Nandrolone, cycling only?

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That TRT clinic high as a kite if thats for health
That's what I tried telling my friend but he just says "he is a doctor bro, he knows what he is doing" lol.
Yeah that way to high for trt
200mg test/ W for a trt is very rare

Most likely to be at 1500ng/dl at least its not trt call it a cruise lmao
I told him I cruise at 150mg a week and start a blast at what has been doing for the past 2 years.
That's what I tried telling my friend but he just says "he is a doctor bro, he knows what he is doing" lol.

I told him I cruise at 150mg a week and start a blast at what has been doing for the past 2 years.
Yep 200mg is too much
150mg is optimal i agree
Doctor can make mistake too lmao
Did he has recent bloodwork

And deca no point of using that
Unless you like the deca d***
Yep 200mg is too much
150mg is optimal i agree
Doctor can make mistake too lmao
Did he has recent bloodwork

And deca no point of using that
Unless you like the deca d***
When I mention if he has symptoms of deca d***, his exact quote is "when you live in the mountains and get hand jobs from an Asian wife its impossible to get deca d***" LMAO

His blood work is good. Test is high, 1400 if I remember right. I told him to check his prolactin on his next blood work.
Nandrolone isn’t any more toxic than 9 of 10 PEDs.

This has been debunked repeatedly. 200mg/wk could be done by 75% of the population for 30-40 years.

Once again, we go back to: 1) Doses 2) Age 3) Predisposition/Genetics. 4) Pre-existing conditions

It is almost always those factors, rather than (with a couple examples) the PED and even in those examples these play a very large roll
Not sure, I just started adding deca to my TRT for joint pain management and some gent used that protocole, just to be safe.. could not find lot of ppl using deca like this these days.
That nandrolone should be cycled and not used in a TRT manner because it's toxic AF. Right?
No shortage of us using it that way for years with zero issues. Mainstream quacks also say testosterone will give us heart attacks. Unlike lots of gear in circulation, Deca has been around forever, has no shortage of history and actual medical use behind it. No shortage of doc's are either too young or two uninformed to have heard the name Durabolin and known that Deca was a real pharmaceutical used medically for a long ass time.