I bought a diabetes testing meter for this reason. They’re pretty inexpensive if you’re not diabetic and constantly buying strips.I don’t want to get into any kind of insulin resistance, which is a worry, when eating too close to injection. I’m sure dosage, and what you eat, are factors, as well. My normal routine is pin first thing, then 2 hours in the gym, fasted, which is the normal reason it’s 3 hours, but it’s also because I don’t want to drive my glucose up, so it just kind of works out. I think it’s probably more like 1-1/2-2 hours that I probably need to not eat, but figure I’m 100% safe at 3 hours.
Doing activity will lower your blood sugar. I’m not diabetic, but I can’t workout without eating unless it’s right after I wake up and ate well the night before. I will have crazy stomach pains and lose all strength, start sweating etc. if I push through my workout and wait too long, I’ll still feel like shot for hours after I’ve eaten.