Ok lets see your ladies!!!

Thats amazing Ozzy. You got you a good one and I know she keeps your ass in line lifting that kind of weight.
Very impressive Ozzy, i know you gotta be proud of those numbers.

Yes she has retard strength after the last tbol cycle. Her overall goal is 315 within a year. I'll post a pic of her down low next time as she doesn't really need a spot at 225 anymore.

And yes, I do legs 3x a week in order to maintain a nice spread in our strength. BTW this is only her second month doing squats, her transition from press was fast.
Yep, actually this fuck buddy I used to have helped me pull chicks. One time I was at the strip club with her and a stripper walked up to me and told me my gf was cute and wanted to k now if she could fuck us. I asked Ole girl and she agreed. So we waited until 3 when she got off and she followed us to a hotel where shit got crazyyyyy. I thought the stripper was gonna stay the night, but she dipped when it was over. Good times