Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total


First day back from deload week and felt pretty good.

Sumo good mornings 340x3, 305x3, 305x3, 305x3, 305x3
Double paused bench 285 for 5x5
Dumbbell rows 100 for 5x10
3 sets of 45 seconds each side of the kettlebell hold things
204lbs :eek: (didn't sleep Saturday night and barely ate yesterday)

Comp squat 390 for 5x5 (might be a 5x5 PR, not sure. Moved really well though)

Sumo box squat above parallel plus red bands 480x1, 500x1, 550x1

Bulgarian split squats 160 for 4x7

And the finished product, one full pint of blood.


@Headless Horsemeat this way is easier. Just plug and play.

I was actually gonna do this this week anyway. Hematocrit was 50 on my bloodwork a few weeks and I'm supplementing with iron because of an iron deficiency. Draining blood obviously makes this worse, but I have no choice but to keep getting my iron up because it's very low.

And the finished product, one full pint of blood.

View attachment 59558

@Headless Horsemeat this way is easier. Just plug and play.

I was actually gonna do this this week anyway. Hematocrit was 50 on my bloodwork a few weeks and I'm supplementing with iron because of an iron deficiency. Draining blood obviously makes this worse, but I have no choice but to keep getting my iron up because it's very low.

Are you gonna use that or..? Lmao

And the finished product, one full pint of blood.

View attachment 59558

@Headless Horsemeat this way is easier. Just plug and play.

I was actually gonna do this this week anyway. Hematocrit was 50 on my bloodwork a few weeks and I'm supplementing with iron because of an iron deficiency. Draining blood obviously makes this worse, but I have no choice but to keep getting my iron up because it's very low.

Do you feel bad when you dump it down the drain? I feel awful flushing it :oops: Atleast summoning demons would be an interesting religious experience.:D Also if it works you automatically learn Latin :eek:
Do you feel bad when you dump it down the drain? I feel awful flushing it :oops: Atleast summoning demons would be an interesting religious experience.:D Also if it works you automatically learn Latin :eek:

It does seem like a waste. Maybe I could make some modern art and get paid.

Sell it to mean high school girls so they can dump it on the weird girl at the Prom

I think people that think they're vampires actually buy blood on the black market. I just don't know where the black market is. :(

On a completely unrelated note tomorrow will be my first day back on deadlift in two months. I need you all to believe really hard that I'll stay injury free. Gonna go back to conventional for awhile, too. I think it'll be easier to keep my shoulders pulled back that way.

Beltless conventional deadlift 475 for 7x2 (no pain!)

Paused bench with 54lbs in chain 250 for 5x5

Dumbbell rows 80lbs 5x15

Kettlebell holds 3x45sec

Went super light on deadlift and low volume and had no pain, so I'm feeling good.