Monkey King Anabolic

Shipping was $50. Took 3weeks for pack to get to me. Raws look good. Everything went smooth!
Just my experience but after reading that last post, I have to research and see where or what this guy fucked up??
He fucked up by being Panda and then he really fucked up in his meltdown
Bro there is a huge issue with this pos there is a thread you can read on exactly that subject an i wouldn't order from him personally but the other thread has all info so u can make the choice yourself but he has disrespected our community an is a health an security risk at best

You are referring to PPL or Monkey king?
Has anyone placed an order yet? Shit man, prices are $1 cheaper per gram on raws than PPL & with 15% promo - pretty damn cheap. Anyone know the cost of shipping? wonder if it's $50 like PPL. It's funny how website looks just like PPL. I'm really curious if it is PPL re branding. Actually wouldn't blame him after all the bullshit that has happened with his operation lately. Although, personally I've never had an issue with them and raws have been top notch. Just a little hesitant to order from them these days.

You are referring to PPL or Monkey king?

There the same person he rebranded to get the customers that left after the raid there is a thread called monkey king an purple panda are the same or something like that it has all the info in there relitivly new thread 2 should be on page 1 or 2 tops
He fucked up by being Panda and then he really fucked up in his meltdown

Ok - I know all the issues PPL had with domestic. However, what issues have there been with international raws? Ive ordered raws from him like 7 times in past 2 years and never had an issue. Granted it has been about 6 months since my last order. So, was there recent quality issues with the raws? And, what meltdown are you referring to?
There the same person he rebranded to get the customers that left after the raid there is a thread called monkey king an purple panda are the same or something like that it has all the info in there relitivly new thread 2 should be on page 1 or 2 tops

Yeah - makes sense & I would def bet they are the same. In my opinion PPL should have stuck to raws only international and never opened an domestic lab to begin with for numerous reasons but mainly bc there was no oversight since him & his main operation was in China not USA. So, lets just say they are the same person. So, he opens a new brand and is only selling raws which he should have done to begin with for PPL. Besides the risk of LE since his domestic operation getting popped, do you think there is an issue with the quality of his raws?
Personaly quality issues I have never seen as much as I don't like certain things that happen I always agree that quality an price were good just shitty people an business choices
Shipping was $50. Took 3weeks for pack to get to me. Raws look good. Everything went smooth!
Just my experience but after reading that last post, I have to research and see where or what this guy fucked up??

You plan on doing any testing once you make you gear to verify quality?
It's insulting to see guy's act concerned but then long as the product is good it's like nothing happened!!! Wake the fuck up, Meso doesn't need trash like this here. Good product or not!!!! This liar is going downhill so don't be on that boat when it crashes...simple!
It's insulting to see guy's act concerned but then long as the product is good it's like nothing happened!!! Wake the fuck up, Meso doesn't need trash like this here. Good product or not!!!! This liar is going downhill so don't be on that boat when it crashes...simple!

He'll yeah it doesn't matter how good or cheap I will not support them
It's insulting to see guy's act concerned but then long as the product is good it's like nothing happened!!! Wake the fuck up, Meso doesn't need trash like this here. Good product or not!!!! This liar is going downhill so don't be on that boat when it crashes...simple!

So, what is your main concern exactly? The reason im asking is bc I've never has any issue with PPl. TBH, I dont have the time to keep up with the PPL thread so you have to excuse my ignorance. Is it mainly in regards to his domestic operation getting busted? When you say "liar" - what are you referring to? what did he lie about?
Has anyone placed an order yet? Shit man, prices are $1 cheaper per gram on raws than PPL & with 15% promo - pretty damn cheap. Anyone know the cost of shipping? wonder if it's $50 like PPL. It's funny how website looks just like PPL. I'm really curious if it is PPL re branding. Actually wouldn't blame him after all the bullshit that has happened with his operation lately. Although, personally I've never had an issue with them and raws have been top notch. Just a little hesitant to order from them these days.
wtf, can you read
So, what is your main concern exactly? The reason im asking is bc I've never has any issue with PPl. TBH, I dont have the time to keep up with the PPL thread so you have to excuse my ignorance. Is it mainly in regards to his domestic operation getting busted? When you say "liar" - what are you referring to? what did he lie about?

Personally I have no issues product wise its on a personal level the way they talk to an treat members thats my only problem with them
So, what is your main concern exactly? The reason im asking is bc I've never has any issue with PPl. TBH, I dont have the time to keep up with the PPL thread so you have to excuse my ignorance. Is it mainly in regards to his domestic operation getting busted? When you say "liar" - what are you referring to? what did he lie about?
go back to the pharmasource thread dumb fuck, you're too stupid to be anywhere else in the underground
So, what is your main concern exactly? The reason im asking is bc I've never has any issue with PPl. TBH, I dont have the time to keep up with the PPL thread so you have to excuse my ignorance. Is it mainly in regards to his domestic operation getting busted? When you say "liar" - what are you referring to? what did he lie about?
Cleary you've got some reading to do, but for starters this thread is PPL (liar). The ship is sinking...