Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

I've been good.. I changed a few things around with lifting.. decided to cut back on deadlifts.. just do them every other week... but still do squats every week and bench every week.. was trying to follow your advice but it's harder on me with having a physical job .. recovery isn't as easy for me.. so follow some john meadows programming .. a lot of pauses dropsets or doing dropsets by increasing weight.. but it's coming along ..
How's the car coming along.. I'm waiting around march-may to grind on it again.. I'll be done paying child support and tuition with both my daughters around that time .. so mo $$$$ I will have..
How's the car coming along.. I'm waiting around march-may to grind on it again.. I'll be done paying child support and tuition with both my daughters around that time .. so mo $$$$ I will have..

Everything is pretty much on hold until I find another job. I'm still trying to get moved into my place, too.

Uhh, YEAH! :)

I played it smart this time and it paid off. Last time I worked up to 545x3 my first day back and immediately was injured again. I'm gonna really ease back into going forward. Got a 5x5 next week and I'm thinking 475 for that, too. Then a 1x3 the week after and I'll keep it around 500 or so.
Hope things look up for you job, new place, new outlook! Hope this time will be the charm to set PR's without getting injured as it seems injury usually occurs around PR time...
Hope things look up for you job, new place, new outlook! Hope this time will be the charm to set PR's without getting injured as it seems injury usually occurs around PR time...

I got the injury going light, oddly enough. I'll be awhile before I'm back in PR territory on deadlift.

Peaks and valleys, Perrin... Peaks and valleys.

I know it. Trying to weather this storm as best I can.
I got the injury going light, oddly enough. I'll be awhile before I'm back in PR territory on deadlift.

I know it. Trying to weather this storm as best I can.

I know things are going shitty lately but you'll pull through... And things could always be worse. You're still breathing and you are still moving weight... What are you complaining about?!? ;)
I know things are going shitty lately but you'll pull through... And things could always be worse. You're still breathing and you are still moving weight... What are you complaining about?!? ;)

You'll pull through this rut.. meso community is here for you!!

Yeah, maybe I just need an Adex. Been trying going without this cruise and maybe my e2 is creeping up or something. Feeling kinda emo lately.