Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

I guess it was kind of pointless. Probably shouldn't do light Slingshot bench tomorrow either, lol.
Totally do it! My girlfriend tried my fullbor slingshot and it was hilarious she didn't have enough wait on the bar to even get half way down on a rep she was pulling the bar towards herself to try and make it touch her boobs then it rocketed back up:p
Thats what ive been doing for the deload week as well. All squats have been paused, all the benching has been real real slow negatives with a pause. Just to make it feel like im doing somethin haha

Paused bench 225 5x5
Five count paused squats 275x3, 225 3x3
19 chin ups for fun
Bench with 54lbs in chains 225 for 4x5

So not only did I get laid off today I'm now fighting with my girlfriend over stupid shit. When i got off work today my car wouldn't start at first, too. I was like holy shit, now this week is truly complete.

Paused bench 225 5x5
Five count paused squats 275x3, 225 3x3
19 chin ups for fun
Bench with 54lbs in chains 225 for 4x5

So not only did I get laid off today I'm now fighting with my girlfriend over stupid shit. When i got off work today my car wouldn't start at first, too. I was like holy shit, now this week is truly complete.

Don't let the extra shit get you down bro. I know from recent experience it seems to all go bad at once, but the storm will pass (I hope)
Don't let the extra shit get you down bro. I know from recent experience it seems to all go bad at once, but the storm will pass (I hope)

Thanks, I'll be all good. I'm hoping this situation will end with me being forced to get a better job. As for the girlfriend thing it's just how she is she'll be fine tomorrow. It's just bad timing and does always seem to pile on at once.

Paused bench 225 5x5
Five count paused squats 275x3, 225 3x3
19 chin ups for fun
Bench with 54lbs in chains 225 for 4x5

So not only did I get laid off today I'm now fighting with my girlfriend over stupid shit. When i got off work today my car wouldn't start at first, too. I was like holy shit, now this week is truly complete.

Deep breaths homie, the bullshit definitely comes in waves.
Sorry to hear about the tough run of luck brother. Keep your head up.

Thanks, brother. Just can't catch a break lately. Months of constant stress and things piling up and getting worse are just wearing me down mentally. Hopefully it'll all turn around soon.

Great to see you still hitting the gym.

I won't be missing days as long as I have a way to the gym. I've got enough gear I can at least cruise for a long time, too. I just need to make it through this rough patch without losing much. I mean I was just hitting PRs a couple weeks ago, so I should be alright as long as I can lift and eat.
I won't be missing days as long as I have a way to the gym. I've got enough gear I can at least cruise for a long time, too. I just need to make it through this rough patch without losing much. I mean I was just hitting PRs a couple weeks ago, so I should be alright as long as I can lift and eat.[/QUOTE]

Your training is solid. Like you said as long as your eating and training remain the same you won't lose anything. That bigger better paying job is coming brother. Stay strong. Here is one of my favorite quotes. By Martin Luther King Jr.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
I won't be missing days as long as I have a way to the gym. I've got enough gear I can at least cruise for a long time, too. I just need to make it through this rough patch without losing much. I mean I was just hitting PRs a couple weeks ago, so I should be alright as long as I can lift and eat.

Good plan. Training always calms me when I'm dealing with stress. Stick with it.
Coming off an off season training cycle and some days I couldn't have told you any set, rep or weight information. I would know what movements I did but beyond that it was all based on feel and was as much for my mental well being as it was for my body.

Let me know if I can help with anything.