Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total


Comp bench 5x5 with 315 (5x5 PR)

Below parallel box squat with wraps 420x3, 380x3, 380x3 (still toying with box height on these. Went way too low today and these were crazy hard for how light they were)

Strict press 175x7, 175x5, 175x5 (first time doing these in 5-6 months, felt pretty good and seem to be stronger on them than ever)

Weighted chin ups +35lbs 5x10
Hamstring curls 5x10 with 255
45 plate shrugs 5x30
Hammer curls 5x10 with 30
Adductors with bands 3x20
Abductors with bands 3x20


The first set of those weighted chin ups and a couple gym pics from today. Definitely looking softer now than when I was running the tren. Stronger and still making gains though, so I can't complain too much. 209lbs fully dressed after breakfast, so I'm thinking maybe 204lbs first thing in the morning.
Trying something new, lol. My biceps are poverty though, I'm all triceps.

You keep up with the rows and you'll add some mass to them!

Could add 21's to your misc day for 3 quick sets too... I used to finish the day with them but they get too pumped and cramp up on gear.
You keep up with the rows and you'll add some mass to them!

Could add 21's to your misc day for 3 quick sets too... I used to finish the day with them but they get too pumped and cramp up on gear.

I used to do those back in my bro days. I did swap triceps for traps this week.
That isnt the worst thing though man. Arms are 2/3 tricep anyhow. That just tells me your doing more compound than just focusing on your bi's. Thats a good thing imo.

You'd be right, I do almost strictly compound movements. I really don't enjoy doing much isolation stuff. I want to pick up heavy things.
You'd be right, I do almost strictly compound movements. I really don't enjoy doing much isolation stuff. I want to pick up heavy things.
And then putting them down HARD :)

Been getting back in the groove myself, but had a setback as I got a lung infection now (walking pneumonia) :(
You'd be right, I do almost strictly compound movements. I really don't enjoy doing much isolation stuff. I want to pick up heavy things.


I was thinking about this the other day...i see some people that will show up around the same time i do and are there the whole time i am(sometimes almost 3 hours when you take into account stretching warmups cardio etc.) And they are just doing set after set after set of fuckin different curls and different tricep extensions and stuff, i just cant imagine it, seems boring as shit.
Damn Mindless, change the bong water from time to time. :)

Get well soon.
LMAO haven't smoked one in ages, but thanks for the support. Those antibiotics I am taking killed my energy lately and shit like that's gonna take weeks to fight off. Just had a bad chest cold that apparently developed into walking pneumonia, according to my doc. Discovered this when I had terrible trouble breathing recently.