I am no authority here and I've never ordered from naps therefore I have no opinion on his products. But I do have a right to read everything here. And if you can't recall correctly you gave the heads up to order from naps despite the "few hiccups here and there". You are missing the point. Which is why people continue to take advantage of you and millions of others like you. Why should you have to disregard underdosed products or better yet simply fake? Why can't you stand up and demand 100% quality at all times. "Especially their own brand geneza being underdosed". Ask yourself is there any more they need to tell you by under dosing they're own product line? You've "ordered a few different brands and consistency being the issue". Get naps dick out of your mouth already. He has more load then you can hold.
First of all how have I got naps dick in my mouth? At no point have I unreservedly complimented his services.
The few hiccups I'm referring to is sometimes the order may arrive late but then I've even had this problem with amazon so I'm not going to lose sleep over it. However a first time buyer would assume they have been ripped off.
Seriously you seem to know nothing about this industry and how it works. These are underground labs not Astra Zeneca we are discussing here. You want 100% quality brah? Lets see you complain to a governing body!
Unfortunately underdosed products come with the territory and every single user will have to go through a trial and error process. Unless of course you do your research and decide to buy what is overwhelmingly recommended. But then the pitfall here is that these reviews may be fake or written by those who do not know what adequate quality is.
Take me for example, I purchased test suspension so ordered one vial of each of each lab on naps' website. That's four labs: geneza, accordo rx, bio labs and gen shi. Out of those accordo and geneza lagged behind bio labs and gen shi. So now I know which lab for test suspension to go for.
Please show me one example of a single user on this forum or elsewhere who has never had an issue with bunk gear purchased online and I will show you who the cocksucking moron here is.
The way we are procuring steroids here is just one step up from buying weed in a back alley. Only difference is these forums give us a voice.
You may not be an authority but you do speak with breath taking arrogant finality. So why don't you be constructive and tell us what website and brands are ABSOLUTELY perfect so we can all benefit and in fact these forums can then be closed since we will be getting perfect service with perfect products.
Your comment "demand 100% quality" exposes your stupidity and ignorance about this underground industry. So therefore your the one missing the point shit for brains.