Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

And then putting them down HARD :)

Been getting back in the groove myself, but had a setback as I got a lung infection now (walking pneumonia) :(

I keep having setbacks, too. It really sucks, but all you can do is make the best of it.


I was thinking about this the other day...i see some people that will show up around the same time i do and are there the whole time i am(sometimes almost 3 hours when you take into account stretching warmups cardio etc.) And they are just doing set after set after set of fuckin different curls and different tricep extensions and stuff, i just cant imagine it, seems boring as shit.

Same at my gym and none of them ever look like they even lift. Focus on compounds first, not curls and triceps press downs.
I keep having setbacks, too. It really sucks, but all you can do is make the best of it.

Same at my gym and none of them ever look like they even lift. Focus on compounds first, not curls and triceps press downs.
Yes and having a setback when I am about to start my very first cycle...don't want to mess around taking Test E while fighting off a lung infection. Worst case I will delay starting till my condition clears up.
You already got it?
I got pretty much all my stuff now. Took a while as it was international and had one scare because I received one of 3 packs damaged but all contents intact and wrapped tight.

Just have to get the 25 gauge 1.5's and waiting on them.

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The first set of those weighted chin ups and a couple gym pics from today. Definitely looking softer now than when I was running the tren. Stronger and still making gains though, so I can't complain too much. 209lbs fully dressed after breakfast, so I'm thinking maybe 204lbs first thing in the morning.

We might be close on bench, squat, and deadlift, but you would wreck me in weighted chins though. Lol. I haven't done them since I was back in mma, and even at 170 and I don't think I could've done 35lbs chins that effortlessly.
We might be close on bench, squat, and deadlift, but you would wreck me in weighted chins though. Lol. I haven't done them since I was back in mma, and even at 170 and I don't think I could've done 35lbs chins that effortlessly.

Too bad it's not a comp lift, I've got a knack for them for sure. You and I are almost the same on height, weight and comp lifts, biggest difference is age. It's gonna be interesting to see where we end up in 2017.
Too bad it's not a comp lift, I've got a knack for them for sure. You and I are almost the same on height, weight and comp lifts, biggest difference is age. It's gonna be interesting to see where we end up in 2017.

I am pretty interested in 2017 also. I really want a 600lbs squat, 425 bench, and 700 deadlift by the end of the year. I should just hurry up and inpregnate my girlfriend so I can just stay on. lol
I am pretty interested in 2017 also. I really want a 600lbs squat, 425 bench, and 700 deadlift by the end of the year. I should just hurry up and inpregnate my girlfriend so I can just stay on. lol

550-585 squat, 405-415 bench and 650-675 deadlift is what I'm aiming for in the next year. I'd like 550/405/650 at my meet in July and then maybe the second numbers before the year is over.
Hello Mr. OP, have a question.
Do you training with the empty stomach,I mean before breakfast.If not,why?,thanks in advance.
i generally wake up BECAUSE im hungry. i think training completely fasted is a waste for these goals. body needs fuel. going 12 hours without fuel and lifting on top of that equals no energy or strength, for me at least.