Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

i generally wake up BECAUSE im hungry. i think training completely fasted is a waste for these goals. body needs fuel. going 12 hours without fuel and lifting on top of that equals no energy or strength, for me at least.

Same here. I can't even sleep in beyond about 9am because I'm so hungry and I'm used to getting up and eating at 5:30am. I've never even attempted to lift heavy on an empty stomach, but even fasting for a.m. bloodwork i feel like total shit the whole day after eating breakfast that late.
Weight 209lbs

Comp squat 435x3 (PR in sleeves) 390x3, 390x3, 390x3, 390x3

Kettlebell swings 5x10 with 70

Hack squats 5 plates per side for 5x7
(Was gonna do front squats, but went to unrack 240 and it got into my injury immediately)

I'm feeling good about my progress right now. I've got x3 @9 comp bench on Friday and I'd like to see 350x3.
Get some footage of that shit!

I had a 10x3 @ 315 tonight and was very happy with how it moved. Now I wanna play with 350... :)

Damn, I didn't get a notification for this. I'll definitely record it and you'll see it for sure.

That's a lot of reps with 315. That's where the gains are at in my opinion. Tons of triples and doubles, really racks up the volume at higher percentages than a 5x5 would.

I'd like to see 350x3 this week, 325-330 for 12-15x2 next week and 320 for 5x5 the week after. I figure around 375x3 @9 would put me at 405x1.
Damn, I didn't get a notification for this. I'll definitely record it and you'll see it for sure.

That's a lot of reps with 315. That's where the gains are at in my opinion. Tons of triples and doubles, really racks up the volume at higher percentages than a 5x5 would.

I'd like to see 350x3 this week, 325-330 for 12-15x2 next week and 320 for 5x5 the week after. I figure around 375x3 @9 would put me at 405x1.

That was new territory for me today at ten sets with that weight... But the program has me doing 10 set triple days fairly regularly. I've noticed a big difference doing the triples like this. I'm really looking forward to testing my max in a few weeks.

I had anadrol and TNE going today... I'm starting to think that shit is like strength and size in a bottle.
That was new territory for me today at ten sets with that weight... But the program has me doing 10 set triple days fairly regularly. I've noticed a big difference doing the triples like this. I'm really looking forward to testing my max in a few weeks.

I had anadrol and TNE going today... I'm starting to think that shit is like strength and size in a bottle.

I ran 150mg of TNE today. I only slept about two hours last night, worked all day and met some guys to sell a junk car of mine before hitting the gym. Needed a boost. I've got maybe one dose left, so I'm gonna pick up some of what you have to replace it.
I ran 150mg of TNE today. I only slept about two hours last night, worked all day and met some guys to sell a junk car of mine before hitting the gym. Needed a boost. I've got maybe one dose left, so I'm gonna pick up some of what you have to replace it.

I'm waiting on a refill but had some TNE in a blend so I made a hodge podge of compounds in the syringe this evening lol.
How often are you running it for a pre workout?

I hadn't used it in a little while... But a few times a week at most. It's not as tempting to use all the time as I expected... I pin enough as it is plus timing it can be tough to make it worth it sometimes for me

Competition bench press 350x3 PR, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3

Box squat with sleeves 420x3, 380x3, 380x3, 380x3, 380x3

Overhead press 185x7, 185x5, 185x5
@Perrin Aybara youve got me itching to get back into heavy weights!

Decided to go what @Eman did with 315 for 10 triples today for my first day back. Went really well. I also got to do some weights pull ups. No clue on weight but I used 4 chains for 2 sets of 4.

Really excited for both of us going into 2017 brother!
350x3? That's pretty badass

Yes, sir. I'd call it RPE 9.5-10 though honestly. Been a long week and I've been sick. Still happy to get it.

@Perrin Aybara youve got me itching to get back into heavy weights!

Decided to go what @Eman did with 315 for 10 triples today for my first day back. Went really well. I also got to do some weights pull ups. No clue on weight but I used 4 chains for 2 sets of 4.

Really excited for both of us going into 2017 brother!

Just trying to keep up, brother. I'm really happy about my progress on this cruise so far. Wasn't expecting to be gaining this much. You know I'm a weighted chin/pull up fan, too. It's gonna be a good year for sure.
That was new territory for me today at ten sets with that weight... But the program has me doing 10 set triple days fairly regularly. I've noticed a big difference doing the triples like this. I'm really looking forward to testing my max in a few weeks.

I had anadrol and TNE going today... I'm starting to think that shit is like strength and size in a bottle.
You have the mix tne anadrol??
I got ahold of tne/anadrol and tne/dbol.. I did half of each and that was way better.. next is tne/trne with injectable superdrol
You have the mix tne anadrol??
I got ahold of tne/anadrol and tne/dbol.. I did half of each and that was way better.. next is tne/trne with injectable superdrol

I have TNE and Anadrol in two separate vials I mix depending on what I feel like doing.
Happy Holidays, MP.

Thank you, progress has been surprisingly good lately. A 405 bench is coming in 2017 for sure.

Yes you have 405 in you for sure. I made it in 2016 @195. Need to hit 380+ next year @181 to be tops in the national rankings (currently at least). Fighting a pec tear for going on 6 months but it seems to be fully healed now.

Your squat is moving up nicely as well. 500 in wraps in 2017.