Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

@Perrin Aybara Just saw the 358lbs bench good shit! Not sure if this will help you out, but usually I require a lift off at heavier weights from someone to alleviate a lot of pressure in my shoulders. Maybe at least till your your shoulder feels better. It could also just be me.
@Perrin Aybara Just saw the 358lbs bench good shit! Not sure if this will help you out, but usually I require a lift off at heavier weights from someone to alleviate a lot of pressure in my shoulders. Maybe at least till your your shoulder feels better. It could also just be me.

Yes, I prefer one for that same reason. There's just not always someone around to do it. After getting some awful hand offs I've mostly stopped asking randoms.
Yes, I prefer one for that same reason. There's just not always someone around to do it. After getting some awful hand offs I've mostly stopped asking randoms.
I know that feeling! Last time I asked a random person for a spot they made it effortless by touching the bar throughout the set after I took the time to explain not to touch the bar unless I say to.
I know that feeling! Last time I asked a random person for a spot they made it effortless by touching the bar throughout the set after I took the time to explain not to touch the bar unless I say to.

I've had someone pick up the bar double underhand and let the bar roll into my hands, hand it out too high, touch the bar, etc. So annoying.
I've had someone pick up the bar double underhand and let the bar roll into my hands, hand it out too high, touch the bar, etc. So annoying.

I had a guy not let go of the bar for 8 reps, after my 4th rep of telling him let go of bar I gave up. I think that guys English might not be the best...

When I lifted 405 the other week, he was motioning if I needed a spot... No no no I told him lol.
I had a guy not let go of the bar for 8 reps, after my 4th rep of telling him let go of bar I gave up. I think that guys English might not be the best...

When I lifted 405 the other week, he was motioning if I needed a spot... No no no I told him lol.

I think "spot" to some people means upright row while you bench.
People do that and put it on social media, lol, plus a little hip thrusting motion to get the bar moving.

Buddy just posted a video of him benching 445 a couple weeks ago which I thought was strange because just a few weeks before that he only put up 6 reps of 315. Lol. Then I watched the video and saw the spotter practically deadlift it off his chest.
Buddy just posted a video of him benching 445 a couple weeks ago which I thought was strange because just a few weeks before that he only put up 6 reps of 315. Lol. Then I watched the video and saw the spotter practically deadlift it off his chest.

I can't believe people do that and nobody calls them on it. There's a local guy here that supposedly squats and deadlifts over 600, but never posts videos. Meanwhile he posts all kinds of videos of rows and stuff.
The weirdest spot I've ever recieved is one i never even asked for lol. I was benching one day and i got under the bar in my setup and unracked it and went for my first rep and looked up and there was this guy standing above me with his hands out ready to spot me,all i could do was laugh cuz i mean what a fuckin guy ya know? So eager to help hahaha.
The weirdest spot I've ever recieved is one i never even asked for lol. I was benching one day and i got under the bar in my setup and unracked it and went for my first rep and looked up and there was this guy standing above me with his hands out ready to spot me,all i could do was laugh cuz i mean what a fuckin guy ya know? So eager to help hahaha.

Yeah, I've gotten the unasked for spot at least once. Occasionally people ask me if I want a spot when I have a little weight on the bar.
The weirdest spot I've ever recieved is one i never even asked for lol. I was benching one day and i got under the bar in my setup and unracked it and went for my first rep and looked up and there was this guy standing above me with his hands out ready to spot me,all i could do was laugh cuz i mean what a fuckin guy ya know? So eager to help hahaha.
Ahhhh!!!I remember the one day I was benching without a spot and repping out 225 till failer. I was pushing myself to get a last rep which I had and someone ran to play hero. Then another time I just brought down the bar at a bad angle by accident, but still had the rep in me and a "hero" came. Local gym problems
The weirdest spot I've ever recieved is one i never even asked for lol. I was benching one day and i got under the bar in my setup and unracked it and went for my first rep and looked up and there was this guy standing above me with his hands out ready to spot me,all i could do was laugh cuz i mean what a fuckin guy ya know? So eager to help hahaha.
Had a similar situation only dude was fuckin dripping sweat from doing cardio.:confused: Seemed way too eager to put his nuts over my head :confused:
A couple quick updates:

I started supplementing with iron and vitamin C to work on getting my iron levels back to normal. I'll need to drain a pint of blood in the next few weeks as well.

I bumped the primo to 200mg/week starting this week. Test is still at 150mg/week. I'm back on the carb cycling diet and I'm hoping the extra primo will help with leaning up and it seems to be helping with e2 even though most of what i read says it doesn't.