I don’t want to get into any kind of insulin resistance, which is a worry, when eating too close to injection. I’m sure dosage, and what you eat, are factors, as well. My normal routine is pin first thing, then 2 hours in the gym, fasted, which is the normal reason it’s 3 hours, but it’s also because I don’t want to drive my glucose up, so it just kind of works out. I think it’s probably more like 1-1/2-2 hours that I probably need to not eat, but figure I’m 100% safe at 3 hours.
I bought a diabetes testing meter for this reason. They’re pretty inexpensive if you’re not diabetic and constantly buying strips.
Doing activity will lower your blood sugar. I’m not diabetic, but I can’t workout without eating unless it’s right after I wake up and ate well the night before. I will have crazy stomach pains and lose all strength, start sweating etc. if I push through my workout and wait too long, I’ll still feel like shot for hours after I’ve eaten.
I bought a diabetes testing meter for this reason. They’re pretty inexpensive if you’re not diabetic and constantly buying strips.
Doing activity will lower your blood sugar. I’m not diabetic, but I can’t workout without eating unless it’s right after I wake up and ate well the night before. I will have crazy stomach pains and lose all strength, start sweating etc. if I push through my workout and wait too long, I’ll still feel like shot for hours after I’ve eaten.

I’m lucky in that sense, I can hit morning workouts on an empty stomach. I prefer to hit double days, do my conditioning in the am, fasted, and do strength later after eating, but my schedule doesn’t usually let me, so I force through.

If you’re testing, how long are you waiting to eat, post-injection, on average? What’s your GH protocol look like?
Need a sanity check as I believe I’m overthinking things here and confusing units and IU’s. An IU is an international unit which specifies the amount of a drug. For a 10iu vial with its 3.4/3.7mg of powder when .9ml of bac water is added (powder weight) you end up with essentially 1ml of HGH.

In this case 20 units on an insulin syringe would equal the 2iu for a wellbeing dose. That’s right isn’t it?

Just double checking what I’ve learned to make sure I haven’t screwed things up.
Need a sanity check as I believe I’m overthinking things here and confusing units and IU’s. An IU is an international unit which specifies the amount of a drug. For a 10iu vial with its 3.4/3.7mg of powder when .9ml of bac water is added (powder weight) you end up with essentially 1ml of HGH.

In this case 20 units on an insulin syringe would equal the 2iu for a wellbeing dose. That’s right isn’t it?

Just double checking what I’ve learned to make sure I haven’t screwed things up.

For an 10iu vial, I would reconstitute with 1ml of bac, and every .1ML is basically an IU, or correct .2ML would be 2IU. I guess the GH takes up some space in the vial, so maybe .9 is close, but I’ve never heard to consider it, when adding water, but maybe I’m wrong. The last shot out of a vial seems to never be exact, but I figure for growth, a slight difference, once a week, or whatever, won’t mean much in the grand scheme of things.
For an 10iu vial, I would reconstitute with 1ml of bac, and every .1ML is basically an IU, or correct .2ML would be 2IU. I guess the GH takes up some space in the vial, so maybe .9 is close, but I’ve never heard to consider it, when adding water, but maybe I’m wrong. The last shot out of a vial seems to never be exact, but I figure for growth, a slight difference, once a week, or whatever, won’t mean much in the grand scheme of things.
I usually do I smidge more. I'm running 12iu kits and reconstitute about 1.3
For an 10iu vial, I would reconstitute with 1ml of bac, and every .1ML is basically an IU, or correct .2ML would be 2IU. I guess the GH takes up some space in the vial, so maybe .9 is close, but I’ve never heard to consider it, when adding water, but maybe I’m wrong. The last shot out of a vial seems to never be exact, but I figure for growth, a slight difference, once a week, or whatever, won’t mean much in the grand scheme of things.

Thanks for the check. For some reason I started over thinking it and wondered if my math was wrong (not that I completely get the math behind it anyway).

I usually do I smidge more. I'm running 12iu kits and reconstitute about 1.3

I usually do I smidge more. I'm running 12iu kits and reconstitute about 1.3

Just got some of the 200iu kits, maybe I’ll give that a go, depending how far off I am on the last shot on these.. when I got to my last shot on the 12iu vials, I was usually in the neighborhood of .1ml off, so that probably pretty damn close..
Thanks for the check. For some reason I started over thinking it and wondered if my math was wrong (not that I completely get the math behind it anyway).

Don’t overthink it. Sometimes I just think percentages, I split a 20iu vial into 5 shots, 4iu each. 1ML split 5 ways is .2, easy peasy.
Need a sanity check as I believe I’m overthinking things here and confusing units and IU’s. An IU is an international unit which specifies the amount of a drug. For a 10iu vial with its 3.4/3.7mg of powder when .9ml of bac water is added (powder weight) you end up with essentially 1ml of HGH.

In this case 20 units on an insulin syringe would equal the 2iu for a wellbeing dose. That’s right isn’t it?

Just double checking what I’ve learned to make sure I haven’t screwed things up.
You got it
Ius are different for every drug. If you’ve ever had hcg, .1mg is 1 iu and for hgh it’s ~.67mg per iu. I’m not entirely sure why but Th wya the way it is.
Yeah that was complicated. You google search for relevant info and find a lot of information on various vitamin levels quoted. In the end I think I had it but just over complicated it exactly like ZDogg said. Thanks man.
He has 200iu kits available?

He just got the testing back, and started selling them a couple of weeks ago, so I’m sure he still has them stocked. I just jumped from his 120iu reds to the 200iu blues, but I’m only a couple of days in.

I think I may have re-tore my shoulder. Hoping it’s minimal, but I went from 3iu red ED to 8iu of the new ones, in split dosages, trying to heal up. Guess I’ll know, how the sides are going to hit me, soon enough!
He just got the testing back, and started selling them a couple of weeks ago, so I’m sure he still has them stocked. I just jumped from his 120iu reds to the 200iu blues, but I’m only a couple of days in.

I think I may have re-tore my shoulder. Hoping it’s minimal, but I went from 3iu red ED to 8iu of the new ones, in split dosages, trying to heal up. Guess I’ll know, how the sides are going to hit me, soon enough!
Good luck brotha!
been running optis for 5 months now and i wanted to go 1 year streight but opticanada cant get the supplies till this covid shit settles down. so just wondering if you stop for a month what happens? will i notice a thing or is a month break ok and just start back when i get more?
You will notice for sure, at least i do. Back to a time when there were gyms to go to.... if it is the only thing your using, you'll feel your strength taper off, no more "pumped all the time" feeling, and other little things related to mood perhaps.

But on the other side, no more cps or numb tingly hands....
been running optis for 5 months now and i wanted to go 1 year streight but opticanada cant get the supplies till this covid shit settles down. so just wondering if you stop for a month what happens? will i notice a thing or is a month break ok and just start back when i get more?

Will be like starting from scratch

IGF levels return to normal levels after a couple of days