Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

i think you could definitely fabricate something very similar. they are expensive for what they are, but if it helps you improve and gets you out of pain its worth it. and theyre cheaper than an actual SSB bar.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, an SSB is $400+. The aches and pains that come with this really fucking suck sometimes. Have you ever used an SSB? If so how much does it change the lift?
ive used it in a few different variants. we have multiple types at the gym with SSB handles. the traditional SSB changes the lift a fair amount. you definitely will not be able to squat the same amount you would with a standard bar. Mainly, the bar forces you to stay really tight in your upper back (otherwise youll fold over) and to sit back on your heals because of where they place the weight in comparison to the center of your foot.

after my meet im strictly using the SSB for a few months. works your posterior chain ALOT. the bar will humble you for sure.
210lbs evening weight

5x10 weighted chin ups with +10lbs
5x10 hamstring curls with 225lbs
5x10 incline close grip bench with 225lbs
5x10 dumbell hammer curls with 30's and 25's
3x20 adductors
3x20 abductors
Forgot to add I also did ten minutes on the stair stepper and ten minutes of incline treadmill after my workout. Tried the lacrosse ball thing on my elbow area a little, but I think I'd better wear long sleeves for that next time because of arm hair getting torn out.

Edit: also that incline bench was supposed to be 165lbs.
Forgot to add I also did ten minutes on the stair stepper and ten minutes of incline treadmill after my workout. Tried the lacrosse ball thing on my elbow area a little, but I think I'd better wear long sleeves for that next time because of arm hair getting torn out.

Edit: also that incline bench was supposed to be 165lbs.

i forgot to mention, what i do is wear the Iron Rebel elbow cuff when i do it. i put both of them on one arm. really try and pinpoint some areas you feel it and just hang out there and put some pressure to it with either your body or using your other hand.
I've noticed more today doing front and side laterals for shoulders forearm ache crept up on me.. got worse while I was doing triceps.. so I had to back off the weight so the aching wasn't as bad
Yeah, I get that on my accessory day on Monday. It's the only time I'm doing any isolation exercises at the moment. I did incline close grip bench for triceps and it didn't bother me at all though. Might stick with that over dips or extensions.
Yeah, I get that on my accessory day on Monday. It's the only time I'm doing any isolation exercises at the moment. I did incline close grip bench for triceps and it didn't bother me at all though. Might stick with that over dips or extensions.

In my experience, as I'm sure you already know, steer clear of dips with the elbow pain. It aggravated the crap out of mine.

As excited as I am for this meet. I'm really as much looking forward to getting back into doing some accessory work. Most notably dips and pull ups.
In my experience, as I'm sure you already know, steer clear of dips with the elbow pain. It aggravated the crap out of mine.

As excited as I am for this meet. I'm really as much looking forward to getting back into doing some accessory work. Most notably dips and pull ups.

I know it all too well, I'm just a fan of things I can go heavier on over things I can't. Even chin ups and pulls ups aggravate my elbows once they're already hurting.
Tried deadlift today for the first time since September and injured myself again. I think it's the same, I can't tell. I worked up to 545x3 fairly easy, like RPE 9 and felt and heard a pop in my upper back. Not my spine, but like in my ribs. Had to leave the gym because it's excruciating to take deep breaths and from the impact of walking jarring it.

I guess I'm going back to not doing deadlifts again. What I've been doing seems to maintain it, although I don't think I'm any stronger on them. I might have went to heavy today, I don't know. Either that or I needed longer than three months to heal. Either way it sucks ands it's a major setback.
Tried deadlift today for the first time since September and injured myself again. I think it's the same, I can't tell. I worked up to 545x3 fairly easy, like RPE 9 and felt and heard a pop in my upper back. Not my spine, but like in my ribs. Had to leave the gym because it's excruciating to take deep breaths and from the impact of walking jarring it.

I guess I'm going back to not doing deadlifts again. What I've been doing seems to maintain it, although I don't think I'm any stronger on them. I might have went to heavy today, I don't know. Either that or I needed longer than three months to heal. Either way it sucks ands it's a major setback.

Damn sorry to hear it man.
That does suck man. Maybe time to get a doc to check it out.

I'll have better insurance starting next year, if it persists that's what I'm going to do. Chiropractor at least. Right now with what I have it would cost too much out of pocket.

I know dem feels.

Maybe next time start a little slower, going right from not deadlifting to pulling 545 seems like rushing it know what im saiyan?

I didn't plan to go over like 450 today. 405 felt like 135 and 495 felt like I could have done 10 reps easy. I got all high on deadlift and got stupid. Next time I'm going to ease back into it.

Naw man. My friend saw a doctor once. Perfectly healthy, goes in for a checkup and.... BOOM! Cancer!

No profit in the cure, after all.
I didn't plan to go over like 450 today. 405 felt like 135 and 495 felt like I could have done 10 reps easy. I got all high on deadlift and got stupid. Next time I'm going to ease back into it.

Thatta boy. I understand how ya feel though, cant imagine goin that long without deads. Slow n steady wins the race though, i was watchin all the mark bell recovery videos after he tore his pec again and he just started out just benchin the bar for weeks before he touched any weight.

Hopefully your injury isnt that bad, but same principal.