Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

That's actually the plan. I've swapped a few things around and put in an upper back day on today actually after good mornings and Slingshot bench. I'm not sure this injury has healed enough I can do rows yet, but I'm going to start light and see.

Single arm machine rows might be a nice way to start just to feel things out with your injury. I was thinking about it... Wide grip might be too much to start with since your nursing that injury. It might pull too much in the wrong place with that wide grip. Single arm rows will give you a more narrow pull and you'll have a little more control with your movement. You can go light and focus on the contraction.

If you go that route, stay upright and don't let your shoulder pull forward. Keep it set in place and focus on moving your elbow. Just let your hand and forearm follow the elbow.
Id try cable/machine rows first before doing any type of barbell/DB row. maybe try to use some bands on the cable machine so that at the stretch portion there isn't such a great pull on the muscle but at peak contraction your getting heavy weight? just some thoughts.

my plan for quads is front squats, pit shark and hack squats galore. my gym has a really good hack squat machine that makes my quads tremble. the angle of it is perfect. ill also throw in some light leg extensions at the end to just get blood pumping to the quads and flush them out.

Oh yeah, anything barbell or dumbbell for rows is out of the question for the moment. I can already tell that.

Is this your own plan or with coach?
Single arm machine rows might be a nice way to start just to feel things out with your injury. I was thinking about it... Wide grip might be too much to start with since your nursing that injury. It might pull too much in the wrong place with that wide grip. Single arm rows will give you a more narrow pull and you'll have a little more control with your movement. You can go light and focus on the contraction.

If you go that route, stay upright and don't let your shoulder pull forward. Keep it set in place and focus on moving your elbow. Just let your hand and forearm follow the elbow.

I'll try that out tonight and let you know. I've got good mornings, Slingshot bench and then my upper back block.

Good morning with bands 300 + 60 for 5x2
Good morning without bands 300 for 10x2

Paused Slingshot bench 365x1, 385x1, 405x1

One arm cable row 5x10
Hey guys sorry if I'm being that guy but I just don't feel like going through 60+ pages to find my answer, so to preface this, I'm a powerlifter I compete in the 220 class (stupid level of competition) and I've ran a couple cycles, and I just feel like I might be able to add something in to help. My diet and training is on point, other than Oreos every now and then, and I am sitting at a 1645 total raw with sleeves. I normally run just 500mg test e a week, but this last time I threw in dbol the first four weeks at 50ed. I think I had bunk ass dbol because I gained hardly anything off it but no appetite and a fat stomach. Any tips or previous cycles would be appreciated. Thanks guys!
Hey guys sorry if I'm being that guy but I just don't feel like going through 60+ pages to find my answer, so to preface this, I'm a powerlifter I compete in the 220 class (stupid level of competition) and I've ran a couple cycles, and I just feel like I might be able to add something in to help. My diet and training is on point, other than Oreos every now and then, and I am sitting at a 1645 total raw with sleeves. I normally run just 500mg test e a week, but this last time I threw in dbol the first four weeks at 50ed. I think I had bunk ass dbol because I gained hardly anything off it but no appetite and a fat stomach. Any tips or previous cycles would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

lol, what's your question? This thread is just my own personal log. I mean I'm happy to help if I can, but you might have better luck somewhere that gets more traffic.

This one I'm linking would be better.
Meso Powerlifting Corner
Sorry to hear you re-injured yourself. I do have to respect how your first time doing deads in a few months you easily worked up to what would probably be my veins popping out of my forehead, face turning purple, all out max. lol.
Sorry to hear you re-injured yourself. I do have to respect how your first time doing deads in a few months you easily worked up to what would probably be my veins popping out of my forehead, face turning purple, all out max. lol.

Thanks. This is part of it though and the risk we all take in this sport. I'm gonna rehab it and be more careful about easing back into it next time.

As far as the second part of what you said going by RPE I'm actually stronger now than a few months ago. I'm really impressed with this rotation of good mornings, box squats and kettlebell swings. It's allowed me to improve my deadlift without doing deadlift and indirectly it's helping my squat because I'm not having to recover from doing both lifts. My form felt off though, which is expected from lack of practice. I'm sure my deadlift would be better if I'd actually been doing it, but overall this way isn't bad.
Thanks. This is part of it though and the risk we all take in this sport. I'm gonna rehab it and be more careful about easing back into it next time.

As far as the second part of what you said going by RPE I'm actually stronger now than a few months ago. I'm really impressed with this rotation of good mornings, box squats and kettlebell swings. It's allowed me to improve my deadlift without doing deadlift and indirectly it's helping my squat because I'm not having to recover from doing both lifts. My form felt off though, which is expected from lack of practice. I'm sure my deadlift would be better if I'd actually been doing it, but overall this way isn't bad.

I know a few people advocate just squatting a lot and deadlifting minimally and as their squat progresses their deadlift goes up with it.

Personally, I love deadlifts, so I just bump the weight down and do a decent amount of volume. That seems to help me pretty well with strength. Most of my working sets are usually mid to lower 400's slow and controlled and I made 545 look like a warmup a couple weeks ago. So there's definitely more than one way to skin a cat. No offense if you're chinese
I know a few people advocate just squatting a lot and deadlifting minimally and as their squat progresses their deadlift goes up with it.

Personally, I love deadlifts, so I just bump the weight down and do a decent amount of volume. That seems to help me pretty well with strength. Most of my working sets are usually mid to lower 400's slow and controlled and I made 545 look like a warmup a couple weeks ago. So there's definitely more than one way to skin a cat. No offense if you're chinese

No, I love deadlifts, too. I'd do them if I could. Unfortunately with this injury I can't.
How do you like it? Too early to tell?
I like it so far.. today I did deadlifts after a week off from it I improved one rep this time.. I throw in front squats Thursday and Saturday beltless.. flat bemch Monday incline Wednesday.. deadlifts I'm either cutting back every other week or do Yates in place of it .. gonna throw rack pulls another day .. sticking right above my knee..