Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

I was unintentionally doing that a long time ago just from lack of mobility. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. Might just do mostly high bar and then low bar on heavy days. I can't keep doing it all the time or I'll be crippled for bench.

Yeah, seems like you have a decent bench too, definitely don't want to fuck it up.
My bench is higher now on this cruise than the end of my last blast going into the meet. Looking at the video of 340x3 I'm thinking it's more like RPE 8. I really want to crack 405 in 2017.

Oh, I'm with you on that one.. Ha. After competition I already designed a 12 week program to put me at a 405 t&g, and I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Oh, I'm with you on that one.. Ha. After competition I already designed a 12 week program to put me at a 405 t&g, and I'm feeling pretty good about it.

I've been after it awhile, spending most of this year cutting had me pretty much stalled though. I feel like I'm good for around 385 right now.
I've been after it awhile, spending most of this year cutting had me pretty much stalled though. I feel like I'm good for around 385 right now.

Touch and go I feel I should be able to get 375-380. Considering without any prep I put up 365 smooth as could be. I'm probably going to reverse diet and maintain about 210lbs while I'm doing it also so I'll have an easy cut to 198. I'm still pretty undersized for the next weight class.
Touch and go I feel I should be able to get 375-380. Considering without any prep I put up 365 smooth as could be. I'm probably going to reverse diet and maintain about 210lbs while I'm doing it also so I'll have an easy cut to 198. I'm still pretty undersized for the next weight class.

That's about what I'm weighing these days. You gonna do 198 for this meet after all?
That's about what I'm weighing these days. You gonna do 198 for this meet after all?

Probably. I've been sick all of this week, have had a hard time eating because I get nauseous everytime I do. So in a way I've been dieting I guess. lol. Haven't lost any strength and I'm down to 204. There's a 24 hour weigh in and I'm only 6lbs over right now.
Probably. I've been sick all of this week, have had a hard time eating because I get nauseous everytime I do. So in a way I've been dieting I guess. lol. Haven't lost any strength and I'm down to 204. There's a 24 hour weigh in and I'm only 6lbs over right now.

lol, that's not far off from how my journey to 198 started. Yeah, in that case do it for sure. You can manipulate six pounds the week of the meet, no need to diet.
lol, that's not far off from how my journey to 198 started. Yeah, in that case do it for sure. You can manipulate six pounds the week of the meet, no need to diet.

Kind of sucks because I like eating, but as long as I don't lose any strength I'm not going to complain about shedding a few pounds of fat. Ha
I'm thinking of trying to put something together this week ..
Mon chest-biceps . Calves. deads and strict press being the main focus
Tuesday quads , hams squats main movement
Wednesday shoulders ,triceps chest main movement
Friday back, calves.. deadlifts and squats main movement... I'm trying to keep some more bb stuff in there also.. the deads would need to be where they are at... I tried doing somewhat what you had suggested and my lower back is a hell a lot better than all those sets I had thrown in there before..
I'm thinking of trying to put something together this week ..
Mon chest-biceps . Calves. deads and strict press being the main focus
Tuesday quads , hams squats main movement
Wednesday shoulders ,triceps chest main movement
Friday back, calves.. deadlifts and squats main movement... I'm trying to keep some more bb stuff in there also.. the deads would need to be where they are at... I tried doing somewhat what you had suggested and my lower back is a hell a lot better than all those sets I had thrown in there before..

Have you ever done squats the day after deadlifts before? Might fatigue your lower back and make it difficult.
I did Saturday.. just to see if I was able to but I had to drop 50lbs to complete a 5x5..I guess I am wanting to see if you can rearrange it somehow so I can try it I have more of an option what feels and works.. my job requires a lot of carrying and bending( water delivery driver)... i did cut back a lot on volume on my deadlifts ... which made my lower back feel better the next day.. I just rushed it Friday cause I had stuff to do so didn't really warm up enough..
@Perrin Aybara

try taking a lacross ball to your forearm just below your elbow and above your elbow. has helped me some. during my last ART trip, i had her work on my elbow and she mentioned how tight and knotted up my arm was right above my elbow. basically right in the seperation of my tricep and bicep where they meet the elbow.

then right after, boom, i hit 385 like a breeze. i cant think that is all a coincidence that that happens two days after she does that.
@Perrin Aybara

try taking a lacross ball to your forearm just below your elbow and above your elbow. has helped me some. during my last ART trip, i had her work on my elbow and she mentioned how tight and knotted up my arm was right above my elbow. basically right in the seperation of my tricep and bicep where they meet the elbow.

then right after, boom, i hit 385 like a breeze. i cant think that is all a coincidence that that happens two days after she does that.

I'll try that at the gym later. Was yours from low bar squats as well? I know you've had a lot of the same troubles with it I have.
Yes, much like you, low bar sets off my elbow and then bench just destroys it.
didnt someone at your gym have a SSB bar?
if not you could always look into getting something like these.
Brian Schwab's OBB Power Handles Now Available

It was a buffalo bar. It helps a little, but the way it sits in the cheap squat rack pulls the things it rests on in and forces my grip in closer. I think that's what it is anyway.

Those look promising, although expensive. Maybe after the holidays are over I'll do something like that. I have to figure out something for sure.
i think you could definitely fabricate something very similar. they are expensive for what they are, but if it helps you improve and gets you out of pain its worth it. and theyre cheaper than an actual SSB bar.