Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

@Perrin Aybara

fuck my man!! sorry to hear. i tried watching the video late last night but it kept freezing on your way down from the first rep. first rep looked money though!

as already said, i would go get it checked out by someone at the beginning of the year when your new insurance kicks in. it may be something like @insaiyan93 where you have to ease your way back into it. have you talked to coach at all about it? id imagine he would he a fairly good idea whats going on.
@Perrin Aybara

fuck my man!! sorry to hear. i tried watching the video late last night but it kept freezing on your way down from the first rep. first rep looked money though!

as already said, i would go get it checked out by someone at the beginning of the year when your new insurance kicks in. it may be something like @insaiyan93 where you have to ease your way back into it. have you talked to coach at all about it? id imagine he would he a fairly good idea whats going on.

He said the same thing you're saying last time it happened. I'm not actually working with him again until next year. Just been recycling what I was doing before with a few modifications.

Yeah, right now I'm not covered for what I'd probably need done. It's like 30% coinsurance, I believe. Next year I'll have really good insurance with a very low deductible, so I'm just going to have to wait until then.

It hurts pretty bad though and I'm not sure it's exactly like the pain before. Now it's just impact from movement and breathing that hurts. It is better today than it was yesterday.

On the bright side what I've been doing the last three months seems to have maintained my deadlift strength pretty much completely. I'm pretty sure I can still pull 600+ even now with the pain. So I guess I'll just continue with the training around it and focus on squat and bench until I get it sorted out.
Yeah i knew you werent working with him directly, but using an old training as a template. but i know dude is more than willing to help out and give his input.

id maybe rest up and take a light deload this week?
Yeah i knew you werent working with him directly, but using an old training as a template. but i know dude is more than willing to help out and give his input.

id maybe rest up and take a light deload this week?

I know he would. What he said last time was see a doctor and if not a doctor then rest. I've got bench and squat tonight. Bench shouldn't be a problem. Squat I might have to skip, we'll see.
yeah, bracing for squats might aggravate it further. if it were me, i would just skip squats tonight. does your new insurance go into effect the first of the year?
yeah, bracing for squats might aggravate it further. if it were me, i would just skip squats tonight. does your new insurance go into effect the first of the year?

I believe so. It's the same company, I just chose a better policy for 2017. It should kick right in automatically.

You're probably right about squats. I'll skip that tonight and try to do them on Sunday, which is my main squat day.
i would call you insurance company and see when the new policy goes into effect. you may be able to get in sooner than the 1st.
i would call you insurance company and see when the new policy goes into effect. you may be able to get in sooner than the 1st.

It says it becomes active when i pay the first monthly payment, which would be the first week of next month. Couldn't come at a worse time with Christmas and I already have another appointment set up for early January, too.
Not to derail the thread but sdrol is pretty bad ass when it comes to results/feel and not everyone feels like shit. It is dose dependent as it is pretty potent. Oral sdrol - dosing wise, start at 10mg, most guys don't need more than 20mg and some may as high as 30mg. Feelings and expectations, think "look of var and feel of adrol/halo"... it's a dry compound too so no water retention. It tends to be also compared to 4 times potency of mast.

So we won't derail WP's thread any more, I'll quote you in mine.

What I have is injectable, is the dosing about the same as with the oral? I've never done adrol, var or mast to compare it to, but if it'll bring the strength gains without putting water weight on it's perfect. I'm doing a national powerlifting meet in July and I will need to make weight.

Also, do you know if liver toxicity is a concern with the injectable? What I mean is would running a low dose oral with it be a bad idea? I'll be running test and tren for sure with TNE and halo on meet day and a few heavy days leading up to that. Not sure yet what else I'll be running.
So we won't derail WP's thread any more, I'll quote you in mine.

What I have is injectable, is the dosing about the same as with the oral? I've never done adrol, var or mast to compare it to, but if it'll bring the strength gains without putting water weight on it's perfect. I'm doing a national powerlifting meet in July and I will need to make weight.

Also, do you know if liver toxicity is a concern with the injectable? What I mean is would running a low dose oral with it be a bad idea? I'll be running test and tren for sure with TNE and halo on meet day and a few heavy days leading up to that. Not sure yet what else I'll be running.
I've read that toxicity levels on injectables are the same as their oral version. The fact that it doesn't go through the liver during the first pass doesn't change its toxicity levels. I could be wrong. I do believe that it is all dose and individual dependent. As far as I know, Pus only uses injectables for the purpose of not messing up his stomach or cause constipation.
Thanks. I'm just going to go back to focusing on squat and bench like I was. Apparently I'm not really losing anything on deadlift with what I'm doing.
I'm actually sorta doing the same .. going balls out on deadlifts every week has set me back .. plus the next day working sucks .. lower back gets pumped so fast from just bending over..
I don't really get the soreness anymore, it's just this injury I keep aggravating. This rotation of squats, box squats, good mornings and kettlebell swings seems to maintain my deadlift. I'm going to add in some upper back work on one of my days now, too.
Ok .. everyone that's power lifting/ Olympic lifting... I've mentioned the aches that come on my forearms after certain days of lifting... so I'm a conventional deadlifter and I also use the overhand hook the pressure on your thumbs I've gotten used to it to the point where I'm numb to it.. could this also be the problem causing my forearm ache?? @Perrin Aybara I don't by any means want to clutter your thread with questions.. everyone here has great experience that follows your thread including yourself..