Nandrolone, cycling only?

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That TRT clinic high as a kite if thats for health
That's what I tried telling my friend but he just says "he is a doctor bro, he knows what he is doing" lol.
Yeah that way to high for trt
200mg test/ W for a trt is very rare

Most likely to be at 1500ng/dl at least its not trt call it a cruise lmao
I told him I cruise at 150mg a week and start a blast at what has been doing for the past 2 years.
That's what I tried telling my friend but he just says "he is a doctor bro, he knows what he is doing" lol.

I told him I cruise at 150mg a week and start a blast at what has been doing for the past 2 years.
Yep 200mg is too much
150mg is optimal i agree
Doctor can make mistake too lmao
Did he has recent bloodwork

And deca no point of using that
Unless you like the deca d***
Yep 200mg is too much
150mg is optimal i agree
Doctor can make mistake too lmao
Did he has recent bloodwork

And deca no point of using that
Unless you like the deca d***
When I mention if he has symptoms of deca d***, his exact quote is "when you live in the mountains and get hand jobs from an Asian wife its impossible to get deca d***" LMAO

His blood work is good. Test is high, 1400 if I remember right. I told him to check his prolactin on his next blood work.
Nandrolone isn’t any more toxic than 9 of 10 PEDs.

This has been debunked repeatedly. 200mg/wk could be done by 75% of the population for 30-40 years.

Once again, we go back to: 1) Doses 2) Age 3) Predisposition/Genetics. 4) Pre-existing conditions

It is almost always those factors, rather than (with a couple examples) the PED and even in those examples these play a very large roll