Yes, everyone is right. I vouch for some1special aka littledog. He, just like all of us, was fooled by Odie's lies. You guys freaked out probably because last time you seen him, he was in the thread Odie made about me and not so nice... no need to give him grief... he's since apologized and we hugged it all out.
As for Kai... he's good. Consider him like the Pharmacist so he's a great back up if our Pharmacist doesn't have something in Stock.
Please don't compare Kai to the @pharmacist
Kai sell India meds. They are mostly legit but they are from
India. (As far as I remember when I was dealing with him)
Pharmacist sell medicines from EU, approved by the European counterpart of the FDA (don't remember the acronymous).
So no... Kai can't substitute pharmacist in anyway.
Like unknown sources never tested can be safer then source that got tested plenty of time, if you catch what I'm saying here

We are all friends until we start talking business, in that case better say it right or shit can hits the fan very easy