been there with PPL. 3) the prices cannot be beat I'm pretty sure of. 4) even if I were to find another source for raws I would not know if the quality would be there. So, yeah guys, that is why I've orered raws from them in the past and probably will continue to do so until I can find another option or I get ripped off, get busted, or find that the raws quality is no longer there. And yes, I would agree with you. I feel like many of the same ppl that talk shit about a source, still will order from them. I dont give a fuck if anyone here orders from them bc they are scared of getting busted or bc the have some moral resentment at him for lying about shit - I dont give a fuck. I think its funny that a guy in here posted that he recieved an order from MK but nobody said shit to him. However, I get hammered bc im considering ordering from him and just asking for feedback. WTF ever.
Apparently there has been issues with Test E raws being painful. Same thing happened last year and I recently had to pitch 60 vials. So idk. Dude said it was on other boards being reported. But im not on other boards so idk. But I definitely need to get some shit soon too.

Interesting - the PIP was that bad that you had to toss it? you use typical 2/18 ratio? I'm actually using some test e 250 (mct) for trt right now that I made like 6 months ago from PPL with no issues. However, I let my buddy have some and we experincing some PIP at first. So, yeah IDK man.. Im going to say fuck it and order some shit (test p, test e, mast p, npp, var) from here and Ill let you know how it turns out..
Both PPL and Landmark have or had Tren A that has ruined beakers turning to unfilterable sludge - this is Int'l raws. Landmark and PPL also have people reporting the Test E issue. Apparently for the tren, very high heat near melting point before adding active ingredient is what they suggest as they believe there's substantial tren-no ester left over from the manufacturing process. Let me just say that plenty of people brew with low/no heat esp tren so there is an issue here. You don't see high heat requirements and ruined beaker reports anywhere on the net for the past few decades so this is a new thing. Now they did offer to make it right or help via discount but there have been multiple reports of this. To be fair everything else my buddy got from them was perfect and rock solid brewed with little to no heat (test e, deca, mast e). Bottom line is that you are either not looking or don't want to look for issues.

Yeah bro - like you said that wasn't international. I've brewed atleast 100ml of tren with no issue. And, I never go over 140 f when brewing tren. I would never order shit from domestic for the simple fact that I never trusted who he running shit in the US. From the very begging when he had his "cousin" running shit and shit started getting fucked up & he had to shut down domestic for a time. That was a clear sign to me not to order shit from domestic.
Honestly if I had another source for raws that were good quality and not overly expensive I would check them out. There is not tons of sources for raws floating around these days that I know of. If you know of one and would like to pm me I would appreciate it. However, most ppl act like lil bitches and say some dumb shit like "research" or some shit. It's like they want to talk shit about sources but dont want to help someone find another one to use. Personally, I've never been like that. I'm not interested in trying to keep a source to myself and not help someone out, even if they are a noobie. The only other raw source that I've seen was on another board and the prices were way more and you had to order like 100 grams or more of each type. So yeah, 1) I dont know of another source of raws besides PPL & apparently PPL. 2) the quality of raws and stealth has always been there with PPL. 3) the prices cannot be beat I'm pretty sure of. 4) even if I were to find another source for raws I would not know if the quality would be there. So, yeah guys, that is why I've orered raws from them in the past and probably will continue to do so until I can find another option or I get ripped off, get busted, or find that the raws quality is no longer there. And yes, I would agree with you. I feel like many of the same ppl that talk shit about a source, still will order from them. I dont give a fuck if anyone here orders from them bc they are scared of getting busted or bc the have some moral resentment at him for lying about shit - I dont give a fuck. I think its funny that a guy in here posted that he recieved an order from MK but nobody said shit to him. However, I get hammered bc im considering ordering from him and just asking for feedback. WTF ever.
I'm waiting on a test order, this is quite the fiasco but even before ordering I mentioned all the similarities of their sites and all. In the end I should get product and I'm not American so not worried about your 3 letter guys. MK would have been better served to be quiet on the other thread. Whether or not they are the same is no consequence to me.
@RYDER80 Whatever you decide to do, just take a moment to think it through from all angles.

Even if you're ordering a small amount of raws, you would still catch a manufacturing charge, should the wrong people figure out what's in your package. That's not a typical slap on wrist, boys will be boys kinda crime, bro.

Stay safe, brother man.
Yeah bro - like you said that wasn't international. I've brewed atleast 100ml of tren with no issue. And, I never go over 140 f when brewing tren. I would never order shit from domestic for the simple fact that I never trusted who he running shit in the US. From the very begging when he had his "cousin" running shit and shit started getting fucked up & he had to shut down domestic for a time. That was a clear sign to me not to order shit from domestic.

FYI everything I said was Int'l Raw not domestic
I respect your honesty but I detest your attitude. It's this mentality that has brought Meso-Rx down a notch imo. I have no feelings for people like this, so if you ever get screwed or worse busted GL to you.
Down a notch from the 4 months you been here? What's your other handle?
@RYDER80 Whatever you decide to do, just take a moment to think it through from all angles.

Even if you're ordering a small amount of raws, you would still catch a manufacturing charge, should the wrong people figure out what's in your package. That's not a typical slap on wrist, boys will be boys kinda crime, bro.

Stay safe, brother man.

I feel ya bro - appreciate the heads up.. So, I'm just curious - everyone believes that since his operation was busted in the US that they would be watching/ tracking/ flagging packages that are sent from China? Is that the consensus here? I'm wondering how they would know which packages are coming from him unless they have an informant on the inside or are hacking his website - I mean without searching every single package coming in from China. How would they know which pack is coming from PPL? It seems like some serious work and cost to try to bust some guys buying some gear - just saying. If someone could enlighten me on a plausible scenario I would be more than happen to listen.
I feel ya bro - appreciate the heads up.. So, I'm just curious - everyone believes that since his operation was busted in the US that they would be watching/ tracking/ flagging packages that are sent from China? Is that the consensus here? I'm wondering how they would know which packages are coming from him unless they have an informant on the inside or are hacking his website - I mean without searching every single package coming in from China. How would they know which pack is coming from PPL? It seems like some serious work and cost to try to bust some guys buying some gear - just saying. If someone could enlighten me on a plausible scenario I would be more than happen to listen.

Read about the bust in Arkansas and Louisiana. That’s the bust that Panda denied as his domestic warehouse. If I’m not mistaken there was one guy in Louisiana and his cousin was actually recieving the packs in Arkansas.

The 3 letter agency busted his cousin first with a controlled delivery and a few intercepted packs. He snitched on the Louisiana guy who happened to be his own cousin.

Let’s pause right here, the 3 letter agency have the packs (plural) and a snitch who gave up his own blood. You don’t think he told them every single detail known to him about pandas packs yet he gave up his cousin? Keep in mind he was one of the domestic receivers, guessing he’s seen various different shipping methods.

Research and Read it for yourself.
Read about the bust in Arkansas and Louisiana. That’s the bust that Panda denied as his domestic warehouse. If I’m not mistaken there was one guy in Louisiana and his cousin was actually recieving the packs in Arkansas.

The 3 letter agency busted his cousin first with a controlled delivery and a few intercepted packs. He snitched on the Louisiana guy who happened to be his own cousin.

Let’s pause right here, the 3 letter agency have the packs (plural) and a snitch who gave up his own blood. You don’t think he told them every single detail known to him about pandas packs yet he gave up his cousin? Keep in mind he was one of the domestic receivers, guessing he’s seen various different shipping methods.

Research and Read it for yourself.

Is all this info in the PPL thread? It's def quite concerning.. I mean it's so hard to actually find anything in that damn thread worth reading. I tried to read like the last 10 pages or so the other day & all it was was ppl talking shit to the dumb fuck new rep. What's also surprising also is the fact that in this intro of this this thread, the MK(PPL) was saying that he was moving back to the US soon. I would think that prob wouldn't be the best idea if you have all this heat on you in the US and your cousin just got busted - but who knows. Also, I would hope that if this is in fact PPL and he created this new brand(MK), that he would be smart enough to come up with some new stealth that has NOT been used at PPL.
Is all this info in the PPL thread? It's def quite concerning.. I mean it's so hard to actually find anything in that damn thread worth reading. I tried to read like the last 10 pages or so the other day & all it was was ppl talking shit to the dumb fuck new rep. What's also surprising also is the fact that in this intro of this this thread, the MK(PPL) was saying that he was moving back to the US soon. I would think that prob wouldn't be the best idea if you have all this heat on you in the US and your cousin just got busted - but who knows. Also, I would hope that if this is in fact PPL and he created this new brand(MK), that he would be smart enough to come up with some new stealth that has NOT been used at PPL.

It was not PPL or MK that actually got busted. It was PPL US warehouse shipper and Receiver. There was talk of the bust in the PPL thread but the actual news release/articles and pictures with PPL labels are linked in the steroids legal forum.

You can google search this as well. Arkansas steroid bust or LA steroids bust. I’m paraphrasing from earlier this year when I read it, take a look for yourself and formulate your own opinions.
The 3 letter agency busted his cousin first with a controlled delivery and a few intercepted packs. He snitched on the Louisiana guy who happened to be his own cousin.
The guy from Louisiana was Elite Labs. Who became pandas brewer. Then there was hair in vials. Panda terminated their partnership. Then he got busted down the road. But the scary part is that the feds found a customer lists of sorts. Technically he wasn't pandas current brewer when he got busted. But that doesn't mean shit. Because he chose to get into business with someone extremely incompetent and wreckless.
The guy from Louisiana was Elite Labs. Who became pandas brewer. Then there was hair in vials. Panda terminated their partnership. Then he got busted down the road. But the scary part is that the feds found a customer lists of sorts. Technically he wasn't pandas current brewer when he got busted. But that doesn't mean shit. Because he chose to get into business with someone extremely incompetent and wreckless.

Weren’t pandas labels indentified in the photos?
So even if he was or wasn’t the current brewer he was pandas brewer at some point recently, which means he received his raws through his Arkansas cousin from PPl. IMO the link is still relevant as it was the raws that got the cousin knocked.
It was not PPL or MK that actually got busted. It was PPL US warehouse shipper and Receiver. There was talk of the bust in the PPL thread but the actual news release/articles and pictures with PPL labels are linked in the steroids legal forum.

You can google search this as well. Arkansas steroid bust or LA steroids bust. I’m paraphrasing from earlier this year when I read it, take a look for yourself and formulate your own opinions.

I did see that a while back. Wasn't there debate on whether or not it was actually PPL gear though right? I actually told my buddy about it who had just ordered domestic from them. Ironically, he still received his pack 6 -7 days or so after it got busted.
I did see that a while back. Wasn't there debate on whether or not it was actually PPL gear though right? I actually told my buddy about it who had just ordered domestic from them. Ironically, he still received his pack 6 -7 days or so after it got busted.
It was PPL gear in the news photo, you could zoom in and see it